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couch1potato ,

You can link excel cells to fields in a word document... can probably use vba to systematically iterate through a list of data to populate your linked cells to generate your documents.

'Horrific' violence at UCLA after counter-protesters attack pro-Palestinian camp ( )

Violence erupted at the University of California, Los Angeles after pro-Israeli counter-demonstrators attacked a pro-Palestinian campus encampment. Bubbling tensions on the campus boiled over following the alleged breach of a "buffer zone" between the rival groups.

couch1potato ,

I just set up something similar a couple weeks ago because I wanted to upload named album folders as albums into immich.

Workflow is:

Syncthing to sync phone folder to folder on unraid server.

2nd syncthing instance to sync above folder to "photo albums" folder.

Immich-go cron job runs hourly to upload photo albums folder to immich

I used immich-go because the CLI upload with album tag kept failing and apparently it's a common issue so.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ immich-go worked first try.

Now all my photos are uploaded as albums with no manual input:

couch1potato , (edited )

Sure... I'm on unraid...

cd /mnt/user/appdata_docker/immich/immich-go
./immich-go -server= -key=IMMICH_API_KEY upload -create-album-folder -when-no-date=FILE /mnt/user/photo_libraries```


There are other flag arguments that may be applicable to your use case... I'd suggest finding immich-go documentation on github and reading. It's not that intense of a read.
couch1potato ,

I have albums generate automatically... see my posts above

couch1potato ,

I created a specific folder to move family photos to that syncs with the server, because i use my phone for work pictures too and I don't want those to end up on my immich timeline. So I manually move photos to that folder, but that's the only manual intervention for me.

I set up the album handling the way I did because my wife spent a lot of time sorting stuff into folders and she wanted the organized folders to carry over to immich.

I do separately sync the DCIM folder to server with syncthing as well, just as a backup, but those don't go to immich.

So for immich destined items it looks like:

  1. Manually move pics to phone "family photos" folder

  2. Syncthing-ext syncs phone folder "family photos" to server folder "syncthing_folders/my_family_pics". (Also syncs phone folder "DCIM" to server folder "syncthing_folders/phone_pics_backup")

  3. Syncthing-int (second syncthing instance on different port, so syncthing-ext and syncthing-int see each other as different devices and can work on the same folders) syncs server folder "syncthing_folders/my_family_pics" to some other designated server folder to work with immich... for example "photo_libraries/my_family_pics"

  4. The script I shared runs on server folder "photo_libraries/"

It's set up this way because I have syncthing-ext syncing with a bunch of external devices and this way i can funnel just the photo folders into one photo library folder to run the script on.

If you have more questions it's cool... I never get to talk about this stuff with anyone who appreciates it 😶‍🌫️

couch1potato ,
couch1potato ,

Yeah the phone folder is send only and the server syncthing-ext folder is receive only.

I never really find myself deleting stuff because I don't take that many pictures/videos, but my wife is the one always running out of space. I've told her when she sees her album in immich it's safe to delete from the phone.

I'm not sure how you'd automate deleting stuff while making sure you're not deleting items that haven't been sent yet... but, it's not really something I'm interested in because I don't have the need.

Another good practice (at least I'd like to think so), my syncthing-int which sends everything to /photo_libraries also sends everything to two other backup folders that are pinned to separate discs. So if I have a drive failure or multiple drive failures I'd still have a copy of all the photos/albums.

couch1potato ,

There Is a CLI tool to upload folders as albums and it keeps them as their original folders. The CLI didn't work for me and I've read others had the same issue. Found a solution was to use immich-go which is a tool someone else made and it worked for me.

Tried to upload a screenshot but it's not working 🤔

couch1potato ,

Tried again and it worked lol. This is albums from folders in a file directory uploaded to immich using immich-go.

All good, just sharing my experience... I'm enjoying immich. 🤷‍♂️

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