@diverging@lemmy.ml avatar



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@diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

Ceres was considered a planet in the first half of the 1800's, along with a bunch of things in the asteroid belt. There was a point where there were 64 planets.

In the present state of knowledge astronomers give us the following list:
Sixty-four "primary planets" revolving round the Sun as our Earth does.
Twenty satellites, including our Moon.
Of the sixty-four primary planets fifty-six are asteroids, comparatively small bodies, all of which were discovered in this century, and fifty-two since the year 1844.]

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@diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

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  • diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar
    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    I haven't had it, but there is a description in the link.

    Balut is a renowned dish due to its different developmental stages; some people prefer it when the duck embryo is still largely liquid, while others prefer it when it is more mature and has a chewier texture. A combination of savory, gamey, and rich characteristics can be found in the flavor, which makes it an acquired taste that many Filipinos treasure as a culinary treat and a part of their culture.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    The anno domini (AD) dating system started in 525. The concept of zero did not make it to Europe until the 11th century.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    The stupidest consequence of the definition is not the classification of Pluto, but that there are only eight planets in the entire universe.

    a planet is a celestial body that:

    1. is in orbit around the Sun
    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    No. I copied and pasted that. The definition says 'the Sun'. There was a proposal to classify 'exoplanets' but the IAU never accepted it, and so those large masses orbiting other stars remain undefined.

    Exoplanets are addressed in a 2003 position statement issued by a now-defunct IAU Working Group on Extrasolar Planets. However, this position statement was never proposed as an official IAU resolution and was never voted on by IAU members.

    What Would Jesus Do ( lemmy.world )

    And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house a house of merchandise....

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the home of Simon the Leper, a woman came to Him with an alabaster vial of very expensive perfume, and she poured it on His head as He was reclining at the table. But the disciples were indignant when they saw this, and said, “Why this waste? For this perfume could have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.” But Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why are you bothering the woman? For she has done a good deed for Me. For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me. For when she poured this perfume on My body, she did it to prepare Me for burial. Truly I say to you, wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told in memory of her.”

    --Matthew 26:6-13

    I think Jesus would have been fine spending it on himself.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    Leap year creator

    That's Julius Caesar. Sort of...

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    Does "be kind to each other" include attacking them with a whip?


    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    wtf It's really not the same.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    where merchants were taking advantage of poor widows etc

    Where are you getting that from? The bible says nothing of the sort. It says "And He entered the temple area and began to drive out those who were selling and buying on the temple grounds" Both selling and buying. Jesus cast out the poor old widows who just wanted to worship the way God told them to. The vendors were selling offerings that people could burn as part of their worship and animals to be sacrificed. They were providing goods that were necessary for worship at the temple. It is not at all clear what Jesus was complaining about.

    If we take it literally, I see two options:

    1. He did not like that there were burnt offerings and animal sacrifices, but Jesus alludes to the temple being a house of prayer, which is a reference to Isaiah 56:7 "their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be accepted upon my altar; for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people." The burnt offerings and animal sacrifices were intended by God.
    2. He just didn't like commerce within the temple. He complains about the temple being turned into a den of thieves, not about there being thieves at all. Which means as long as the den of thieves was outside the temple Jesus would have been fine with it.

    As far as I see, neither of these justify assault.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    00:00:00 is the 1st second of the day. 23:59:59 is the 86400th second of the day. That's 24 hours.

    Capitalism Can't Solve Climate Change ( time.com )

    And the IEA, for its part, expects China to continue to be the sole meaningful over-achiever. It recently revised upwards by 728 GW its forecast for total global renewables capacity additions in the period 2023–27. China’s share of this upward revision? Almost 90 percent. While China surges ahead, the rest of the world...

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    Greed and gluttony have been pervasive throughout history. I have no idea why you would think they were recent phenomena.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    a 19 year old deputy?

    Are you under the impression that deputy is a high rank in the sheriffs department? (It's an entry level position) Or are you saying that someone should only become a cop after they have failed at other professions and are looking to start a new career?

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    It’s a New York thing

    New York the state or NYC?

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    That is a belief that existed and maybe some still believe it, but I don't think any large organizations would consider that canon. It's generally considered a heresy, called Marcionism.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    the mirror is reflecting the light emitted by the lamp better than a wall will do.

    Will it? Maybe. You are making the assumption that specular reflection is better at reflecting than diffuse reflection, but that is a false assumption. It depends on the reflectivity of the wall and the mirror. A white wall can reflect more light than a mirror.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    he said he would be a 1 term president

    No, he didn't. Other people, who had absolutely no say in what Biden would do, said he wouldn't run again.


    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    Even Biden said he was only going to run once.

    I don't think Biden ever said that he would run only once. The news was that a few anonymous sources who were supposedly close to the Biden campaign said that he would not run for re-election and his campaign then denied that.


    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    Yeah. The link I posted is a followup to that story, in which the Biden campaign says those rumors are false.

    You have to read more than the headline (but even the headline has a hint that this is not Biden speaking directly).
    The article says "Four people who regularly speak with the 77-year-old Biden told Politico that it is unlikely he would run for reelection in 2024" It's just rumors at best. More likely it's propaganda to get people to not worry about his age.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    This is the third eruption in the same place in the past two months, if 'a volcano erupts near Grindavík, Iceland' was on your bingo card it should have already been marked. And having 'any volcano erupts' on a bingo card would make the game too easy since there are about fifty volcanos erupting at any one time.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    It could just become a series of 1’s repeating forever

    If that happens in a number, then it is rational. Pi is not rational, so that will never happen in pi.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    No, it's better. There is a comparison in OP's link. (rank choice is called Instant Runoff Voting)

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    People have always had a lack of creativity.

    When the Greeks were settling around the Mediterranean they founded many 'New Cities', (Neapolis). One remained a 'new city' for long enough for the name to evolve to Naples.

    The Phoenicians did the same, in their language 'New City' was Qart Hadasht, we now call it Carthage. One of the Carthages in what is now Spain was conquered by Rome and to differentiate it from the Capital of the Carthaginians they called it Carthago Nova, essentially New New City.

    The "Did Jesus Exist" question

    Lately I’ve heard people attacking the veracity of the fairy tale book with statements like “Jesus wasn’t real” or it was a psy op operation by the Romans that got out of control. And I hate talking about reddit but it’s basically the atheism mods policy over there that Jesus wasn’t real....

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    The question of the historicity of Jesus does not deal with any of the supernatural claims. It attempts to answer how Christianity started from a historical perspective. It is a debate between a real but ordinary person; or a fictional creation, the angel Jesus, from which the apostles “received revelation” in much the same way as Joseph Smith did from Moroni, Mohammad from Gabriel, and many modern pastors do from Jesus.

    So, no, the virgin birth narrative is irrelevant to any historical Jesus. That was created decades after the beginning of Christianity as a response to the gospel of Mark saying Jesus was from Nazareth, but some readers and authors of the later gospels thought prophecy said the messiah would be from Bethlehem.

    diverging ,
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    There are plenty of historians that think Mythicism should be taken seriously.


    diverging , (edited )
    @diverging@lemmy.ml avatar

    There is already a Japanese airbase about a mile away from it. The airbase was the first to confirm the new island.

    Japan’s Maritime Self-Defence Force’s air base on Iwoto Island (previously known as Iwo Jima Island, the site of a major Second World War battle) confirmed the emergence of the new island last week after personnel heard a loud explosion that sent sand and ash flying high into the air.

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