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@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar



Nerd, Anime and Film Enjoyer, Video Editor, Python Dev, Learning Rust, Linux Enjoyer, Sick of Windows, Currently Running Pop!_OS, Debian and /e/OS


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illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I really don't think it matters what she tasted like. She's dead, leave her be

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

The bootloader is open so you could throw Fairphone's Android on there no problem. I think they provide the files for that (didn't check so don't know for sure)

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's not uncommon for medical procedures to hurt btw. An episiotomy is a surgery, though, and where I'm from it's always done with anesthesia. Could be a US thing to do it without. It's also not a "terrible thing" but a sometimes necessary procedure that can greatly benefit a mother and child when giving birth

Edit: Just to be clear, though: There is definitely loads of stuff to criticize about gynecological procedures.

Edit 2: Also, calling out an episiotomy like that is just unreasonable imo

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

They actually sorta kinda have… a LOT. The whole transition to being farmers and stuff? Not only that, though, lots of stuff has been going on in and around our nuclei.

Source/Further Reading: No, Humans Have Not Stopped Evolving | Scientific American

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sorry but a word processor that doesn't trigger a 9 second laggy animation with every button press is just simply unusable

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I came here to say that opossum is spelt with an o. I was wrong, it's optional

Isn't religion really just an opinion?

So, recently I was talking to a friend and somehow we got to talking about religion and stuff. When I complained that religion is often put on a huge pedestal and that it's really just a glorified opinion and should be subject to the same criticism as any other opinion, they told me that that was a really hot take....

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

This does make sense but my brain isn't satisfied. If you think the world works as suggested by science, that's your opinion, isn't it?

According to Cambridge, an opinion is a belief. Now, saying a belief is an opinion based on this would be a logical fallacy, right? So, are beliefs opinions?

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

This does make a lot of sense.

Although, if I want to explain that I think that religious beliefs should be subject to the same scrutiny and criticism as opinions how would I put into words that religion should not be put on a pedestal the way it is currently done often times?

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

TIL. This is incredible. Thank you so much, I didn't know that.

This is an interesting point and I'm sure there is going to be a late night deep dive session about this in my future

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

While I'll concede that I barely understand how people can actually be believers, I wouldn't say that I'm uneducated on the topic.

To be fair — especially after reading the comments — I realize saying the entirety of religion can be called an opinion isn't that great. In hindsight I should have changed it to a massive set of opinion, maybe

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Delusion is a better term, isn't it? This is actually pretty helpful

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

First of all, D&B is awesome. I'll try to find a smooth way to drop Fox Stevenson's name here (although he kinda went a different direction a while back but it still slaps imo).

Anyways, yeah, that is a pretty good point. It's a weird thing. Another person mentioned in a comment that spirituality lights up special parts of the brain which may have to do with what you're saying. This is a real tough one to figure out

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I know that the fallacy would be on me. Who else would it be on? Besides, I specifically didn't conclude that belief is an opinion based on an opinion being a belief according to the definiton.

It surely can seem to be dismissive when I tell someone that their belief isn't as valuable as they think it is. The sad reality is, beliefs are practically immune to criticism and scrutiny since it is universally frowned upon to criticize someone's beliefs. I think that's stupid. Why would religious beliefs deserve this kind of immunity when there is a whole bunch to rightfully critizice? I want to find a nice way of phrasing that a belief really should be criticized, just like opinions. The closest I've come by reading these comments is delusion.

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Okay, let me try.

Yes, I have gotten myself to change my opinion. Many times, actually. I usually am confronted with an opinion I have by someone or something. Then I question the validity of that opinion, do some research, find out stuff I didn't know and form a new opinion based on the information I just acquired. That happens frequently.

What doesn't happen is this: "I think electric motors are more energy efficient. Hold on, no, never mind, now I think that combustion engines are more energy efficient." That's not how opinions or beliefs work.

The only way for you to form a new belief or opinion is via new knowledge and information. Why would your beliefs and opinions change, when the information they are based on doesn't?

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, "an opinion" is poorly chosen phrasing. Obviously, it's lots and lots of opinions. Should've chosen my words better.

Next time the topic comes up, do you think it would be better if I said that religious beliefs are a huge set of opinions that form a person's core beliefs and that these opinions and as a result the beliefs should be subject to scrutiny and criticism, just like non-religious opinions and beliefs? Is that phrased better or still "wrong" but put into different words?

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I've actually witnessed multiple people who became believers after years of atheism. I've also seen people lose their faith. I think that religious beliefs are usually just really tough but not impossible to change, just like some opinions

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I don't think it's cowardly to say that something is your opinion. It's just unnecessary, of course it's your opinion.

Everything you know and think is your brain processing information it gathered. You see everything through a kind of opinion filter. That's also what makes it practically impossible to not fall victim to logical fallacies and cognitive biases. Our brains are built to interpret the world, form opinions and whatnot, not to be fact-machines.

So yeah, what you know is an opinion based on info you gathered

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

We preach to our kids that Religion is a choice.

Sorry, but all my alarm bells are ringing when I read this. It sounds like something you would say if you don't want to admit to indoctrinating your kids.

I really don't see a preacher give a disclaimer like "Just FYI: You don't have to believe a word I'm about to say. There's no actual evidence for anything I'll tell you. It's actually partially disproven. We still believe it, though. But, again, just because all of us here believe it, doesn't mean you have to. Of course we all want you to believe it too. Your parents brought you here for a reason but feel free to not believe us. Totally fine."

Come on, as if. Furthermore, do you really think that young children would understand what you mean? I doubt you would have a non-believer come in and explain their beliefs and how the world actually works and have your children pick, right? Also, do you really think that a kid who is put in a room by the people they trust most, their parents, and is told stuff that everyone there, including their parents, agrees with would get what you mean with "choice"? No, they just follow their parents' example.

Obviously I don't know you and if you actually explain to your kids how the world works as proven by science and assure them that your religious beliefs are purely spiritual, that's cool I guess. I know for a fact, though, that people who do that are a minority so little that they're statistically insignificant.

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Agreed. I would still stick with my original point but I'd rephrase it. Religion is a huge set of opinions that a person built their view of the world off of. These opinions, just like anything else, should be allowed to be critized. Everything should be.

Is that phrased better?

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh, gotcha. Okay, yeah that could very well be

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, I phrased it poorly, a set of opinions makes way more sense

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Gotcha, thank you so much for your input! It helped a ton

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

This came way sooner than expected, be grateful. It'll arrive soon enough. Patience, young padawan

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's pretty great. Especially considering that you get a full ecosystem with Mail, Calendar, Drive, VPN and Pass.

I would also like to take this opportunity to shout out murena.io. They host open source cloud solutions. You get a Nextcloud with OnlyOffice and lots of other goodies and their pricing is pretty good

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not only is this article three years old, it is also lacking in terms of sources. Additionally, the language and phrasing is quite inappropriate for the purpose of spreading the information. Lots of text is just mean and offensive without any actual purpose.

It also seems to be largely based on speculation rather than actual solid evidence.

I'm not against investigating the legitimacy of established and trusted privacy-first providers. However, this seems a bit lackluster.

Also: Email is inherently insecure, we all know that. Proton services are open source, independently audited and verifiably E2EE, except for Mail, which uses PGP for the emails themselves and E2EE to store them.

illectrility , (edited )
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

As the mod of !c/e_os, I am so happy you brought this up. I use /e/ on my Fairphone 4, it's great. The Easy Installer has come a long way, you should check it out https://doc.e.foundation/easy-installer

Edit: You can also check all the supported devices here

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

All of the hyperbole and speculation? The SSL stuff with TOR for example. That's not proof, that's a hint at best

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wouldn't? I suggested Murena as a Proton alternative. I don't know if they have a password manager right know but you can always throw a KeePass database into your Nextcloud.

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I use both. Proton fits most of my needs, Murena does the rest. I'm not attached to any of them though, if I'm given good enough a reason, I'll drop Proton immediately

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

I do use the SimpleLogin aliases, it's one of my favorite services they offer. Most of my web storage (which I barely use anyway) and calendar and stuff is all Nextcloud

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Peak Design Everyday Backpack? I have the 20L V2, it's great

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

True and also just saw the no Velcro request. The inside of the backpack is all Velcro for the divisors

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

All of the answers I got so far were great. I'll probably use a messaging service though but thank you very much

illectrility ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

But they not only have updates, they also have form filling, a password manager (wink wink), sync between devices and so many more basic features that Firefox has too

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Had us on the first half, not gonna lie

illectrility OP , (edited )
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, here's a guide: https://www.linuxmint.com/download.php

Edit: Felt bad, here is an actual guide

illectrility OP ,
@illectrility@sh.itjust.works avatar

Allergic to capsaicin? Dude, I'm so sorry that must really suck

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