
DarkThoughts ,

Doesn't seem to happen when they get squashed.

DarkThoughts ,

Naja. Die meisten großen Modelle sind ja mit Internetdaten trainiert, und die sind seit ca. 2015 in Deutschland eben genau auf diesem Niveau. Sollte also nicht zu sehr überraschen, dass man mit derartigem Trainingsmaterial eben ähnliche Kommentare generieren kann.

DarkThoughts ,

Afaik voting is not federated so you always just see the "local reaction".

DarkThoughts ,

Are you sure? I occasionally see people complain about downvotes while having 0 downvotes.

DarkThoughts ,

Ah, I see. As far as I know fedia only defederated a few very small instances that caused technical issues. Hexbear comments were actually one of the examples I was referring to, but upvotes instead of downvotes. But I guess the discrepancy then comes not from my end, but theirs. They probably did not see a lot of the downvotes because they came from instances that weren't federating with them, so they weren't aware of how much they got actually downvoted. Seems a little problematic in that it reinforces their little echochamber.

DarkThoughts ,

Another user explained why I likely saw the discrepancy. Though, aside from that, federation generally is very much wonky and unreliable unfortunately.

DarkThoughts ,

Ist auch eine schöne Parallele zur Klimakrise.

DarkThoughts ,

Selbe Spiel in der Klimapolitik.

DarkThoughts ,

Clown account.

DarkThoughts ,

Check his profile and then decide to not bother, other than reporting him of course.

DarkThoughts ,

"m*********** rectally with a s** toy."

The what now?

DarkThoughts ,

Oh, masturbating. Jfc why even censor that, and this heavily?

DarkThoughts ,

The true wankers.

DarkThoughts ,

I'd like a HL3, but not yet another competitive pvp game. So not sure if that would be the right approach if they can't even hit the same target audience.

DarkThoughts ,

That's some wild take on Soviet propaganda.

DarkThoughts ,

Nuclear energy has, by a staggering margin, the lowest death toll of any form of energy generation per kW produced. And almost all of these come from Chernobyl, where 31 people died due to the explosion, then a further 46 died due to radiation poisoning from the cleanup.

DarkThoughts ,

I'm so glad that Enhancer for YT got updated again. No more Shorts spam for me.

DarkThoughts ,

Not the YT alternative we wanted, but the one we deserve... :(

DarkThoughts ,

Die Umwelthilfe war zuletzt schon einmal juristisch gegen die Klimapolitik der Bundesregierung vorgegangen und hatte im November 2023 einen Sieg errungen. Damals hatte das OVG Berlin-Brandenburg geurteilt, dass die Regierung ein Klima-Sofortprogramm in den Sektoren Verkehr und Gebäude auflegen muss. Dagegen läuft die Revision beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht. Auch gegen die jüngste Entscheidung kann die Bundesregierung in Revision gehen. Auch dann wäre der Fall eine Angelegenheit für das Bundesverwaltungsgericht.

Sagt doch leider alles über Klimapolitik in diesem Land. Ohne entsprechende Konsequenzen wird es auch dieses mal niemanden wirklich interessieren.

DarkThoughts ,

It is if they blatantly block sidewalks like the entitled assholes that they are.

DarkThoughts ,

Oh my sweet summer child. Sidewalk parking is more or less legal in Germany since cars are generally placed above people. It's literally happening everywhere. My entire street is full of people being 1/3 on the sidewalk.

DarkThoughts ,

Dude, literally every damn city residential area is like this. No one cares, especially not the Ordnungsamt who should be responsible for it, or politicians. Worst case, they just add some white paint and whoop it is legal, because fuck pedestrians.
I don't even know why you try to argue otherwise when it's literally my reality that I have to constantly squeeze myself through between cars and walls because the sidewalk is not even wide enough for two people anymore with all the cars parking on it. Like literally every single time, for decades. And the fatter the cars get each year, the worse it gets too. Even firefighters already complained about this because they often can't even drive through some streets since even the car lane itself is too narrow thanks to the cars, even if they park right against the house walls.
But hey, here's Knuschberkeks telling me that I am apparently hallucinating.

DarkThoughts ,

I said it is "more or less legal", meaning it is defacto legal because no one actually enforces it and rather makes it legal if they had to enforce it.

DarkThoughts ,

I don't report, because it's not anonymous. And other people who kept reporting like crazy ended up getting charged for it by the police, so I'd rather not do that. Plus it is typically the case that reports aren't getting followed up upon. Not that it would even make sense to literally report every single car all the way down the entire street anyway. I've seen Ordnungsamt people walk through it, so they very clearly know. Not that it is some secret anyway since again, it's absolutely everywhere. It's the norm. So if they wanted to enforce it, then they could just do it.

DarkThoughts ,

Cars have such a high priority in people's lives that this wouldn't help much because a court would generally rule in favor of the cars, since a lot of people are basically dependent on them, which somehow justifies having your car park in front of your house. Otherwise we'd have the consequence of having to create dedicated parking spaces everywhere in form of parking garages / houses, which would be away from where people live since the space for that is typically not existent.
But hey, you're welcome to try to create some sort of precedence in court. Maybe you can afford some very good lawyer who could pull this through and convince the judge.

DarkThoughts ,

Nope. You've got to pay me to use Epic & EA at this point.

DarkThoughts ,

The fuck are those prices? 2k bucks for pants?

DarkThoughts ,

I really don't know why you added a 5 year old abandoned distro to your title.

Kurz vor Kontrolle: LKA Sachsen-Anhalt vernichtet Waffen und Munition ( www.mdr.de ) German

Beim LKA Sachsen-Anhalt sind offenbar zahlreiche Waffen und Zehntausende Schuss Munition aus der sogenannten Vergleichswaffensammlung vernichtet worden. Diese Sammlung soll am Donnerstag kontrolliert werden, nachdem bekannt wurde, dass rund 270 Waffen nicht nach Vorschrift dorthin gelangt sind. Innenministerin Zieschang (CDU)...

DarkThoughts ,

Ich behaupte jetzt einfach mal, dass die nun einfach als "vernichtet" in den Akten aufgeführt werden, um zu vertuschen, dass die vermutlich an irgendwelche Nazis verteilt wurden.

DarkThoughts ,


V-Partei³ 100 %
ÖDP 100 %
Tierschutzpartei 100 %
SGP 100 %
MLPD 100 %
Volt 100 %
Die PARTEI 100 %
MERA25 97.06 %
GRÜNE 97.06 %
DIE LINKE 97.06 %
SPD 82.35 %
DAVA 82.35 %
PdF 79.41 %
FAMILIE 70.59 %
PdH 64.71 %
PfsV* 50 %
dieBasis 47.06 %
ABG 35.29 %
CDU/CSU 29.41 %
FDP 14.71 %
PDV 5.88

Volt war auch schon im Wahl-O-Mat ganz oben mit 95%, danach Grüne & Tierschutz mit jeweils 88%.

DarkThoughts ,

Die haben teilweise durchaus FDP Ansichten. Ist mir vor allem bei den letzten Lokalwahlen bei mir aufgefallen, wo es entsprechend auch eine große Diskrepanz mit meinen eigenen Ansichten gab (Wenn ich mich recht entsinne war der Volt Kandidat in den 70er Prozentpunkten). Was das Klimathema angeht können die je nach Kandidat auch sehr schwanken aber die EU Positionen scheinen hier recht gut zu sein, und bei digitalen Themen scheint man generell besser als z.b. die Grünen dazustehen. Ich denke bevor die 2% Hürde kommt durchaus eine Option. Wie es dann 2029 sein wird weiß ich aber auch noch nicht...

DarkThoughts ,

Das lässt mich wieder deutlich mehr in Richtung der Grünen tendieren. Wenn die mehr einen FDP Kurs fahren wäre das schon sehr Kontraproduktiv.

DarkThoughts ,

Irgendwie verhauen die es sich da ordentlich mit den Wählern, von beiden Seiten. Und bei der nächsten Wahl wird es dann noch komplizierter mit der 2% Hürde. Wieso entscheidet man solche Dinge nicht vor den Wahlen? Insbesondere wenn es um die potentielle Existenz im EU Parlament geht?

Bin nicht froh wie die Grünen bei dem Thema der Massenüberwachung eingeknickt sind aber mit dem Klimathema und der Ukraine wohl dann doch wieder die einzige Alternative.

DarkThoughts ,

It might be good in the short term

Considering that modern reactors seem to require well over a decade to be built, not really "short term", and certainly "too late" for any sort of climate related purpose of emission curbing.

DarkThoughts ,

I think we should wait and actually see the real time frame first. Regular reactors seem to take way over a decade to build now and eat up a lot of money.

DarkThoughts ,

Definitely prehistoric. I remember this from the early days of the www.

DarkThoughts ,

I literally ignore all unknown numbers. I also ignore the doorbell if I don't expect someone or something. If it is important then just send me a letter.

DarkThoughts ,

Luckily this portrait isn't "AI" generated or everyone would have to agree with her.

DarkThoughts ,

You should lay off the conspiracytard bullshit because you've been fed Russian propaganda that you're now parroting around without even thinking about it. Russia can leave Ukraine at any given day and return them their land that they've stolen.

DarkThoughts ,

Oh? Please point me to where I was raging and spewing hate and racism. I'll wait.

DarkThoughts ,

Not sure how that could be misinterpreted. Either you know, or you don't - in which case you either do what you did and look it up, or you just shut your mouth and don't say anything you clearly have no clue about.

Either way, some of their comments might point into a Tankie direction too, but we'll see if they even bother to reply back.

DarkThoughts ,

Not sure why you're telling me to relax? lol

DarkThoughts ,

The former chancellor of Germany for about 16 years. Might've heard of her?

DarkThoughts ,

What a way to move the goalpost. And to a completely made up fictional accusation at that. Take your pills please.

DarkThoughts ,

What? We're talking about LLM created content, so there's no artist or person commissioning anything. But if you're asking for the hypothetical case of someone commissioning blackmail material at an artist (without telling them the purpose), then obviously the person who ends up doing the blackmail. I don't see the how the artist would've made themselves liable unless it was very obvious that it was intended to be used for illegal purposes.

DarkThoughts ,

So you're asking me a question that is literally already answered within the comment you were replying to.

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