Trump is funneling campaign money into cash-strapped businesses. Experts say it looks bad. ( )

Donald Trump’s main 2024 White House campaign fundraising operation sharply increased spending at the former president's properties in recent months, funneling money into his businesses at a time when he is facing serious legal jeopardy and desperately needs cash....

Tesla Raises Wages for German Workers Amid Union Pressure ( )

During Musk’s visit Friday, Tesla executives informed workers that the company would raise wages by 4% effective in November for the around 11,000 employees at the German plant, people familiar with the matter said. Tesla will also pay a 1,500 euro bonus in December to offset inflation. Starting in February, Tesla will raise...

[Fortune] Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from correctly answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds ( )

Researchers found that ChatGPT’s performance varied significantly over time, showing “wild fluctuations” in its ability to solve math problems, answer questions, generate code, and do visual reasoning between March and June 2022. In particular, ChatGPT’s accuracy in solving math problems dropped drastically from over 97%...

Aufklärungsunterricht in Belgien: Zwei Stunden Penis und Vulva und schon brennt die Schule ( ) German

In Belgien protestieren muslimische und katholische Gruppen gemeinsam gegen Sexualkunde. An acht Schulen wurden sogar Feuer gelegt. Diese Pädagogin macht trotzdem weiter....

Settlers invade private land. The Palestinian owners are arrested. Another outpost is born ( )

Shepherds in the South Hebron Hills were shocked to discover that a tent had been pitched by settlers on land that they were forbidden to enter. Four brothers whose family owns the land were arrested – and the settlers are still there

Cancel Amazon Prime [2021] ( )

Amazon Prime is a remarkable success but also dystopian. It has made convenience and speed the norm, habituating consumers to buy more products. Prime’s flywheel effect - where more customers lead to more data and scale which attracts more customers - has fueled Amazon’s dominance. Prime subscribers spend twice as much and...

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