timkmak , to Random stuff
@timkmak@journa.host avatar

Good morning to readers; Kyiv remains in Ukrainian hands.

With Rus-Ukr relations destroyed, there's one last group that negotiates with the enemy:

The Coordinating Headquarters, which relatives of POWs also call to get info on their loved ones...

Today, we take you inside.

timkmak OP ,
@timkmak@journa.host avatar

Driving at night in is even more of a nightmare.

There are barely any road markings and many of the road signs were torn down to confuse the advancing into Kharkiv in 2022. The GPS doesn't work because the forces spoof the

There are also constant power cuts which mean that, in the winter, you find yourself driving in complete darkness after 3pm.

And the other problem is land mines.

katzenberger ,
@katzenberger@social.tchncs.de avatar

In case your phone supports multiple : is that spoofing equally strong for all GNSS (including 🇪🇺 & 🇨🇳 ), or is there a perceivable concentration on 🇺🇸 and 🇷🇺 ?

osma , to Random stuff
@osma@mas.to avatar

US Air Force is buying add-on seekers designed to give JDAM-ER glide bombs supplied to Ukraine the ability to zero in on GPS jammers. This would turn one of the weapons most impacted by this countermeasure into one used to directly attack it.


rabia_elizabeth , to bookstodon group
@rabia_elizabeth@mefi.social avatar

Help me, Fediverse!

Around 2018, I read a popular (and excellent) book about cognition and many other things. It highlighted the insidious effects of GPS on the navigational capacity of the human brain.

It posited that human ability to navigate is so critical to our cognition that our gradual loss of that ability thanks to "helpful" technology could have untold effects.

Does this sound familiar to any of you bookworms?


tagesschau , to Random stuff German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Estland verdächtigt Russland als Drahtzieher von GPS-Störungen

Mehrfach hat Estland Störungen der GPS-Satellitennavigation im Ostseeraum beobachtet. Außenminister Tsahkna sieht Russland als Drahtzieher - dafür gebe es zahlreiche Beweise. Auch für die Bundeswehr deutet vieles auf den Kreml als Urheber hin.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/estland-gps-stoerung-russland-verdacht-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

skykiss , to Random stuff
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Putin's henchmen jam GPS of civilian aircraft. The GPS-jammer affecting aircrafts around Estonia is located in Russia, about halfway to St Petersburg from Narva, Estonia.

This can be shown by plotting the highest density of intersecting radio horizons of jammed aircrafts on a map.

GPS-jammer operating around Estonia and recently famous for causing the brand new Helsinki - Tartu flight line to cease operating.
Putin will bring down another jet. This monster must be detained.





skykiss OP ,
@skykiss@sfba.social avatar

Allies across Europe and Asia should not look indifferently at Putin's Russian criminals jamming of the signal and thereby endangering international air traffic.

harrysintonen , to Random stuff
@harrysintonen@infosec.exchange avatar

suspends flights to Tartu, Estonia until alternate approach method has been installed to the airport. Finnair has been unable to land to the airport due to Russian - https://www.finnair.com/in-en/flight-information/travel-updates/finnair-suspends-flights-to-tartu-for-a-month-3383256

PrivacyDigest , to Privacy
@PrivacyDigest@mas.to avatar

fines big three carriers $196M for selling users’ real-time data | Ars Technica

FCC finalizes $196M penalties for location-data sales revealed in 2018.


nightskyops , to Random stuff
@nightskyops@mastodon.social avatar

🔹 Geodata Is Beautiful 💥 Unveiling the Jaw-Dropping Secrets of Nighttime Flights and Bird Migration Through Tracking!

Video Credits: 422 South


Bookworm33333 , to Random stuff
@Bookworm33333@mas.to avatar

More than 1,600 European planes hit by mystery GPS jamming with Russia feared responsible


oliver_schafeld , to Random stuff
@oliver_schafeld@mastodon.online avatar

Interactive global maps of

Yikes, apparently not much use for tracking your jogging routes with GPS in Poland these days.



Gefunden via https://www.heise.de/news/GPS-Jamming-Flightradar24-zeigt-weltweite-Stoerungen-von-Satellitennavigation-an-9663943.html (DE)

bobiko , to rower group Polish
@bobiko@pol.social avatar

od rana małe sprostowanko na blogu ;) https://bobiko.blog/2024/03/pierwszy-rowerowy-gps/#user-content-fnref-1

okazuje się, ze pomyliłem sie z modelami loggera GPS ;-) - jak słusznie @wikiyu zauważył. nic dziwnego, bo to on stał się kolejnym właścicielem Holux'a ;)


bobiko , to rower group Polish
@bobiko@pol.social avatar
LukaszHorodecki , to rower group Polish
@LukaszHorodecki@pol.social avatar

Ech, przegapiłem okazję do świętowania – gdzieś pod koniec lutego dobiłem do czterdziestu tysięcy kilometrów zarejestrowanego kulania na rowerach.


openrightsgroup , to Privacy
@openrightsgroup@social.openrightsgroup.org avatar

24/7 GPS monitoring of migrants enabled the UK Home Office to collect vast amounts of personal data, invading people’s privacy and inflicting psychological burdens.

It’s a punitive and offensive measure that has rightly been found unlawful by the Information Commissioner’s Office.


asmodai , to Random stuff
@asmodai@mastodon.social avatar
tagesschau , to Random stuff German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Experten: Störungen der Satellitennavigation im Ostseeraum

Satellitennavigation ist im Alltag extrem wichtig geworden. Im Ostseeraum wird seit einiger Zeit immer wieder großflächig die GPS-Navigation gestört. Laut Experten kommt das "in Krisenregionen" häufiger vor.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wissen/gps-stoerungen-ostseeraum-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

autotldr Bot , to Technology in Solar Storm to Hit Earth Today Causing GPS and Radio Disruption

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A geomagnetic storm is expected to surge across the Earth's atmosphere later today as a plume of solar plasma hits our planet.

This chunk of the sun was spat out on Sunday as a magnetic filament erupted from the star's surface, with the coronal mass ejection (CME) set to collide with the Earth at around 1 p.m.

The CME collision could lead to geomagnetic storms as intense as G2-class or even G3-class, which may trigger GPS issues, satellite problems, and auroras seen much further south than usual.

Amateur radio & users, expect disruptions on Earth's nightside," space weather physicist Tamitha Skov posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday.

CMEs are triggered by magnetic activity on the sun's surface flinging out huge volumes of solar plasma.

"Whilst these storms cannot harm us or nature directly, they are disruptive and potentially very damaging to technology," Huw Morgan, head of the Solar Physics group at Aberystwyth University in the United Kingdom, told Newsweek.

The original article contains 577 words, the summary contains 161 words. Saved 72%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

autotldr Bot , to Technology in Solar Storm to Hit Earth Today Causing GPS and Radio Disruption

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A geomagnetic storm is expected to surge across the Earth's atmosphere later today as a plume of solar plasma hits our planet.

This chunk of the sun was spat out on Sunday as a magnetic filament erupted from the star's surface, with the coronal mass ejection (CME) set to collide with the Earth at around 1 p.m.

The CME collision could lead to geomagnetic storms as intense as G2-class or even G3-class, which may trigger GPS issues, satellite problems, and auroras seen much further south than usual.

Amateur radio & users, expect disruptions on Earth's nightside," space weather physicist Tamitha Skov posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Sunday.

CMEs are triggered by magnetic activity on the sun's surface flinging out huge volumes of solar plasma.

"Whilst these storms cannot harm us or nature directly, they are disruptive and potentially very damaging to technology," Huw Morgan, head of the Solar Physics group at Aberystwyth University in the United Kingdom, told Newsweek.

The original article contains 577 words, the summary contains 161 words. Saved 72%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

fifonetworks , to Random stuff
@fifonetworks@infosec.exchange avatar

New Year’s Eve: Musings on Y2K
At 3pm PST on 31 December, 1999, I sat down at the computer in my home office in Yakima, Washington. I logged remotely into the network at HQ and started monitoring our systems. The most critical moment would come at 4pm local time. We were in Pacific Standard Time (PST), -0800 UTC. In other words, at 4pm in Yakima, it would be midnight in Greenwich, England, where the time zone aligns with Coordinated Universal Time. (Coordinated Universal Time is abbreviated as UTC, not CUT, because there are actually other languages in the world besides English, and… never mind. Look it up if that story interests you).


The GPS satellites run on UTC, and our entire multi-state operation depended on GPS timing. My first hint of system failure because of a Y2K bug would occur at midnight, UTC.

Beginning at 3:55pm I began testing the major system once a minute. At 4:05pm I sent out the notice to corporate management that all was well.

I tested hourly, then, but the next critical moment wasn’t until 9pm PST, which was when midnight occurred on the US East Coast. Our equipment was all in MST and PST, but some of our many telecom providers might have systems with local time coordination in some other US time zone. (They’d all be using GPS now, but – this was 1999, and US telecommunications had plenty of legacy systems with other clocking methods).

In the end, nothing failed. Our entire system worked.

This wasn’t because Y2K was overblown.

It was because we replaced our billing system, which wasn’t able to generate an invoice after the date flip.

It was because we did software updates on several proprietary systems that would have failed.

It was because we did firmware updates, too.

Equipment inventories.
Application inventories.
Operating system inventories.
Software version inventories.
Firmware version inventories.

The reason January 1, 2000 seemed like such an ordinary day is because of the MASSIVE amount of work and money spent to make it ordinary. There are unsung heroes around the world who put in the work to update or replace systems that would’ve failed otherwise.

If you’re one of those people, I would love to hear your story.

kravietz , to Random stuff
@kravietz@agora.echelon.pl avatar

Unusual high level of GNSS signal interfered is being observed in northern and northeastern , which could be caused by jamming systems.


A number of possible explanations have been proposed, from exercises to testing its jamming equipment. More information in this article (in Polish):


evelyn , to Law
@evelyn@masto.evelynyap.com avatar
halcionandon , to longcovid group
@halcionandon@disabled.social avatar

Are there any in who:
A) Like complex patients?
B) Are still taking on complex patients? All I‘ve tried are full.

I’ve tried asking everywhere. Hundreds. I’m so tired. 😩


kuketzblog , to Random stuff German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

Tipp Nr.17: Smartphones sind mit einer Vielzahl von Schnittstellen und Sensoren wie WiFi, Bluetooth, Kamera, Mikrofon, NFC etc. ausgestattet. Insbesondere ungenutzte Schnittstellen sollten, da sie Angriffsvektoren darstellen, nur dann aktiv sein, wenn sie wirklich benötigt werden. Dies spart nicht nur Akku, sondern kann bspw. auch vor WiFi-Tracking schützen.

TechDesk , to Random stuff
@TechDesk@flipboard.social avatar

Expanding palm oil plantations are encroaching on the land of Indigenous people in Borneo. Communities in Malaysia and around the world are using mapping technologies like GPS, GIS (Geographic Information System) and drone photography to rightfully claim what's theirs, and by doing so safeguarding their homes and cultural identity. @restofworld investigates:


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