Tutanota , to Privacy
@Tutanota@mastodon.social avatar

📣📣 Good News Alert 📣📣

The US might get their own GDPR: the American Privacy Rights Act! 🔐🇺🇸

It will strengthen protections of both Americans & people around the world. 🔐🙏🏼

More: https://tuta.com/blog/apra-is-americas-gdpr

Frederik_Borgesius , to Law
@Frederik_Borgesius@akademienl.social avatar

Nina Baranowska, @philipphacker, Alessandro Fabris & I published a new pre-print:

'Non-discrimination law in Europe: a primer for non-lawyers'

We have tried to write it in such a ways that non-lawyers can follow the text. We hope we succeeded a bit :)

If you have suggestions to improve the paper, we would love to hear them!

That's the fun thing of a pre-print: we can still amend things.


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    spocko , to Random stuff
    @spocko@mastodon.online avatar

    It's 2024, the jurors won't be anonymous for long. Dulcé Sloan on The Daily Show said she would've found juror number 2 on Facebook in 5 seconds.

    "This reporter just put her entire LinkedIn page on the screen, & then was like, 'People in the media need to stop doing this.'
    The call is coming from inside the newsroom, girl! That's enough information to track down anybody."

    The court had over a year to prepare for this day. They failed.
    Is law enforcement prepared to protect jurors?


    lazza ,
    @lazza@mastodon.social avatar

    @spocko I'm waiting for the day when the people of the USA realize that exists, it is a right for every human being, and some law inspired by the should be created at the federal level.

    EU_Commission , (edited ) to Random stuff
    @EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

    We are a Union of 27 countries and 450 million people sharing one future.

    Diversity is what defines, unites us.
    Diversity is also what makes us love the fediverse.

    As we mark two years on Mastodon, thank you for enlivening the conversation with insightful comments and content.

    Love does not increase after the first day, but it deepens.

    Let's make this journey even more engaging!

    What topics did you like the most and would like to see more often 👇

    helma ,
    @helma@mastodon.social avatar

    @EU_Commission Well, the topic I disliked the most is your plan to compromise the online safety, security and privacy of all 450 million Europeans with the plans to scan their devices. In addition, you are not open and transparent enough about these plans, as most of those 450 million do not know you are working on this. You know it does not work and that is in violation with human rights, yet you keep pushing. Why?

    Nickname ,
    @Nickname@mastodon.bayern avatar

    @EU_Commission Talks and promotions of (Language-)Exchange programs.
    And also on how to make the more independent in regards to big tech companys(especially those that violate the ).

    chuso , to Random stuff Spanish
    @chuso@mastodon.social avatar

    El Comité Europeo de Protección de Datos dice que pedir una suscripción de pago para no ser rastreado como hace Meta para Facebook e Instagram no cumple la GDPR: https://www.edpb.europa.eu/news/news/2024/edpb-consent-or-pay-models-should-offer-real-choice_en

    shaedrich , to Privacy
    @shaedrich@mastodon.online avatar

    Every : "We follow the law"
    No shit, Sherlock! I was expecting that much of you. That doesn't mean, that you don't exploit loopholes where you can.

    shaedrich OP ,
    @shaedrich@mastodon.online avatar

    "We don't hold on to your data longer than we need"

    And you define what you need. So, as long as you can fabricate a need …

    ilumium , to Privacy
    @ilumium@eupolicy.social avatar

    Holy shit, I thought I knew how evil the industry was but here we are:

    Two-thirds of European websites just ignore your choice and track you anyways, researchers from found. 🤯


    kasdeya , to Random stuff
    @kasdeya@tech.lgbt avatar

    if a piece of software ever asks you this question, the correct answer is "yes" 😨

    openrightsgroup , to Privacy
    @openrightsgroup@social.openrightsgroup.org avatar

    Real-world harms result from data misuse.

    We need an independent regulator to ensure strong protections and get redress when things go wrong.

    But the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (UK) weakens the role of the Information Commissioner's Office. That’s why we've presented amendments.

    Find out more ⬇️


    openrightsgroup OP ,
    @openrightsgroup@social.openrightsgroup.org avatar

    ORG’s amendment would:

    ✅ Limit the UK government’s powers to interfere with the Information Commissioner's Office through instructions and recommendations.

    ✅ Transfer budget responsibility and the appointment of non-executive members of the ICO to the relevant Select Committee, not government ministers.

    lifeofguenter , to Random stuff
    @lifeofguenter@convo.casa avatar

    is there anyone else not being able to follow people on threads.net?

    freiheit ,
    @freiheit@digitalcourage.social avatar

    @lifeofguenter For a threads.net account to be followable from the Fediverse, several conditions have to be met at this time:

    1.) The account must be located in the USA, Canada or Japan. Perhaps more countries will be added soon, but for the time being not from the EU thanks to the .

    2.) The account holder must have agreed to be visible in the Fediverse.

    See also the official announcement at engineering.fb.com/2024/03/21/networking-traffic/threads-has-entered-the-fediverse/

    blakespot , to Privacy
    @blakespot@oldbytes.space avatar

    I thought the cookie consent alerts were bad back in the states, but - WOW. If I lived here (visiting Europe), I would FAR rather have cookies just set and not be told about it vs. this level of in-your-face, at-every-turn COOKIE ALERT, without question. Oy.

    informapirata Mod , to Privacy Pride Italian
    @informapirata@mastodon.uno avatar

    L'uso di Microsoft365 da parte della Commissione europea viola la legge sulla protezione dei dati per le istituzioni e gli organi dell'UE

    A seguito di un'indagine, il europeo per la protezione dati ha riscontrato numerose violazioni del da parte della Commissione europea nell'utilizzo di e ha imposto una serie di misure correttive



    Curia Bot , to Random stuff
    @Curia@social.network.europa.eu avatar

    - Auctioning of for advertising purposes: the Court of Justice clarifies the rules under the 👉 https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/Jo2_7052/

    Lunatech , to News from fediverse
    @Lunatech@infosec.exchange avatar
    mima , to News from fediverse

    Actually I can't really bash for this (as much as I'd want to) because it seems like pretty much the rest of the has this problem of images not getting immediately removed from the server when you delete the image or even your account. I've tested with , , and (even Misskey somehow gets it wrong by not immediately making your image unavailable by the URL even if you've deleted it from your Drive, however this doesn't always happen, see below).

    Now I'm not sure about instance admin stuff (and I haven't tested with my admin hat on in this Misskey), but I'm guessing you don't have a view of all uploaded photos by a user that an admin can delete from in Mastodon and Pleroma either (please prove me wrong though!). ​:sagume_think:​ Misskey does let you view all files uploaded by a user and delete from there, though I'm not sure if the file gets immediately removed from the server once you hit delete, but it's probably gonna be like what I'm going to write below

    What I do know about Misskey is that, if you've never accessed the URL generated for the file in your Drive, and hit delete, the next time you access it, it definitely will no longer be available; a pure 404 as expected. However if you've accessed the URL at least once, then the file will get cached. I'm not sure if it's Misskey doing this or the reverse proxy (like ), because clearing cache or switching to a whole 'nother browser still shows the file is available.

    Oh, and have I mentioned that all three software will automatically put your image into the server the moment you hit the upload button, even if you haven't submitted the post yet? Yeah it's equally as easy as Lemmy to accidentally upload something to those three as well.

    What a mess. ​:seija_coffee:​

    RE: https://mastodon.social/users/MichaelAltfield/statuses/112038283570306227

    MichaelAltfield , to News from fediverse
    @MichaelAltfield@mastodon.social avatar

    PSA: you can't delete photos uploaded to . So don't (accidentally) upload a nude to lemmy. That would be bad 😱


    Oh, and if you delete your account? It doesn't delete your uploaded photos. And good luck getting your instance admin to delete it; it requires a manual db query, api call, and — oh, none of this is documented? Welcome to my nightmare 💣🤯

    openrightsgroup , to Privacy
    @openrightsgroup@social.openrightsgroup.org avatar

    24/7 GPS monitoring of migrants enabled the UK Home Office to collect vast amounts of personal data, invading people’s privacy and inflicting psychological burdens.

    It’s a punitive and offensive measure that has rightly been found unlawful by the Information Commissioner’s Office.


    coffeeClean , (edited ) to Reddit in Reddit sent me invitations to their IPO to my "deleted" accounts! That's a GDPR violation!

    You are on a privacy-offending Cloudflare site (), so Tor users are blocked from seeing your Cloudflare-jailed image. If you care about privacy you will bounce from that instance.

    Without seeing the image, I have to ask how an anonymous user gets rights. Or has started supporting an identification mechanism of some kind? When I start the reg process, it asks for an email address, username, and pw, not a first + lastname (but my test stopped when a Google reCAPTCHA push was attempted). I have zero sympathy for Reddit -- they are rotten to the core scumbags, but I do not see how the GDPR can be applied to anonymous accounts.

    (edit) I gather from other comments you must have posted an email. Would be great if you could copy the text of the email into the body of your post so everyone can see it and so people using screen readers can hear it. Thanks!

    coffeeClean , to Reddit in Reddit sent me invitations to their IPO to my "deleted" accounts! That's a GDPR violation!

    The GDPR is a not a directive. It’s a regulation. Nontheless, I read that the GDPR was specifically mirrored into UK law with a couple minor modifications.

    But to answer @automaton, AFAIK the does not apply in this situation anyway because Reddit accounts are “anonymous”. The GDPR only protects identified people.

    /cc @d00ery

    reillypascal , to Privacy
    @reillypascal@hachyderm.io avatar

    "But Meta’s version of consent offers users a Hobson’s choice — of paying at least €9.99/month for an ad-free subscription (per each account they have on Facebook and Instagram); or agreeing to its tracking.

    No other choices are available, despite the GDPR stipulating that for consent to be a valid legal basis for processing people’s information it must be freely given."


    devnull , to News from fediverse
    @devnull@crag.social avatar

    At an in-office session with the team, talking

    There are some hard questions to answer, such as:

    • how to scalably introduce the concept of ACL at the post/toot level.
    • how to educate about the in a user-friendly way
    • how to solve the "empty home feed" problem
    • how do we handle compliance when federating in and out?
    • how do we improve on "newest to oldest" without introducing a corruptible algorithm?

    @nodebb is all in on fedi. Let's make it work.

    devnull OP ,
    @devnull@crag.social avatar

    @0x1C3B00DA we are honestly not entirely sure how to handle the aspect. We may have to put together a public working group (incl. lawyers) to discuss.

    If your service processes Undo and Delete activities, you could argue that you adhere to Right to be Forgotten, but there is more to GDPR than just erasure/modification.

    maugendre , to Privacy
    @maugendre@hachyderm.io avatar

    Actors in EU laws:
    "The end user and recipient of the service are both natural and legal persons using a certain service. However, the recipient of the service can be a person acting in a personal or commercial/professional capacity whereas the end user can only be a person acting in a personal capacity."

    https://www.dlapiper.com/en-gb/insights/publications/2022/08/whos-who-under-the-dma-dsa-dga-and-data-act by Heidi , a and lawyer

    @data @dataGovernance

    maugendre OP ,
    @maugendre@hachyderm.io avatar
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