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Breadhax0r ,

If he's experimenting on humans, and depending on how much of their minds are retained from however he's transforming people; it could be that some of them recall bits of their previous religions and have bastardized them together with The Professor being the central antagonistic deity responsible for all their woes, and the gibbering horror as a living martyr for giving up of its sanity in order to banish the professor from the lab.

The lab could even be seen as a sort of corrupted garden of eden.

Breadhax0r ,

Typically valve only puts out games that showcase something new, so might be interesting

Breadhax0r ,

I think, also if I recall both games were genre defining

Breadhax0r ,

I still use me gusta... though I'd be lying if a part of me didn't feel incredibly old using it, but a part of that might also stem from the fact that I work with 18-25 year Olds

I just want to play this awesome game.

Y'all, Helldivers 2 is just so much fun. I would not have assumed at the beginning of 2024, just after completing Baldur's Gate 3, that I would be championing an always online squad shooter - but this game is just so damn enjoyable. Furthermore, the community has been so engaged and invested in the spirit of liberty that it's...

Breadhax0r ,

There was a tweet just recently from arrowhead Sony saying they're no longer going forward with the account integration.

Breadhax0r ,

Remember when it was first announced, and they said it was gonna come out like 6 months later? And then it finally came out in a barely playable state like 2 years later

Breadhax0r ,

Didn't take two poach a bunch of private division devs to form intercept as well? I remeber a lot of drama around that time.

Breadhax0r ,

I didn't refund it because I was patiently hoping the dev team would make the game that was promised, looks like I patiently waited for the whole dev team to get fired so I don't think there's really anything left to wait for.

Breadhax0r ,

Iirc it still sold really well (especially with preorders) and even I apparently put 20 hours into it, I tried so hard to like it...

Breadhax0r ,

Depending on what app you're using, it probably defaults to low quality, so you have to click the "HD" button to get the readable image

Breadhax0r ,

I don't know about that, even when I'm in desktop mode the site is Nigh unusable. It'll refresh the page when I use the back button after viewing a thread and after a short while the whole page will freeze and become unresponsive. Reddit has purposefully made the site as frustrating as possible to use to the point where I don't even use it to browse my niche subreddits anymore.

Breadhax0r ,

Ublock gets rid of the banner asking you to doesn't fix all the other bullshit though.

Breadhax0r ,

If I recall, I had to go into uBlocks settings and enable Easylist- annoyances > chat widgets an Adguard -annoyances >mobile app banners, widgets

I haven't had any issues myself, but I've seen some stuff online saying reddit has been rather aggressive with trying to fight blockers

Breadhax0r ,

I think my body might notice if it's volume of blood suddenly doubled.

Breadhax0r ,

Revanced for the win, it's youtubes own app!

I'm trying to find a physical copy of Rainbow War ( )

When I was 7, our class was brought to a neighboring elementary school to watch a projection of a short movie. It was about different nations of different colors, one blue, one yellow, and one red. Something happened and they all went to war against each other trying to paint each other with their own nation's color. This movie...

Breadhax0r ,

I love alliteration so much, my prompt was:

cute cuddly cats curiously clawing containers containing clothing causing considerable consternation to constable Craig

How do you feel about the galactic war?

I really, really want to like that side of the game. I love the idea of players pooling together their tiny, individual actions towards a greater shared goal and what it can bring in terms of RP and immersion. Having new content gated behind community participation is an awesome idea, and I totally get the idea of simulating a...

Breadhax0r ,

Your point is valid about it feeling meaningless, but that's totally intentional. The helldivers are literally meat for the meat grinder, the war is 100% instigated and perpetuated by super earth for no reason other than to exploit the various planetary resources.

At it's most basic, it is much like Deep Rock Galactic in that the core game is just a horde shooter with some interesting objectives and wrapped with some background world building.

That all being said, I absolutely would not object to more news broadcasts on the giant propaganda monitor in the ship, or like you said a war room or something where we could get more info on what's going on.

Breadhax0r ,

I still vividly recall sneaking through one of the levels in NOLF 2 and hearing one of the henchmen yell "Who ate my chili mango chutney?! My mother made that for meeeeee"

Also the man-handler machine and the cubed henchmen later on.

Breadhax0r ,

Trivial and easy difficulty has a flag raising mission, you have to stay near the flag for it to raise the camera can see you

Breadhax0r ,

What is even the point of living through the apocalypse if you can't shave your legs!

Breadhax0r ,

This one is a bit more specific, but in the new dune movie, literally everyone just starts panting and heavily breathing through their mouth after any exhertion.

The fremen absolutely know better, and I'm almost positive there was a line in the first movie when they were explaining desert survival to Paul where they say you must preserve as much moisture as you possibly can so always breathe through the still suit

Breadhax0r ,

They were originally indie games that were released back in October, and then the dev just recently changed the store info to match that of helldivers

Breadhax0r ,

If I recall the whole thing was deeply personal and embarrassing, and with Sareks powerful Vulcan emotions escaping his control he was even more stubborn in refusing to admit a problem or that he needed help.

Picard, being an accomplished diplomat himself, was able to convince Sarek he was putting the mission at risk by not accepting help. And he was a good fit for the mind meld both because of his ability and because he was a human. Because let's face it, most vulcans are judgmental as heck (which probably would have bled through a mind meld)

Breadhax0r ,

Helldivers 2 (like a million other people)

I've been really enjoying Pacific Drive, and I just found a no-Bigfoot decal and white paint which let's me live out my fantasy of owning a bootleg ecto-1

Finally, I really wanted to like Nightingale but I just find the whole game boring and frustrating in equal measure

Breadhax0r ,

So 3 games I've been super looking forward to are lightyear frontier, star trucker, and pacific drive.

I've finished the pacific drive demo and I'm even more excited for it now. It has incredible stalker vibes and the vehicle is an amazing tool for exploration and crafting.

I've only played about 10 minutes of star trucker but so far it's exactly what you would expect from U.S. truck sim in space and I'm excited to play more.

Haven't had a chance to checkout lightyear frontier yet.

Breadhax0r ,

That article actually gives some strong arguments to not make your cat go vegan...

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