@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar



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SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

HVad skete der i år 536 i den graf de har over temperaturer siden den faldt så meget?

SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar


SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Kender det alt for godt når katten går på mit keyboard :P

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Tbf any "unpopular anything" community often just devolves into rage bait. But yea I agree with you.

SorteKanin OP Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Jeg gad vide om der er lignende beskidte metoder i brug i dansk politik.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

I'm so incredibly grateful that the EU is really trying to fix the internet. Also grateful to organization like the EFF that try to do the same. I recently became a donor as I think their work really is critical.

Can you believe the shit these companies would do if it wasn't for the EU and their regulation? It'd be a dystopia (well, more than it already is at least).

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Software engineers, supposed "experts", can't even agree among each other how to structure and build software, let alone agree with project managers, users and other laypeople.

Source: Am software engineer.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Crazy thing is that doing it the wrong way is the best way to have job security. Fire me? Yea, well, you'll never find anyone else that knows this spaghetti as well as I do.

SorteKanin OP Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Jeg synes den er svær. På den ene side er jeg helt enig i at sociale medier skal reguleres mere og stilles over for flere krav. På den anden side så lyder en eventuel aldersverifikation som lidt for meget overvågning efter min smag.

Det skulle i hvert fald være et zero-knowledge proof, så man ikke giver mere information til Meta/Google (eller fx Feddit.dk) end nødvendigt. Jeg har desværre bare ikke de store forhåbninger for at det bliver en god zero-knowledge løsning. De her "tænk dog på børnene!"-situationer plejer ikke at ende i super fed lovgivning.

SorteKanin OP Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

De har selvfølgelig lagt AI ind i Snapchat.

SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Har de ansatte i mediebranchen en fagforening? De burde stå sammen. Det lyder virkelig svinet fra ledelsens side.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Yk what's punk? Voting.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Woah, calm down. I was just adding something, it wasn't a criticism of the post.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Well you seemed angry and this new comment doesn't make me believe that less. Also what behavior? I said nothing wrong.

In addition, I'm not even American - it was just a general statement, I don't even follow American politics.

Try not to assume so bad intentions from people in the future. Have a nice day.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

I don't think I've missed the point. I did not read the post as being somehow in contrast to what you do in usual political contexts (like voting). I don't really see what in the post suggests that.

I don't disagree that there are other things that you can do as well. Again, I wasn't criticising the post, just adding something. Another version of my comment could be "Yk another way you can contribute to your community? Voting."

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

That's fine, your opinion is as valid as mine. So please don't degrade mine by calling my comment "poisoning" or "adding nothing". I wish you had started with your last two comments which aren't as harsh.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

I'm not American so this doesn't really apply to me. There are also other elections than presidential elections.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

I agree with you. Olives are some of the most gross food I know. I will literally gag if I eat them.

SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Skræmmende at nogen kan komme dertil hvor de synes det er nødvendigt. Det kan ikke være rart at være politiker i dag i Europa og vide at man muligvis sætter sit liv på spil for politikken.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

According to Steam's own survey, Linux is still less than 2% of the user base and it doesn't look like it's changing much. I don't know how it has looked historically though but probably not too much different.

Realistically speaking, it's only a small percentage of people who bought the Steam Deck, and they probably already had a gaming PC, which means they probably had a Windows PC.

So unfortunately, I don't think Linux gaming is anywhere close.

SorteKanin OP Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Udskiftningen af signalsystemerne, som i nogle tilfælde stammer fra 1950'erne, blev vedtaget helt tilbage i 2009 for at give flere tog til tiden. Derfor ærgrer det også anlægsdirektøren, at passagererne skal vente endnu længere.

Godt nok også vildt at man har ventet så længe på at udskifte systemet. Også vildt at man har vedtaget at udskifte det for 15 år siden og det stadig ikke er gjort. Øv altså.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

I don't think this is such a big problem as you present it to be. Reddit in fact started out with only "All" and only later added subreddits. There are also certain benefits to "all-feeding", like making communities easier to discover.

I think disallowing votes (down or both) from non-subscribers would defeat the point of the all feed, which to me is to display the most active/interesting posts on the Fediverse right now. You can't have that if it is only community subscribers that vote.

Also, as far as I know, it is quite uncommon to follow communities on Mastodon, so you'd exclude voting from there potentially. In general, you need to always consider the implication for not just Lemmy but how it works underneath on the ActivityPub level and the interaction with other software.

I think it is to be expected that we have a lot of all-feeding here in the start when there is not too much activity. In short, it requires a lot of effort to use the "all-feed and block"-method on reddit as you would need to block a ton of subreddits. So subscribing to the specific stuff you want is easier. But on the Fediverse there aren't as many communities yet so "all-feed and block" is easy enough. This will hopefully change as the Fediverse grows.

Maybe you could somehow have both? I.e. when browsing all, take into account all votes. When browsing a specific comm, have a toggle for including or excluding votes from non-subscribed users in the feed. But not sure how hard that would be to implement.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Evolution is very interesting, not mildly interesting.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Not sure what client you use but in the web UI you can click the Show Source button to see the source markdown that produced what you see, if you're wondering how someone else achieved some formatting.

SorteKanin OP Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Novo Nordisks patenter på GLP-1-molekylet semaglutid, som er det aktive stof i både Ozempic og Wegovy, løber frem til 2032 i USA og Europa, i Kina udløber det allerede om et par år.

Jeg synes egentlig ikke det er unfair at Novo sætter en høj pris så længe de har patentet. Det er jo trods alt hele pointen - de bruger en masse penge på forskning for at udvikle medicinen og det skal jo tjenes ind igen. De ville jo nok aldrig have udviklet medicinen hvis ikke det på den måde kunne betale sig.

Men man kan så diskutere to ting:

  1. Hvor længe bør disse patenter vare? Er 2032 for længe at vente på en billigere pris?
  2. Bør forskning af ny medicin i større grad blive finansieret offentligt? Så kunne man måske holde patentet offentligt og dermed ville staten kunne få en stor pose penge i stedet for Novo. Men jeg ved ikke hvordan det ville hænge sammen mere præcist.

Firefox 126: New Search Data Telemetry, Improved Copy Without Site Tracking, Security Fixes, and More ( www.mozilla.org )

Telemetry was added to create an aggregate count of searches by category to broadly inform search feature development. These categories are based on 20 high-level content types, such as "sports,” "business," and "travel". This data will not be associated with specific users and will be collected using OHTTP to remove IP...

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

There are ways to prioritise feature development that don't involve telemetry and I'd even say they are better than telemetry. For instance, surveys, user interviews, usability tests and that sort of thing.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Fun fact, it's been decapitated several times.

SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Bliver det ikke bare at man taster 37 timer ind hver uge, uanset hvor meget man har arbejdet? Jeg kan virkelig ikke se mig selv bruge tid på at registrere det her ordentligt. Og så er det jo rimelig ligemeget.

What reading style do you consider more tedious to read, A) short, concise, and precise, but using non-layperson vocabulary, B) using layperson vocabulary, but it's longer, drawn out, and not precise?

I've seen a lot of people on here be teased for difficulty expressing themselves. Either people complain "you're using big person words to describe mundane things" when they're aiming for precision or "woah, we don't need that damn wall of text" when they're aiming for clarity. It's like people just want to complain.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

This varies from person to person and from context to context. So inevitably when someone online writes in one style, someone else will prefer another style and maybe even complain about it.

Just try to be tolerant of other people to a reasonable extent and whatever way you write is fine.

‘My whole library is wiped out’: what it means to own movies and TV in the age of streaming services ( www.theguardian.com )

*What rights do you have to the digital movies, TV shows and music you buy online? That question was on the minds of Telstra TV Box Office customers this month after the company announced it would shut down the service in June. Customers were told that unless they moved over to another service, Fetch, they would no longer be...

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

What would it take to get a "Steam but TV/movies instead of games"? I feel like if I could see reviews of movies and I could buy them and download them and have them forever and buy them on sale and all that good stuff, it wouldn't be so bad.

How come none of the streaming services have gone for this model? Steam is swimming in money, surely this method could work?

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Why is licensing so easy with games though? It really seems like there's this arbitrary difference in how the video games and streaming industries work.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

rights expire for TV shows and movies far more often than they do for games

Any idea why there is this discrepancy between TV and games?

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Yes that is true - although many games on Steam can play offline so because I download the game, I own it in that fashion. They can't take that away.

But compare with GOG then. They sell games, you download them with no DRM so you own the download essentially.

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Convincing analysis. I guess the question is, if we assume this is the case, will the industry ever heal?

SorteKanin Mod , (edited )
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Nu har jeg ikke prøvet at lege med den men det lyder jo umiddelbart bare som om den er endnu bedre. Jeg tænker vi nok bare vil se de her modeller langsomt blive bedre og bedre. Det virker i hvert fald ikke til at vi har ramt et loft endnu.

Det med at den kan finde ud af både tekst, billede og lyd sammenhængende er lidt af en game changer. Altså hvis den kan processere billeder og stemme-kommandoer samtidigt og sammenhængende, hvor langt er vi så reelt fra at vi kan putte den ind i en robotkrop og bruge den til alt mulig forskelligt?

Personligt venter jeg stadig bare på en robot der kan støvsuge og fylde/tømme opvaskemaskinen. Men kunne man forestille sig robotter til fysisk arbejde, fx i konstruktionsbranchen? Måske ligefrem til mere avancerede opgaver end man lige skulle tro? Og hvad med en hær af AI-programmører som kan tjekke det endelige visuelle resultat af et program og justere funktionalitet derefter? Puha det er mange jobs der måske kun er 10-20 år væk fra at forsvinde.

Borgerløn kan vi ikke få hurtigt nok.

SorteKanin Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Note: Denne nyhed er ikke dansk, men vil gerne høre, hvad I føler og tænker om den uanset.

Tak fordi du bringer det på banen - jeg synes det er meget interessant.

Jeg håber virkelig ikke der sidder nogen derude med noget interessant at snakke om som ikke direkte handler om Danmark eller ikke er på dansk og tænker "ej det kan jeg ikke poste på Feddit.dk, det er jo ikke relevant". Hvis du synes det er interessant, så er det relevant!

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Apparently researcher believe it landed on an ice cap and was transported by glaciers to where it came to rest. So unfortunately any crater melted away thousands of years ago 😅


SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Tbf I think the new design of join-lemmy.org makes it easier to choose an instance, but it doesn't show what instances are defederated and such (it probably shouldn't either?). I think that's okay and you just have to learn what instance fits well for you over time.

After all, a big point of the Fediverse is cheap switching costs between platforms. Don't expect the first place you try to be the last place you try and don't be afraid of moving and trying somewhere else :)

SorteKanin ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

In order for the Fediverse to succeed, we need well-moderated instances that aren't afraid of defederating from the badly moderated instances. As you say, you've had death threats from Hexbear users for instance. If the Fediverse is to succeed, we can't have all users go through that, so we need a strong core of instances that defederates from such instances.

That means that we need users to choose to go to the well-moderated instances and that hopefully will not be a difficult choice.

So what I'm saying is that you going to a better moderated instance is not incompatible with the success of the Fediverse - in fact it is basically required for its success.

Velkommen til Feddit.dk Danish

Feddit.dk er et dansk forum for alle interesser og emner. Her kan du snakke med andre danskere om alt mellem himmel og jord, så længe du følger reglerne. Samtidig er Feddit.dk en del af Fediverset. Det betyder at du også kan interagere med andre fedivers-sider når du registrerer dig på Feddit.dk....

SorteKanin OP Mod ,
@SorteKanin@feddit.dk avatar

Velkommen til @thniels :)

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