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@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar



Challenge defeatism.

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Rare dragonfly thrives after successful restoration of peatbogs | Cumbria Wildlife Trust ( www.cumbriawildlifetrust.org.uk )

A rare dragonfly looks set to have a very successful breeding season at Drumburgh Moss Nature Reserve. At the start of our survey season, we found that 328 dragonflies had already emerged. That’s half of the total from the whole of last year’s season....

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Love to hear these restoration projects stories.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

The good bits:

  • Trees increased by around 25% at Invereshie and Inshriach NNR between 2017 and 2023 through natural regeneration, aided by deer management undertaken by Cairngorms Connect deer stalkers.

  • Woodland at Beinn Eighe NNR has increased by 41% since it was designated as the UK’s first NNR in 1951, through a combination of tree planting, natural regeneration and sustainable deer management

  • More than 200 hectares of peatland has been restored on the mountainside at Ben Wyvis NNR as part of landscape-scale habitat restoration stretching from summit to sea.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you want to donate, you can do so here:


No idea why these articles never include the important information.

YungOnions , (edited )
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

You won't admit you love me, and so how am I ever to know? You only tell me, "Purghaps, purghaps, purghaps"

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Meat Museum? I've got all their albums!

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

...features pop artist Cher and Game of Thrones actress Carice Van Houten.

Sorry, what?

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dangerous chemicals including asbestos have been uncovered following spells of poor weather that caused erosion on the coastline

Where did these chemicals come from? The article doesn't make it clear. I'm assuming manufacturing or something similar.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

One man's shit is another man's shine, I guess. Certainly good to see some positives around all the sewage problems lately.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Where I live it's also a matter of timing. The local farmer cuts his hedges at the same time each year. That just happens to coincide with the berries coming out in the autumn and the flowers coming out in the spring. If he just waited a few more weeks the birds and insects would be a lot happier.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

That picture is shocking. Who the fuck is that determined to dump stuff that they go to the lengths of cutting down trees?

River Bure chalk stream restoration Norfolk ( www.nationaltrust.org.uk )

Our Riverlands project to revive a stretch of precious chalk stream that inspired poets and painters has been completed, marking the culmination of six-years of work led by the National Trust. Approximately ten kilometres of the Upper Bure in Norfolk have been carefully restored in a bid to bring back its gin-clear waters,...

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Projects like this are important, as it proves we can restore the damage caused by all the sewage spills lately.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Signs of recovery are now slowly but clearly emerging. Mussel beds, some the size of football pitches have been reported by divers; fishermen have reported increased diversity of fish species in their catches and research indicates increases in Black Sea Bream and Lobster populations.

Good to see!

Keeping pet cats indoors would save millions of native animals and billions of dollars. So what's stopping us? ( www.abc.net.au )

Broader adoption of keeping cats safe at home would have large benefits for cat welfare, human health, local wildlife and even the economy. So, should cat owners be required to keep their pets contained to their property?...

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

I've always assumed that a cat would go nuts stuck inside all the time. Maybe I'm wrong but I imagine that most people would view it as cruel.

Huge new nature reserve planned for growing Somerset town ( www.somersetlive.co.uk )

A vital green wedge in a growing Somerset town will soon be extended through the creation of a new nature reserve. Wellington is currently separated from the neighbouring village of Rockwell Green through a series of green fields and public open spaces, running from Tonedale Mill to the A38....

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's frustrating that we have to even have this conversation in the first place, but at least reports like this show that cleaning up our mess is still possible.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar


YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

"We are being buried under the avalanche of your incompetence Mr Trump, Creedy!"

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Disappointed that climate change isn't more front and centre here, although at least their commitment around energy security includes renewables.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Here's a reminder that Ubisoft is a hateful company run by a hateful man and no one should be buying their games: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/ubisoft-has-reportedly-made-minimal-changes-following-abuse-allegations

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Jesus Christ, the comment section on that video...

Charities help workers to put pressure on employers over nature impacts - edie ( www.edie.net )

A recent YouGov poll of 1,106 working adults found that nine in ten believe that businesses should consider the impact their business has on nature when making decisions. 70% said they would like to encourage their employer to do so....

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh good. Another luxury SUV. Just what the EV market needs /s.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean I wouldn't call £33,795+ for the EX30 'cheap' and it's still a SUV. We need more compact hatchback sized vehicles, imo.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, I thought that thing looked pretty cool to. A EV MX5 might be neat to.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

So I went on Amazon and there it is, sitting at 186 5 star reviews. WTF. Genuine question: is there some way of reporting shit like this to Amazon? I can't see anything obvious.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

That must be frustrating, but try not to let personal experience cloud the bigger picture. More people are willing to take action than you might think:

And people are taking action, here's some recent examples: https://curious.earth/blog/climate-success-stories/

Things look bleak, and it's hard to remain optimistic, so it's more important than ever to take the time to remind yourself of what is going right in the world:

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

That sounds frustrating but, with respect, evidence suggests otherwise: https://www.cleanenergywire.org/factsheets/global-surveys-show-peoples-growing-concern-about-climate-change#one

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

And they do.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

That sounds like an opinion born of understandable frustration. However evidence suggests that people are more willing to make changes than you might think: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2021/09/14/in-response-to-climate-change-citizens-in-advanced-economies-are-willing-to-alter-how-they-live-and-work/pg_2021-09-14_climate_0-01-png/

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

I absolutely agree that prioritising your own mental health is something everyone should do, but don't you think that governments and corporations are even less likely to do anything if people like yourself just throw up their hands in frustration and give up?

There are ways of maintaining good mental health, but I'm not sure doing a full 180 is one of them.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

No problem! It's not easy, as you say. Here's some links to more positive places on Lemmy that you might find also help improve your mood:

Try ans stay happy Friend!

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

This should be mandatory reading for a large portion of Lemmy users. The number of rampant Doomers and pessimists on here are growing by the day. Whilst understandable, it's something that requires tackling before Lemmy just becomes one big Collapse subreddit.

YungOnions ,
@YungOnions@sh.itjust.works avatar

It's a start. Better than nothing and better late than never.

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