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kikutwo ,

What's that law about profiting from a crime?

kikutwo ,

Exactly, which is why his paying for the catch and kill proves your own point.

kikutwo ,

So, it's Biden's fault, it's the DA's fault, it's the corrupt judge's fault. Everyone but you Donny.

kikutwo ,

Good, for the one's that don't deny accepted science and aren't insane like RFK, Jr.

kikutwo ,

Not at all for the people who were voting for this scum, if anything it's emboldened them.

kikutwo ,

Wow. Just intentionally trying to lose the election?

kikutwo ,

Yep completely agree he's jumped the shark here. As a non-jewish American I don't get the whatever it takes support.

kikutwo ,

You left out markets at all time highs and lows unemployment.

kikutwo ,

Master Lock hath decreed it. And taco salads for all, proceed.

kikutwo ,

And the government is now working with Pfizer and Moderna on an Avian flu vaccine.

kikutwo ,
kikutwo ,

No problem. It's making me concerned about the large number of doses for something that doesn't go human to human. Yet.

kikutwo ,

This is all you need to know about these psychopaths.

kikutwo ,

He always liked to toss off to the Kim Jong Un dossier, it was so weird.

kikutwo ,

What category does baby bombing fall under?

kikutwo ,

Of course, anyone who questions it is an antisemite. Ridiculous.

kikutwo ,

Assume this is sarcasm, or do you mean he really really really really means it this time?

kikutwo ,

What middle aged man isn't a big fan of girls high school basketball?

kikutwo ,

Greene thinking someone else doesn't have intelligence lol

kikutwo ,

What? Anyway, that would never happen.

kikutwo ,

Probably had to dumb down the language for the intended audience.

kikutwo ,

Not sure Haas has any IP that anyone wants.

kikutwo ,

Creeper is looking like Tommy Lee Jones.

kikutwo ,

He keeps railing against immigrants, yet also keeps marrying them.

kikutwo ,

On account of me being a child and having absolutely no experience in anything whatsoever, I hereby decline.

kikutwo ,

Been babysitting my homebrew Grand Marnier knockoff. Buy a decent cognac, burn some orange peel strips on a gas stove. I added a couple organic vanilla beans and coconut sugar and omg.

kikutwo ,

That's all, it's great I'm glad you reminded me to go take a belt off it right now lol. I think the vanilla beans add a great smoothing to it.

kikutwo ,

And yet we've been implanting Cochlear devices in humans for eons but you can't meld a Musk joke out of that so.

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