appassionato , to photography group avatar

An orthodox faithful Monk attends the Good Friday prayers at the Wukro Cherkos Rock Hewn church in Wukro, Tigray region, Ethiopia. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri


appassionato , to photography group avatar

An Ethiopian Orthodox faithful girl wears a palm headband as she attends the Palm Sunday Mass at the Bole Medhanialem Orthodox church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, April 28. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri


Norobiik , to Random stuff avatar

Researchers now have unlocked the genome of the species and traced its origins to a natural mating between two other coffee species an estimated 610,000 to one million years ago in the forests of . That makes this species older than our own species , which arose in about 300,000 years ago.

study reveals prehistoric Ethiopian origins of

icastico , to VinylRecords group avatar

UKANDANZ - Yeketelale @vinylrecords

This album is so good. One of my best discoveries

faab64 , to Non Political Twitter

Impeachment request against Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) reaches 129 signatures and sets a historical record.

‼️ This number surpasses the one registered in the impeachment request of former President Dilma Rousseff, which had 124 signatories in 2016. At the end of the process, the former president had her mandate revoked.

➡️ The crisis in Lula's government began after the president compared Israel's offensive in the Strip to the Holocaust. He made the statement on Sunday, the 18th, during a press conference in .

💬 According to lawmakers, the president's statement constitutes a crime of responsibility, in accordance with Article 5 of Law 1.079/1950, which establishes the following:


ZekuZelalem , to Random stuff avatar

THREAD: 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 summit 2024

As the continental body gathered in Ethiopia for their annual meeting, a high level Israeli delegation led by Yaakov Blitshtein (Director General Foreign Affairs) landed in Addis Ababa, hoping to deliver a speech on Israel's version of events vis a vis Gaza.

Al Jazeera reports that the delegation was denied access to the African Union headquarters. Israel which gained AU observer status in 2022, has that status suspended.

ZekuZelalem OP , avatar

Wrapping this thread up with an excerpt of an Al Jazeera video report of Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh's address of the African Union.

Thanks for following.


appassionato , to photography group avatar

Ethiopian Orthodox faithful hold candles during a Christmas Eve celebration at Bole Medhanialem Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri


polgeonow , to geopolitics group avatar

Has become first country ever to recognize self-proclaimed Republic of as independent from ? Somaliland govt says yes, but Ethiopia govt is giving mixed signals.

One Ethiopian statement says it's only promised to seriously consider recognizing Somaliland:

@geography @geopolitics

appassionato , to photography group avatar

2023 in pictures

Woldegebrial Abadi, 36, holds the hands of his severely malnourished newborn son Berhanu Woldegebrial at the Samre Hospital, in Samre, Tigray Region, Ethiopia, June 23, 2023. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri


w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

Landlocked Ethiopia says it has signed an initial agreement with Somalia's breakaway region of Somaliland to use its Red Sea port of Berbera.

gpollara , avatar

@w7voa a bit of smart diplomacy there, it seems!

icastico , to VinylRecords group avatar

Asnakech Worku - Asnakech (with Hailu Mergia & Temare Haregu) @vinylrecords

Marielle_W , to China avatar

It's official: Tremendously looking forward to being part of the ARM consortium which has received Horizon funding to comparatively study authoritarian states' suppression of information as a part of their foreign policy and towards diasporas in Europe. I'll lead the Work Package on Russia.


ZekuZelalem , to Random stuff avatar

The print newspaper copy of my visual investigation of an Ethiopian army war crime, published last month by the Mail and Guardian. Despite internet shutdowns and refusal of access to journalists and human rights researchers, OSINT investigations have been able to confirm that government forces have (and likely are) carrying out extrajudicial killings in Ethiopia's Amhara region. Aware of this, Ethiopia has continued to block access to its conflict ridden Amhara region.

zekuzelalem , to Random stuff avatar

Selam everyone! In North America September 11th is a somber memorial day, but in Ethiopia it's a festive occasion, the first day of the Ethiopian New Year. Beginning with news that has completed filling the reservoir of a controversial $4 billion US mega hydroelectric power dam built on the Nile River. , which gets most of its water from the Nile has been long opposed to the project, and in the past has threatened to bomb the construction site.

w7voa , to Random stuff avatar
zekuzelalem , to Random stuff avatar

THREAD: Hello all, my latest Middle East Eye story was published today, and it's on a story that has caused global shock: a HRW report has revealed that unprovoked massacres of Ethiopian migrants by Saudi border guards near Yemen shooting at them for sport, left hundreds if not thousands dead in the last 15 months. My story includes interviews with two survivors, and the details are gruesome enough to require a CW from this point on.

issamkabul , to Random stuff avatar

: announces new members as:
New order in the world!

zekuzelalem , to Random stuff avatar

THREAD: This thread discusses the December 2020 forced expulsion of people inhabiting farming communities in a disputed border area claimed by both Ethiopia 🇪🇹 and Sudan🇸🇩. data appears to suggest that Sudanese troops may have carried out atrocities when it removed hundreds if not thousands of Ethiopians from the Al Fashaga triangle. Nobody has properly documented the expulsions and there's not enough evidence to draw conclusions.

zekuzelalem , to Random stuff avatar

THREAD: So the other day, I published my report in the Middle East Eye based on leaked documents I obtained of a bilateral labor agreement signed between Ethiopia and Lebanon on April 11th 2023. Both countries meant to keep it secret, as the deal betrays the interests of hundreds of thousands of migrant domestic worker women in Lebanon. The deal highlights what a country's post civil war economic desperation can look like.

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