eharlitzkern , to histodons group avatar

Saw THE BEEKEEPER (2024) last night. I, of course, loved this movie. I will watch anything with Jason Statham (I'm not the only one as it turned out after the movie was over last night. 😆).

I also got a kick out of the movie as a medievalist. Apparently, there is a secret society of assassins called Beekeepers, who protect human civilization based on the idea that it is like a beehive.

#movies #bees #histodons @histodons @medievodons #middleages

michaelmeckler , to Medievodons group avatar

Two upcoming online lectures next Tuesday, 14 May (alas, their times overlap).

Here's the first, sponsored by the Celtic Studies Association of North America: Sarah Waidler (NYU) will speak on ‘Arthur, Authority and the Saints Revisited’ at 12 noon EDT (= 5 pm BST).

Here is the link to register:


michaelmeckler OP , avatar

And here is the second online lecture, again on Tuesday, 14 May, at 5:30 pm BST (= 12:30 pm EDT), from the London Palaeography Seminar:

Dr Laure Miolo (Lincoln College, Oxford) will discuss ‘Manuscripts and Scientific Exchanges in Fourteenth-Century Paris and Oxford’.

More information and registration here:

@medievodons @histodons

appassionato , to History avatar

A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages: The World Through Medieval Eyes by Anthony Bale, 2024

A captivating journey of the expansive world of medieval travel, from London to Constantinople to the court of China and beyond.


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  • Kent , to History avatar

    Disappointing conclusion to a manuscript 📖 search, but it was nice to receive such an informative reply from the keeper of manuscripts at the Universiteitsbibliotheek

    @histodons @historikerinnen

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  • michaelmeckler , to Medievodons group avatar

    Final Call for Papers, 37th Irish Conference of Medievalists, Dublin, 20-21 June 2024 (from Immo Warntjes, TCD):

    Speakers from Ireland and abroad are welcome to submit c 100-word proposals for 20-minute papers on all aspects of the Middle Ages, including (but not limited to) history, art, literature, linguistics, theology, philosophy, and palaeography.

    Proposals are due NEXT WEDNESDAY (1st May).

    More info:

    @histodons @medievodons

    FediFollows , (edited ) to History avatar

    Medieval / picks of the day:

    ➡️ @MerlyBlack - Creates illuminations and works of calligraphy, as well as drawing and watercolours. Creates own paints using medieval recipes.

    ➡️ @kleavens - Illustrator, calligrapher, creates medieval-style illuminations.

    ➡️ @dailymedievalcats - Pictures of cats on medieval manuscripts

    ➡️ @medieval_illuminations - Bot posting medieval book illuminations

    emdiplomacy , to History avatar

    9 John Condren/Loek Luiten: City-States, Principalities and All That: The Diversity of Italian Diplomacy (c. 1400–c. 1800) (1/10)

    @historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

    emdiplomacy OP , avatar

    @historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

    Loek Luiten focusses on Italian from the other end of time making them both the perfect match! Luiten has done his PhD Oxford University on the Farnese Family in the 15th century. We can recommend his article “Friends and family, fruit and fish: the gift in Quattrocento Farnese cultural politics”. What a great title! (4/11)

    Kent , to History avatar

    Just registered for ! Any other mastodonian medievalists attending this year?

    @histodons @medievodons

    bibliolater , to History avatar

    "Our analysis of 49 coins from the North Sea zone indicates that Byzantine silver plate was the source of silver for the initial minting of the first post-Roman silver coins in England, Frisia and parts of Francia. From c. AD 750, freshly mined silver from Melle, Aquitaine, was introduced to this North Sea zone, becoming the dominant source following the coinage reforms of AD 793."

    Kershaw, J. et al. (2024) ‘Byzantine plate and Frankish mines: the provenance of silver in north-west European coinage during the Long Eighth Century (c. 660–820)’, Antiquity, 98(398), pp. 502–517. doi: @archaeodons @histodon @histodons

    thomasrenkert , to EduTooters group German avatar

    Small update: 🤖⚔️ - our language model specialized in translating into modern , and explaining the to students - is halfway done with another round of training...

    @edutooters @fedilz @histodons

    DigitalHistory , to History German avatar

    📢 Vortragshinweis:

    Morgen ist Torsten Hiltmann zu Gast in der Brown Bag Lunch Series des Max-Planck-Instituts für Wissenschaftsgeschichte mit einem Vortrag zu:

    Medieval Coats of Arms in the Focus of

    🕛 20.02.24, 12-13:30 Uhr
    📌 R. 219 (MPIWG Berlin) oder online via Zoom


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  • Furthering , to Random stuff avatar

    I just finished Spear, by Nicola Griffith. It's an Arthurian retelling set in Wales about the knight Percival (rendered as the more obscure Peretur Paladr Hir) with a queer and feminist twist.

    I love Griffith's attention to detail, the main character's interaction with her environment, and how the story veers from the expected "hero's journey."

    It's a short work, showing the mastery exhibited in her other work set in early medieval times, Hild (which I loved). You can sense the research that undergirds her presentation of the characters and their surroundings and see with what care she makes her literary choices.

    LMWStuttgart , to History German avatar

    NEU im : „Magie“ im christlichen Mittelalter 🐉 🧙‍♀️ ✨
    Das war trotz der Macht der christlichen Kirche, die offiziell ablehnte, geprägt von magischen Vorstellungen und Ritualen. Ob , oder ...Kreaturen mit übersinnlichen Kräften und verschiedene magische Praktiken waren weit verbreitet:

    @histodons @museum


    Enter_Username , to History avatar
    juergen_hubert , to History avatar
    sapiens , to Random stuff avatar

    Digital Analysis of Chant Transmission

    "It aims to extend the study of the dissemination of plainchant from localized research focused mostly on Europe and the Middle Ages to global research tracing transmission to other continents through to the modern era. "

    ClaireFromClare , avatar

    🙏 @sapiens Such interesting questions from this project!
    "Do you own a chant fragment or do you know someone who does? What do you know about its history and travels?"

    sapiens , to History avatar


    "The project ‘The Art of Reading in the Middle Ages’ will show the importance of medieval reading culture as a European movement by bringing together (digitised) manuscripts produced between c. 500 and c. 1550 from across Europe, unlocking their educational potential by curational and editorial enrichment, using innovative ways for displaying and handling digital objects in an educational context."

    ClaireFromClare , avatar
    Enter_Username , to History avatar
    estelle , to History avatar
    godsipclub , to Japan avatar

    Quite popular among several countries, there was the belief that, during childbirth, knots had to be untied.
    Everything, in the house, had to be loose to ease the delivery.
    Also, a broom was kept in a corner of the room – this custom was followed in , too!

    husbands wrapped their wives with special belts, which then were untied, to ease the pain of the labor.
    Also, in the , special birth girdles¹ were used.



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  • LMWStuttgart , to histodons group German avatar

    ? ? Der nach, sollen die Ärzte und Brüder Cosmas und Damian viele Menschen geheilt haben. So auch diesen Kranken, dem ein Bein abgenommen und durch ein Bein eines Verstorbenen ersetzt wurde 🦵 .
    Aufgrund ihrer selbstlosen Taten (sie haben kein Geld für ihre Hilfe verlangt) wurden sie gesprochen. 😇
    Dieses Tafelbild aus dem 16. Jh. zeigt die Szene des Beinwunders:


    DontMindMe , to History avatar

    Being Human: Rhythms, Actions, Inter-actions in the Medieval Mediterranean: Edinburgh, 24-27 June 2024

    Paper proposals should be submitted by 14 Jan. 2024.


    DontMindMe , to History avatar
    18+ historyshapes , to History avatar

    An excerpt from The History Shapes Cookbook, out now:

    24 pages, full color, with updated research and illustrations. Pay what you want ❤️

    Boosts (very much) appreciated 🙏


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  • bibliolater , to Random stuff avatar

    🧵 : this the first in a series of that will eventually be stitched together into a related to 📚 and 📘. (1)

    bibliolater OP , avatar

    "This book does not attempt to answer this seemingly unsolvable puzzle either but aims to shed light on a simple fact usually overlooked by linguists and laypeople alike: the conceptual pair is not a timeless given but has a history, and a much shorter one than one might assume."

    Van Rooy, Raf, Language or Dialect? The History of a Conceptual Pair (Oxford, 2020; online edn, Oxford Academic, 19 Nov. 2020),, accessed 24 Dec. 2023. @linguistics @medievodons @earlymodern @bookstodon (72)

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