justyourluck , to Random stuff
@justyourluck@masto.ai avatar

I don't want you to wear a mask for me.

I want you to be intelligent enough to wear a for yourself!

& Stay Safe! 😷🫶

themaskerscomic , (edited ) to Random stuff
@themaskerscomic@forall.social avatar

Great PSA
(Edited to add alt text on image . Hope I did it right!)

luckytran , to Random stuff
@luckytran@med-mastodon.com avatar

A new gold standard review of 100 studies finds:

  • masks are effective in reducing transmission of respiratory diseases

  • N95 respirators are significantly more effective than medical or cloth masks

  • mask mandates are effective in reducing community transmission


ClaireFromClare ,
@ClaireFromClare@h-net.social avatar

🙏 @luckytran
Here too is the masterly thread by lead author Prof Trish Greenhalgh, in plain language & bite-sized talking points. 48 posts, click "more replies" to see all:


ProtectTheKids , to Random stuff German
@ProtectTheKids@nrw.social avatar

After massive protests: red-green city government backs off from planned ban in schools

➡️ https://dasmediumonline.com/2024/05/16/hamburger-maskenverbot-schulen/

themaskerscomic , to Random stuff
@themaskerscomic@forall.social avatar

Good info on ... I keep both on PCR and RAT on hand, as it's good to know so you can start Paxlovid within the timeframe to use over , but once symptoms start isolate regardless and up precautions to reduce household spread risks, and I always around other households. Good to be prepared with a new variant and talks of summer surge especially.

GetMisch , to Random stuff
@GetMisch@masto.nyc avatar
GeorgiaOnMyMind , to Random stuff
@GeorgiaOnMyMind@zeroes.ca avatar

Today is one of those days when I repeatedly think “Do I have this all wrong and COVID is nothing to be worried about”?

And then I think of all of the intelligent, supportive, and thoughtful people here and remember science and my health as well as other’s. Thank you to all the people out there.

hiisikoloart , to Random stuff Finnish
@hiisikoloart@writing.exchange avatar

Today it happened. A fear I have had since the pandemic started....

...I sneezed inside my mask.

The horror. The ick.

But I still kept it on for the whole way back home, and endured the heat, the stickiness, the sensory overload - all because I don't want to get sick or give spread sickness.

Masking is caring. Even when you got snot all over your face. :P

instantiatethis , to Random stuff
@instantiatethis@keyboards.social avatar

For my sensitive or otherwise wearing friends. This brand is going out of business and their remaining stock is 70-90% off. No Black left but add colors and patterns of KN-95s to your cart. They also have surgical styles still available. https://www.shopmaskc.com/products/earth-tones-variety-kn95

JL_Lycette , to Random stuff
@JL_Lycette@mindly.social avatar

Still to protect my patients. My of choice is a K95, unless I’m seeing someone with respiratory symptoms in which case I switch to an N95

oamaes , to Random stuff
@oamaes@maly.io avatar

Any suggestions for how to minimise aerosols getting to 8 month old baby on long haul flights and in airports? Too young to . Can you get a N95 grade muslin or bassinet cover? Would just a physical barrier of a light muslin still be better than nothing? @SiouxsieW @pezmico Thank you for any tips! Plz boost for more input.

iokevins , to Random stuff
@iokevins@mastodon.social avatar

Masklab has a variety of mask designs for sale 😷



It seems the global site has more design options 👀

vantablack , to Random stuff
@vantablack@cyberpunk.lol avatar

boosts appreciated!!! :boostRequest:​

COVID QUESTION: how do you know when to replace the filters for your respirator? i wear mine everywhere and go out regularly

is it time-based or do you just kinda wait for the insides to look brown?

also... mine sat collecting dust for six months, how does this complicate things?

wabbit011235813 Bot , to Random stuff

on why you must mask - hostility goes way up when you are the only one masking

doesn't mean much for some, but others may need that support to diffuse aggression, so if you want to show you care

PieterPeach , to Random stuff
@PieterPeach@mastodon.social avatar

Getting close to the ideal disposable for source control in (my) children. A modified KF94 with cord locks to help secure it more firmly plus contoured nose bridge pads to reduce reliance on an adequately bent nose wire.

Sawevo 3D KF94 for kids https://www.savewo.com/healthcare/en/products/3dmask-ultra

Australian sources below
Cord locks https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0CQWTKLQL?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Contoured foam nose bridge pads https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B08ZDGBMK3?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share



GimpyGurl , to Random stuff
@GimpyGurl@disabled.social avatar

I wore a mask yesterday.

I went to a medical appointment in a hospital and I wore it the whole time and I waited for the empty elevator.

Despite getting vaccinated I already caught this year. I don't want the again or

whn , to Random stuff
@whn@forall.social avatar

You may have heard surgical masks protect against COVID and other airborne viruses, but N95 masks are safer due to better fit and filtration.

slowmart , to Random stuff
@slowmart@mastodon.org.uk avatar

Hi peeps, I'm after UK info, my wife has MRI lower abdomen soon and have been reading what I can on ffp2 mask use during procedure, a few posts saying patients will be given approved mask rather than anything brought in because fears of metal components/contaminants, anyone know if this is the case?
For info. these are what we're using and I'll be checking the nose clip but feels plastic, all else is welded.
Boost appreciated thanks

nitpicking , to Random stuff
@nitpicking@mstdn.party avatar

Anyone know of a high quality "window" mask to allow lipreading? Last time I spoke at a convention, I used an FFP2 window mask that worked fine, but it doesn't seem to be made any more. I anticipate speaking at in Glasgow in August.
@masknerd ?

RichiH , to Random stuff
@RichiH@chaos.social avatar

Except for layer 1 stuff, we're pretty much done with shopping and ordering for the new local network and server setup. Almost everything under under direct control has been scheduled for upgrades or replacement.

We're using largely refurbished hardware because it's easier on the environment and because we don't need that much local oomph compared to e.g. .

(Long-ish thread see below)

RichiH OP ,
@RichiH@chaos.social avatar

Anyway, we finally have stable enough planning to do ALL the upgrades now, and we're grasping that chance.

Attending and doing a small part to run that network (mainly Observability and teardown as per usual) was already great. Having come right after is awesome.

If you see me, I will be wearing a as per usual, but I am fine with fistbumps, shaking hands, and hugs depending on how well we know each other.

See you soon :)

WeeklyAmericanPandemicDeaths , to Non Political Twitter
@WeeklyAmericanPandemicDeaths@mastodon.social avatar

1,163,040 Americans Dead From COVID 19

2023-December-30 Friday

1,438 Americans Dead Last Week

U.S. - 4.19% of the global population

Calculated 2023 Aug 07
U.S. - 16.38% of global pandemic deaths

justyourluck , to Random stuff
@justyourluck@masto.ai avatar

Confused about where/how you got w/ bcuz you ?

✓ Wearing a surgical or cloth mask?

✓ Did you take your mask off when nobody was around?

OUTDATED Recommendations:

❌ Surgical or cloth masks

There's no longer a shortage. Wear . Fit is key so fit test them

❌ Staying 6ft away will keep you safe

From droplets but not from aerosols

❌ 0 people = safe space

- Aerosols can STAY in the air for HOURS after infected ppl are gone

Stay safe!

themaskerscomic , to Random stuff
@themaskerscomic@forall.social avatar

Dana Farber Cancer Institute Reinstates Masks Dec 18

"Face masks are currently required for everyone at Dana-Farber, including staff and patients, due to higher rates of respiratory illness in our region.

"...will continue for the foreseeable future.


erikaautumn , to Random stuff
@erikaautumn@mastodon.social avatar
erikaautumn , to Random stuff
@erikaautumn@mastodon.social avatar

If you need and can't afford them


is closing soon! Request them before the 15th! Don't wait!


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