18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar
18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

Doing another quick boost to this, me and my brother go back to our fathers house today which means we won't even be getting dinner there (Swap nights for some reason means no food, not sure why-.), we're leaving at 5 tho so we won't be having lunch either.

If anyone can donate even a little bit so I can order some food for us to get at least something in our stomachs. :floof_Heart:

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/6ae1d477-b18a-4b52-abd4-0f68d56e1864

18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

Doing another bumpity bump before I call my grandmother to pick me up so she can drive me to the grocery store (Sams club - she has a membership and it's cheaper there with more "bulk" food) :floof_Heart:

(Accidentally made the first post followers only Lmao)


I'm back at my mothers hoarder house that has quite literally no food within the house nor an accessible kitchen. Photos can and will be provided upon request as proof. - I'll be here the next four days and needing money for food urgently. It is not a safe walking area and we've already been ban from Walmart for theft (of food). If you cannot donate please boost! Anything helps truly. Not even the water in this house is safe to drink.

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/6ae1d477-b18a-4b52-abd4-0f68d56e1864

18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar


I'm back at my mothers hoarder house that has quite literally no food within the house nor an accessible kitchen. Photos can and will be provided upon request as proof. - I'll be here the next four days and needing money for food urgently. It is not a safe walking area and we've already been ban from Walmart for theft (of food). If you cannot donate please boost! Anything helps truly. Not even the water in this house is safe to drink.

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/6ae1d477-b18a-4b52-abd4-0f68d56e1864

18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar
18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar
18+ VeilleursDeNuit , to mutualaid group
@VeilleursDeNuit@seafoam.space avatar

Hey Fedi friends! It's the end of the month again which means it's time for a new mutual aid request. (This ended up being a little longer than I expected but bare with me! CashApp & PayPal links at the end! :floof_Heart:)

To try and keep this short and since many of the folks who have known me or seen me around the Fediverse know or have an idea of what the current situation is like.

I'm a minor with no source of income outside of coding which does not bring nearly enough in for me to even buy lunch most months so I have to resort to mutual aids or theft (Which got me in a lot of legal trouble, but fuck the corporates.). I need at least enough fundings to support me (Age 16, turning 17 this year) and my younger sibling (age 15).

I am a high school student living in a crappy situation with divorced parents. Where one house, the main house, I am refused basic needs such as, but not limited to, food, water, hygiene, clothing, proper medical care, etc. While the other house, my mothers, is a hoarder mess with little to no food, and when there is non expired food that has not been gotten into by animals, months, mold, maggots, etc, it is often times one of the following: Chocolate, cookies, Twinkies, hostess foods, etc. My mother hoards much more than just garbage but indeed, animals also. (With over 70 animals in the house and dogs who are not potty trained along with more animals, outside of the house).

Neither houses include proper medical care. I have a chronic skin disease that causes me severe pain and if it gets bad enough, it becomes an open wound that tunnels often times on my chest or on my legs. My parents do not supply the proper medications I need for these, and when asked or mentioned needing the medications, I get told "Get a job". (Which I am also not allowed to have.)

I'm constantly at risk of being kicked out of the house at any time without warning, a couple of months ago I was locked out of the house in regards to being trans and using my chosen name tho thankfully this was after a school play and I had a safe place at the time.

CPS does not listen. The cops do not listen. I cannot speak up about any of these issues even to trusted adults as this causes more issues at home and gets CPS involved.

Cost breakdowns for the month! Any extra fundings will be put towards getting my parrot a new urn (His last one unfortunately broke).

FOOD: $400

HYGIENE: $30 (Feminine products, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc)

MEDICATIONS: $50 (4x meds for chronic disease (3 prescription + 1 one reg), anxiety/insomnia meds, pain killers)


TOTAL: $500

NOT URGENT BUT STILL NEEDED: I will be doing commissions in regards to funding for this stuff, it might take a little bit but I'll do it o7

URN REPLACEMENT: $160 (I know this is expensive but it was the cheapest urn I could find that was made with a decent quality that would work better for traveling with him, as this bird means a lot to me, even in death. If you've known or seen me around within my past year and a half ish on Fedi you'd know how much my beloved Leo was worth to me<3)

(We attempted to fix the urn but it didn't work very well as it proceeded to keep breaking and at this point it's cheaper just to replace it)


(Keyboard had an incident where one of the keys broke and need to be replaced, this was a rough estimate on the price it should cost from a friend. - The laptop doesn't have a warranty 😹 but I need this for personal use + school + studies)

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/6ae1d477-b18a-4b52-abd4-0f68d56e1864

18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar
18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

Reposting again!

I really need to get my medication for my chronic illness today! (HIDRADENITIS SUPPURATIVA (HS) - I have a severe case of it on my chest and 2 other parts of my body) It's starting to get bad again due to a couple of days without meds and it's severely painful for me and screws up my body.

I also need some tooth paste and dental pics along with some more food!

If anyone can help! My main priority is my medication right now to help get my skin to clam down asap!

If you cannot donate, even a boost would help!

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/6ae1d477-b18a-4b52-abd4-0f68d56e1864

AskPippa , to medmastodon group
@AskPippa@c.im avatar

Pasteurization of dairy products is a good thing. "Pasteurization inactivates H5N1 bird flu in milk, new FDA and academic studies confirm."
From @STAT


18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar
18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

Hey Fedi friends! It's the end of the month again which means it's time for a new mutual aid request. (This ended up being a little longer than I expected but bare with me! CashApp & PayPal links at the end! :floof_Heart:)

To try and keep this short and since many of the folks who have known me or seen me around the Fediverse know or have an idea of what the current situation is like.

I'm a minor with no source of income outside of coding which does not bring nearly enough in for me to even buy lunch most months so I have to resort to mutual aids or theft (Which got me in a lot of legal trouble, but fuck the corporates.). I need at least enough fundings to support me (Age 16, turning 17 this year) and my younger sibling (age 15).

I am a high school student living in a crappy situation with divorced parents. Where one house, the main house, I am refused basic needs such as, but not limited to, food, water, hygiene, clothing, proper medical care, etc. While the other house, my mothers, is a hoarder mess with little to no food, and when there is non expired food that has not been gotten into by animals, months, mold, maggots, etc, it is often times one of the following: Chocolate, cookies, Twinkies, hostess foods, etc. My mother hoards much more than just garbage but indeed, animals also. (With over 70 animals in the house and dogs who are not potty trained along with more animals, outside of the house).

Neither houses include proper medical care. I have a chronic skin disease that causes me severe pain and if it gets bad enough, it becomes an open wound that tunnels often times on my chest or on my legs. My parents do not supply the proper medications I need for these, and when asked or mentioned needing the medications, I get told "Get a job". (Which I am also not allowed to have.)

I'm constantly at risk of being kicked out of the house at any time without warning, a couple of months ago I was locked out of the house in regards to being trans and using my chosen name tho thankfully this was after a school play and I had a safe place at the time.

CPS does not listen. The cops do not listen. I cannot speak up about any of these issues even to trusted adults as this causes more issues at home and gets CPS involved.

Cost breakdowns for the month! Any extra fundings will be put towards getting my parrot a new urn (His last one unfortunately broke).

FOOD: $400

HYGIENE: $30 (Feminine products, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, etc)

MEDICATIONS: $50 (4x meds for chronic disease (3 prescription + 1 one reg), anxiety/insomnia meds, pain killers)


TOTAL: $500

NOT URGENT BUT STILL NEEDED: I will be doing commissions in regards to funding for this stuff, it might take a little bit but I'll do it o7

URN REPLACEMENT: $160 (I know this is expensive but it was the cheapest urn I could find that was made with a decent quality that would work better for traveling with him, as this bird means a lot to me, even in death. If you've known or seen me around within my past year and a half ish on Fedi you'd know how much my beloved Leo was worth to me<3)

(We attempted to fix the urn but it didn't work very well as it proceeded to keep breaking and at this point it's cheaper just to replace it)


(Keyboard had an incident where one of the keys broke and need to be replaced, this was a rough estimate on the price it should cost from a friend. - The laptop doesn't have a warranty 😹 but I need this for personal use + school + studies)

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


TheConversationUS , to Random stuff
@TheConversationUS@newsie.social avatar

Medical debt is crushing for many families. Some relief has come with a wave of debt buyouts by county and city governments, charities and even fast-food restaurants that pay pennies on the dollar to clear enormous balances. But these buyouts are only a partial solution, and point to the need for the overall cost of health care to drop. Overall, Americans spend more on health care than people in other wealthy countries do:

msquebanh , to Random stuff
@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Back at dentist & I'm full of anxieties.
Getting rest of molars out today.


msquebanh OP ,
@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

Please understand that it takes A LOT of personal work, from us survivors who now live with PPS. is a long recognized . Yet, many of us who suffer from it, find it difficult to get knowledgeable medical help to manage it well.

If you have , I have bad news for you. You're gonna have to adapt/manage best you can because govt & ppl won't help you much. Both of those entities knew about PPS for decades, yet ppl like me still have to fight to get help.

AskPippa , to Random stuff
@AskPippa@c.im avatar

just lost an amazing writer and . Joan Hollobon was 104 when she passed Wednesday morning. She was a friend and role model who inspired me to go into the field I'm in. She was a good writer who chased the facts. I've heard her at press conferences challenge researchers for sloppy work, and praise those whose studies were impeccable.
She was feisty and didn't hold back. She was also a founder of the Canadian Science Writers' Association. She broke a lot of territory as one of the early women in journalism, working in a field that was traditionally a man's profession. She had a high standard of and challenged people if she saw conflicts of interest or bad behaviour. The world needs more like her. She'll be missed.
Andre Picard of the Globe &Mail is writing an obit about her that is expected to be published Saturday 13, April.

AskPippa , to DIY Solar
@AskPippa@c.im avatar

Avoid getting 'solar retinopathy' during the upcoming . Some advise from the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (eye doctors with MDs). And what solar retinopathy is.

@medmastodon https://www.cos-sco.ca/protect-your-vision-safeguarding-canadians-during-the-total-solar-eclipse-on-april-8/

18+ lynx_punk , to mutualaid group
@lynx_punk@0w0.is avatar

Might as well repost this here too to help it reach more people ❤️

Hey folks! It's the end of the month which means it's time to put up a new mutual aid request! :floof_Heart:

I will try and keep this short but if you would like more explanation on the situation my DMs are always open! I've created a PayPal (Lying about my age- PayPal don't come after me) to be able to receive funds to help survive). I will be getting out of this entire state the day I turn 18, so bare with me till next Summer folks! :floof_Heart:

I am a minor living in a really shitty situation which includes but is not limited to: Abuse, food insecurity, refusal of food, medical neglect, etc.

I have a chronic skin disease, back problems, and a bunch of other medical problems which makes my daily life a struggle that get worse without medications. I also suffer with severe anxiety and I am unable to get meds for this so I have to go through with someone else to get some medications to help control this issue. These meds also help me sleep at night, which is another problem for me.

As far as food goes, at my mothers house there is very little if any food that is edible (By this I mean 2+ years expired, moldy, rotting, etc.) and at my fathers he refuses to feed me most nights and if I steal food I'll get the punishment of not being allowed food (Which makes no sense) and at times I've been yelled at for even drinking water.

I am unemployed and the only way I make any variant of USD is coding, which doesn't bring in more than (if even) $10 a month. I just need money for food, medications, cat food and hygiene products (& feminine products).

I have to take care of my 15 year old brother when I am at my mothers house also and at times my parents leave me, my stepsister (both 16, we turn 17 later this year), my brother (15) and their 4 year old (turning 5 later this year) child for 7+ days (alone, occasionally our oldest brother is there), to pretty much fend for ourselves while they go out on vacation out of the country. And while yes, we are older teens and we have it handled slightly- it's still a struggle with food.

Here's a cost breakdown for the month! Any amount helps, even just $1! :floof_Heart:

FOOD: $400

HYGIENE: $20 (Managed to get some free feminine products, yippie for me :floof_Happy:)


TOTAL: $500


CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?

18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

Hey folks! It's the end of the month which means it's time to put up a new mutual aid request! :floof_Heart:

I will try and keep this short but if you would like more explanation on the situation my DMs are always open! I've created a PayPal (Lying about my age- PayPal don't come after me) to be able to receive funds to help survive). I will be getting out of this entire state the day I turn 18, so bare with me till next Summer folks! :floof_Heart:

I am a minor living in a really shitty situation which includes but is not limited to: Abuse, food insecurity, refusal of food, medical neglect, etc.

I have a chronic skin disease, back problems, and a bunch of other medical problems which makes my daily life a struggle that get worse without medications. I also suffer with severe anxiety and I am unable to get meds for this so I have to go through with someone else to get some medications to help control this issue. These meds also help me sleep at night, which is another problem for me.

As far as food goes, at my mothers house there is very little if any food that is edible (By this I mean 2+ years expired, moldy, rotting, etc.) and at my fathers he refuses to feed me most nights and if I steal food I'll get the punishment of not being allowed food (Which makes no sense) and at times I've been yelled at for even drinking water.

I am unemployed and the only way I make any variant of USD is coding, which doesn't bring in more than (if even) $10 a month. I just need money for food, medications, cat food and hygiene products (& feminine products).

I have to take care of my 15 year old brother when I am at my mothers house also and at times my parents leave me, my stepsister (both 16, we turn 17 later this year), my brother (15) and their 4 year old (turning 5 later this year) child for 7+ days (alone, occasionally our oldest brother is there), to pretty much fend for ourselves while they go out on vacation out of the country. And while yes, we are older teens and we have it handled slightly- it's still a struggle with food.

Here's a cost breakdown for the month! Any amount helps, even just $1! :floof_Heart:

FOOD: $400

HYGIENE: $20 (Managed to get some free feminine products, yippie for me :floof_Happy:)


TOTAL: $500


CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?

siin , to Random stuff
@siin@pagan.plus avatar

I think that it's absolutely horrifying that the average person can't purchase and stock antivenom, antibiotics, steroids, epinephrine, insulin, or IV saline fluids.

The very act of saying this is radical. gasp! But we can't be trusted with such things! The lay person would give out antibiotics with abandon, fail to properly place an IV, give epinephrine when it isn't indicated! People would die!

This is what we've been taught, and it's bullshit. It doesn't take twelve years of medical school to identify anaphylaxis, especially in someone you know. Most people are concerned enough about the side effects of antibiotics to reserve them for when they're really necessary (and the average household is NOT the cause of widespread antibiotic resistant organisms: industrial livestock and our own medical establishment are). It doesn't take more than a week to learn how to properly place an IV. It doesn't take a genius to administer antivenom if someone is bit by a snake.

But you know what this access would do? Save people. From death, from severe disability, from tens of thousands of dollars of medical bills that make them wish they'd just died in the first place.

These skills could be taught to 8th graders in school. It isn't complicated. First aid, wilderness medicine, and basic life support training needs to go beyond "call for help when you identify x, y, and z". Medical care, especially emergency medical care, should be a basic human right, and by this I mean we should have the right to administer it to ourselves and our community without barriers.

Reserve the hospital for true surgical emergencies. I don't want to take out my child's appendix, for example, without an OR and anesthetics. But there is an extremely wide range of mild to moderate ailments and even real emergencies that could be treated better and more immediately IN PLACE if the average person had access to the right equipment and the most basic accessible training that could easily be passed on to other community members.

cnbusinessforum , to Hydrogen
@cnbusinessforum@mstdn.business avatar

[] 2024 HST Guangzhou International Hydrogen offers products such as , hydrogen and , , hydrogen products, and hydrogen . 1.-3. April 2024. Poly World Center, , . https://cnbusinessforum.com/event/2024-hst-guangzhou-international-hydrogen-technology-industry-expo/

quite1enough , to ActuallyAutistic group
@quite1enough@mastodon.social avatar

Dear mastodonian friends!

Does anyone knows any decent international organization that can provide medical assistance for person with ASD and ARFID, granted that there's most likely a lot of stuff outside of ASD and ARFID issues? Or even charity international organizations that can help in situation with health issues and whatnot. Thank you.


18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

If anyone could spare even just $10 that'd be great, they're going to work tomorrow so I'll be able to run down to the store and discount store, my hopes are to at least be able to afford medicated soap (For skin disease (What they're still questioning might be cancer- not fun)), milk, cereal, a loaf of bread, and maybe some gernola/gernola bars that I can hide in my room when I'm not allowed to eat (Yes, this is a punishment in my house. No food and sometimes even water.)

I am an unemployed minor with no possible way of getting funds in person.

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US


RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/057050d7-9b49-43a0-9502-9300e48a3131

18+ Anxious_Agender , to mutualaid group
@Anxious_Agender@cooltrans.men avatar

It's break and still nowhere near the goal, very much struggling and out of some of my meds :neocat_scream_scared:

Asking for just a small amount of money to afford some milk, cereal, granola bars and some bread along with a stick of deodorant and medicated soap for my chronic skin disease (It causes a bunch of chest pains for me without the medication :neocat_flop_blep:)

CASHAPP: $LynxPunk
PAYPAL: https://paypal.me/LynxPunk?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US

RE: https://cooltrans.men/objects/057050d7-9b49-43a0-9502-9300e48a3131

AskPippa , to medmastodon group
@AskPippa@c.im avatar

If anyone see weirdnesses in published studies clearly caused by use of AI/ChaptGPT, do send me a link. I'm looking for examples. Funny phrases like 'in my search as an AI', or 'here is a great idea for your paper', or odd images, etc.
Links to the journal, or details that will help me find it, are welcome.


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