matthiasott , to Random stuff avatar

A little quiz: in which of those two inputs will your password be visible aka unmasked? đŸ€”

osjobhub , to Android avatar

Are you looking for a new role in open source? Browse 500+ jobs on from companies including @acquia @mozilla @wikimediafoundation and more!

helianthropy , to Random stuff avatar

A great new feature of macOS is that now I need to press the keyboard command for the character viewer multiple times—particularly if the OS thinks it knows exactly which emoji I want to use (spoiler alert: it doesn’t). Please tell me I can turn this off with a terminal command.

helianthropy OP , avatar

For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s this thing. I don't even know what to call it to search for a way of disabling it.

smallcircles , to Random stuff avatar

.. a "mutuals only" communication mode?

smallcircles OP , avatar


Interesting would be 'topical follows'..

"I follow you wrt shared interest on and not interested on your technical rants about ". And then you get topical mutuals that way too.

May get to be a bit complex to achieve -wise, but still.

scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

My experimentation with + programming has been a mixed bag:

  • It often gets it right the first try
  • It's faster to change the prompt than edit the code
  • it can explain code fairly well


  • I can ask the exact same prompt and get different code that WONT work!
  • After several iterations, the code just stops compiling
  • I frequently save revisions of files so I can upload a working file and iterate from there.
  • It's SO SLOW to wait for it to type out
scottjenson OP , avatar

I've been wading into code/APIs I have zero experience with and making remarkable progress. I'm thinking of it as creating a good starting tutorial.

I'm still giving it fairly tiny utility programs (I am just prototyping crazy stuff) I'm not building anything complex. But as a Designer the fact that I can build a working prototype in or so damn fast is remarkable.

scottjenson , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar

I don't think we're talking enough about the UX limitations of LLMs. A chat is just too primitive and the 'randomization' aspect of each generation makes refinement nearly impossible. As a thought experiment, I'm suggesting there are three levels of :

Level 1: Chat in and out
Existing chat UX

Level 2: Masked Chat
Still chat based, but hidden behind an app that turns visual actions into chat prompts and renders it back to the user.


scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

For all of my complaining about the of kitchen appliances, my new Breville oven is actually astoundingly good.

Not only are the controls clear and easy to use but there are small little touches that are just very well thought out. For example when the timer gets close to zero the internal light turns on automatically.

scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

There is so much bad here that I hardly know where to start.

If you are a professor, this is an excellent design exercise: improve this. I'm sure ANY student could make this far simpler and easier to use.

I have a short video using this that makes it ever more clear this was designed by a dysfunctional design team. This is a if you're curious.

patrick , to Privacy avatar

Been talking about telemetry in software recently, and how people seem to be opposed to it in principle, while there are use cases that truly benefit from such data collection, like figuring out how to optimize the UI of such software.

It's still a work in progress, but I'm wondering if is a concept that could be acceptable and workable for concious open source folks (who want to know what's going on with their data) and researchers (who'd like to have such data) alike.

Comments welcome!

wiredprairie , to Microsoft Windows avatar

What's your favorite desktop application?

For design inspiration, I'm trying to gather a list of desktop apps that are fun/enjoyable and don't have a corporate/enterprise feel to them.

Not games or streaming apps though. It feels like desktop app design hasn't kept pace with modern web app design but maybe my searches aren't using the right terms.

I realize this is subjective, but I'd still like more examples. 😁 Thx!

gairdeachas , to Random stuff avatar

Hey / community, how do you source skillsets outside of your core dev team's wheelhouse, be that volunteer or paid?

@DProofreaders is embarking on a proofreading UI redesign and the dev team doesn't have deep expertise. What we do have are two existing ~20-year-old UIs, a laundry list of requested improvements, and a very opinionated community.

Any suggestions on how you find someone to help you wrangle that?

afeinman , to Random stuff avatar

I cannot communicate how much I hate the "long press--to do things" interface pattern.

What does it do? No idea; every control is different.

Is it discoverable? Only in the way the corner of a coffee table is discoverable by your shin.

Is it accessible to folks with motor control issues, or who use screen readers? Also no.


scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

Am I the only one confused by ? They feel clunky, it's not at all clear what is going on, and honestly doesn't feel any different than a password manager (but somehow worse)

I really don't even understand what is going on under the hood. Are there any good explainers out there?

owzim , to Thunderbird avatar

@thunderbird there is no option to show avatars in the message list, right?

Especially with a lot of messages per day, the messages list is just noise to me. Avatars would be great to reduce cognitive overhead.

scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

I'm headed to the next January and looking for any or general programs there. The University of La Laguna in has one but I don't know a soul. Looking for any connections there or with other institutions. Thanks in advance! Boosts appreciated

scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

I've just started using I find the experience pretty set-and-forget and I love it. For my meetings, I can focus on the person, not worrying about note taking. Better yet, in addition to the transcript are notes and a summary. Still testing it out but interesting.

Better yet, it's web based! So I can use it from nearly any device. This means so much to me. Ultimately, I'd prefer this tech to be local, but unlike others, I'm not knee jerk against cloud services.

emill1984 , to Random stuff Polish avatar

kur.... znowu wyslalem na bookingu pol wiadomosci bo shift+enter wysyla...

tak, wiem, ze juz kiedys na to rantowalem, ale po prostu nie moge z takich rozwiazan wbrew logice i wszelkiemu RIGCZowi xD

cassidy , to Random stuff avatar

Pro tip: if your Bluetooth isn't working with a certain wireless card, check the BIOS settings before installing a new wireless card
 apparently my Intel NUC had Bluetooth disabled in the BIOS; the card works just fine!

The upside is that I installed an extra RAM stick as long as I was in there. TWICE the RAM at a whopping 16 GB.

Palpatine shooting lightning, saying "Unlimited power!"

scottjenson , avatar

@cassidy The ultimate sin of BIOS, it's a hidden settings panel. The worst UX is an invisible UX you MUST use.

scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

Oh come on! This is getting silly

benbloodworth , to Random stuff avatar

If your security team is still forcing users to have password rules like this, it's time to fire your security team.

scottjenson , to Random stuff avatar

Dear ,

Has anyone written about the "Techbro Mindset"? It's when complex socio-political issues are reduced to simplistic "disruptions" that never live up to their hype. Examples include the gig economy, the sharing economy, the crypto economy, and, more recently, the generative AI economy.

scottjenson OP , avatar

Each of these was supposed to change everything but ended up being far less capable than envisioned. My hypothesis is simple: the problem was far more complex than anticipated. As a designer, this seems obvious to me—my job is to "know what we don't know," and I've found that deeply understanding the problem at hand is the only way to really solve it.

kissane , to Random stuff avatar

A few weeks back I encountered a FOSS guy here explaining that when he sees open source devs ask for money, he blocks them and then stops using their code because they're morally wrong and he only wants to work with tools made by people who are doing the work for the right reasons. (I'm paraphrasing to avoid indexing the post.)

I've resisted writing about it because I'm slammed, but the question I can't shake is: Who benefits from the ideology of "pure" volunteerism?

scottjenson , avatar

@kissane Thank you! As someone who has been trying to encourage better in open source, your experience really hits. There are radical sects of that revel in saying "you're not doing it right". (Many horror stories to tell)

My only comfort is that they are actually not representative of the broader community, which just wants to get something done

joelanman , to Random stuff avatar

From the GOV.UK guidance, do not use maxlength on form fields:

> Using the maxlength attribute means there is no feedback to users that their text input is truncated. This is especially true where the text has been copied and pasted from elsewhere. This can cause users to accidentally provide incorrect or incomplete information.

scottjenson , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar

For the last three days I've been playing a mobile game. It was a fascinating mix of actually good game play, manipulative game progression, substantial use of dark patterns, and way too many "Currencies" you needed to collect to advance. The strategy is complex and intriguing.

I actually enjoyed playing it until I reached "that point" where all progress basically stops (without paying). I uninstalled the game with zero remorse.

I also feel a bit dirty

natalina , to Random stuff German avatar

Hallo zusammen!
Ich brauche mal euren Rat und vllt auch eure Connections: Zurzeit arbeite ich in in der QA und bin zusÀtzlich im Design-Team aktiv, möchte aber nun voll in die UX einsteigen.
Ein wenig zu mir: In meinem Medieninformatik-Studium habe ich meine Thesis ĂŒber das spannende Thema Dark Patterns geschrieben und eine Zertifizierung als UX-Designerin abgeschlossen.
Kennt ihr offene Stellen in oder habt Tipps fĂŒr den Wechsel? WĂ€re super dankbar fĂŒr jede Hilfe!

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