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acockworkorange ,

Got sent a podcast where they discussed “universal house rules” for a better time at the table. Pretty much everything they suggested is the standard behavior for Fate and Cortex.

People will generally stick to what they know, and that’s what those videos capitalize on.

acockworkorange ,

Can we stop with the clockshaming? All clocks are good clocks.

acockworkorange OP ,

I didn’t know that. I’ll edit the post as a feature request then. Thanks!

acockworkorange ,

Reposting from Reddit is a data preservation duty.

acockworkorange ,

Oh, right right, I get you now. Thank you for your service, kind sophont.

acockworkorange ,

Right back at ya. Cheers!

6 Reasons So Many Movies Are Struggling At The Box Office In 2024 ( )

With ticket sales down and newly released movies hitting streaming and video-on-demand (VOD) services in record time, it's not surprising that films are struggling to make it big in theaters. For comparison, 2015's Mad Max: Fury Road grossed a whopping $45 million over a non-holiday opening weekend, which ultimately led to an...

acockworkorange ,

I absolutely love the Mad Max series, but I’ll be the first to say that yes, it’s derivative, except for the very first one.

All the others follow the same formula: Max Rockatansky wanders into a shitty situation while dealing with Bad Guys™️. Shitty situation escalates and ropes him in. He reluctantly helps and, with a ragtag team of anti-heroes, they save the day at a great cost. Max is left to wander the Outback once more.

It’s a great formula, I love it, but I won’t blame anyone for not wanting to watch more of the same.

acockworkorange ,

She did a bang up job, though.

acockworkorange ,
acockworkorange , (edited )

It’s telling that in his mind, the worst offense he can lob at someone is “your brand has gone way down in value”. Truly one of the businessman of all time.

acockworkorange ,

I know some of these words.

acockworkorange ,

Oh please no. That toxic Reddit power tripping sub rules about tags and lingo… leave it there.

acockworkorange ,

I’m from the 3e days, but never got into WoD, so the lingo goes right over my noggin.

acockworkorange ,

I’m from the 3e days, but never got into WoD, so the lingo goes right over my noggin.

acockworkorange ,

Dance schön.

acockworkorange ,

Danke schön.

acockworkorange ,

Better call Willem Dafren to your side.

I’ll see myself out.

acockworkorange ,

Stupid was a medical term similar to the r word. It got replaced because people started using it as a slur. So did the r word. I wonder if people will start using neurodivergent or some other term as a slur, forcing the medical community to adopt another term once more.

acockworkorange ,

Dumb too, but it meant mute. Quite weird this one.

acockworkorange ,

There’s no context whatsoever in there, mate. Did British Cycling sell its soul to Shell?

acockworkorange ,

There’s no context whatsoever in there, mate. Did British Cycling sell its soul to Shell?

acockworkorange ,

What a joke. Thanks for the info.

acockworkorange ,

Pigeons have an organ in the brain that allows them to sense the earth’s magnetic field.

TIL: Some cephalopods can fly… ( )

Some cephalopods are able to fly through the air for distances of up to 50 metres (160 ft). While cephalopods are not particularly aerodynamic, they achieve these impressive ranges by jet-propulsion; water continues to be expelled from the funnel while the organism is in the air. The animals spread their fins and tentacles to...

acockworkorange ,

“No, I already live in a shitty state. I don’t want to move to your shittier state.”

acockworkorange ,

That’s because the onus lies on the claimant.

acockworkorange ,

In Arkansas of all places. Who’da thunk?

acockworkorange ,

Turns out this is called “I’d do any chore but work”.

acockworkorange ,

Panasonic Toughbook. But it’s going to cost you.

acockworkorange ,

Did I hear something about a metaphorical red line?

I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.

Everywhere I am there is a guy running a leaf blower. At my house, leaf blowers everywhere all day long. At work, of course, leaf blowers blowing dirt and allergens into the air. It’s such a special noise, it goes through walls and headphones so effectively. They are the most pervasive, annoying things on the planet. I hate...

acockworkorange ,

Show as a non functional play button for me. Voyager on iOS.

acockworkorange ,

We adapt. Whenever I have my relatives from Brazil visiting, they’re always wearing coats indoors while I’m wearing short sleeves and shorts. A few years ago, I endured 40-45 C summers.

acockworkorange ,

Oh I meant from 20-25C to 40-45. 52C is indeed close to unlivable. And yeah, we’re fucked.

acockworkorange ,

No they don’t. My Zoomer son and his friends mock this bs savagely.

acockworkorange ,

It was particularly challenging as US and NATO codify rank as O3, O4, etc.

acockworkorange ,

A heartfelt hi from another Engenheiros fan! Don’t forget Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul use the same cuia as well.

acockworkorange ,

I just know from a friend from out there that it's common to use both the horns and the gourds. Mate with lemon soda is something new to me. Mate tea with lime served cold is a refreshing drink I like, but then it's made with the toasted leaves and not just dried like chimarrão.

acockworkorange ,

Encouraging something and disabling something are two different things. They have Flatpak in stable, which is untested software. That’s not why they didn’t use PPAs.

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