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bstix ,

To be fair, some of the institutional investors are part of the 20% who demands answers from Shell, perhaps because their own investors require them to make more environmental friendly investments.

It's a double edged sword. They need to have stocks to have a say. Arguing from outside only gets people booted off the premises.

I still have my doubts if the tactic of changing Shell and others from the inside works in any meaningful manner. My pension company say that they're using their investments to influence the companies, but it won't change anything unless they can form a majority on the boards. 20% is impressive but apparently not enough to sway the cold dinosaurs.

Personally I have chosen for my pension funds not to be invested in fossil fuels at all. It may bring a smaller return right now, but even strictly financially considered, I really don't want my money tied to fossil fuels in light of the quantity of electric cars being sold. Those customers simply aren't coming back to the gas station. Fossil fuels are no longer a safe investment long term. They'll be fighting to stay relevant for a long time, but it's only going to get more difficult for them as time goes by.

bstix ,

You need a deep fake of your mom to tell her about it.

bstix ,

The Dutch won't get awards for the design of the coastline.

bstix ,

Ideally yes..

Unfortunately and realistically, when you go searching the internet for ideas and inspiration for tiny homed, you'll mostly find people who just want to avoid property taxes and building codes to go live in a trailer park.

bstix ,

Der ligger en nedlagt fabrik på Høiriisgårdsvej i Brabrand, hvis du alligevel er på de kanter. De er begyndt at bygge der i år. Det ligner mere en byggeplads og der er kun betonelementerne tilbage, som vist nok skal bruges på sigt.

bstix ,

Hvad er der sket dér?

Indersiden ser fin ud, men jeg går ud fra at SOSU uddannelsen er flyttet derfra?

bstix ,

Kender det... Klochhuset i Hobro har også været forfaldet i mange år, og en lille men højlydt andel af nærmeste naboer er meget imod højt byggeri. De tabte så i sidste ende, men det har taget langt tid, og lorten er ikke blevet kønnere i mellemtiden.

bstix ,

Da jeg var dreng i 1980erne og mine forældre var hippier uden råd til bil, så gik vi hver dag ind til byen via de forladte industrigrunde fra 1950-1970 mellem forstaden og byen.

Det var ikke noget jeg ville ønske at mine børn skulle færdes i i dag med asbest osv. men æstetikken og modsætningen mellem de gamle forladte fabrikker og vores højteknologiske samfund (altså farve tv, Commodore 64, VHS og compact discs.) er noget som på forunderlig vis er nostalgisk.

Forfald er et smukt udtryk for at andre må tage over når vi ikke længere selv kan.

Der er ikke så meget af det tilbage. Det sidste "slum" blev fjernet i 1990erne med "byfornyelse", men jeg kan da allerede nu se at det samme vil ske igen, bare lidt længere fra centrum.

bstix ,

Just write the salary already. Does it include pension?

bstix ,

The "French hotdog" (shown as Czech) was invented in Denmark in the 1980s. There are different claims of who made it first with minor details like how the bread is prepared. One of the guys claiming it also went on to invent the "double barrel french hotdog".

bstix ,

"very shortly" being the time it takes for a donor to tell his campaign managers what his policy is supposed to be.

bstix ,

"Rise of" was he first of the reboot.. which was after the remake..which was the sixth movie or something.

bstix ,

Jeg kan ikke helt forstå tallene i artiklen. Der står at det er gået fra 65000 til 80000 på tre år. Altså 8333 mere om året for alle aldersgrupper. De "unge" under 40 står for en stigning 600 personer om året.

Betyder det så at gruppen over 40 (men stadigvæk under pensionsalderen) er steget med resten: 7733 personer?! På trods af at det er en større gruppe, så er det alligevel ca.10 gange så meget?

bstix ,

Ja netop. Selvfølgelig er det bekymrende at der er en stigning blandt unge.. og det er ikke for at lave "what-about-isme", men det er åbenbart fuldstændigt normalt, hvis man skulle tro artiklen, at stigningen blandt de ældre er ti gange mere i forhold til den "bekymrende" udvikling hos de unge.

Når jeg læser kilden, så står det også i resumeet af statistikken, og den ordlyd har journalisten gået med, men det altså kun en betragtning af et statistisk underpunkt. Nogen har klikket på "udvid pivot tabel" og overskriften består af det punkt fremfor at se på det hele.

Det her interessere mig lidt, fordi jeg frygter en fremtid hvor vi får "working poor" i blandt de 50-70 årige. Hvor den gruppe tidligere har været meget højt lønnede, endda urimeligt højt, , så er de nu først i rækken til at blive fyret ved næste automatisering. Og hvad skal de så?

Jo, det har vi løst i Danmark. Man skal åbenbart melde sig syg indtil pensionen tikker ind, og så i øvrigt beskylde de unge for ikke at lave nok.

bstix ,

I doubt any game logic is going to be that fast ever. It might look better, but it won't make much difference in how players or even the game itself can react to events in the game.
Perhaps it'll make VR more comfortable or something.

bstix ,

Let's entertain the idea that an unknown staffer accidentally missed the word... Why was the word even there in the first place??
It really shouldn't be necessary to check your drafts or templates for accidental nazi references.

bstix ,

The latest are from 2013.

It's great though if you have plans on restoring a 98 Pontiac Sunfire.

bstix ,

To be fair, he didn't. It was his army that did it and I'm pretty sure they too had trouble getting motivated on Monday mornings.

bstix ,

Also, nuclear fuel is not renewable. There is a finite amount.

Imagine future generations hearing about the idiots who wanted to throw the barely used uranium into the sun.

bstix ,

I know and it's an interesting video. It's just that I've seen that suggestion posted seriously more often than it should be.

bstix ,

The bones are inside the cast.
They found the cavities during excavation.

bstix ,

They also have a potential advantage in moving large things.

For instance wind turbine blades, which are quite difficult to move by trucks.
Airships don't require infrastructure for the transport or delivery and could rope it down to sites with difficult terrain.

bstix , (edited )

Sure that would be a solution too. An airship would have an advantage in not using energy to stay up, so it could theoretically fly very long distances with heavy weight, where drones would need constant energy depending on both the weight and distance.

I'm not saying it is a good idea in practice, but theoretically it might make sense.

bstix ,

Do this lot of people vote?

bstix ,

I wish it was possible to vote strongly enough for gerrymandering to be irrelevant.

Another 51% win for Biden will certainly trigger another violent inssurection attempt and another 4 years of inaction.

The best outcome would be a landslide victory if only to show the republican voters that their ideas are not supported by the general public.

bstix ,

Another odd thing is that their oil fund owns about 1.5% of all globally listed stock shares. That's a lot by capita, since their population is less than 0.07% of the global population.

bstix ,

We'll probably never get to know what caused it. It doesn't seem like they'll be doing an investigation at all.


bstix ,

It's really simple and you dont need a chart: The shoe should be darker than the pants.

bstix ,

No, it is the chart that is wrong.

bstix ,

Just listen to the word. Busy with what?

bstix ,

I don't think it's limited like that. While I usually think in sentences, it also happens that I get ideas that I either can't express in words or it happens so fast that I don't bother trying to think it through in sentences.

Try to think of a house and notice how you don't need to describe it in any detail to instantly visualise how you think a house looks.

It'll be interesting to hear what they find in the ongoing research, but it's already clear that the brain is not just a large language model.

bstix ,

The section "other people also search for" is complete garbage.

I was searching for a used car part in my native language and Google mistook it for a name.
No, Google, other people do not search for "car part net worth and marital status ". Why are you showing me this crap?

bstix ,

The thing is.. everyone is a regular guy.

All the movie stars, famous musicians, politicians and renowned scientists, yes, those are all regular guys too. They eat, shit and fall asleep on a pillow every night or about as much as regular people do and usually not all at once.
2 arms 2 legs 1 head and so. Mostly. A bit above average perhaps, but generally they have a regular number of limbs.

Mark likely does all those regular things just as well as regular guys.

However.. Someone who goes on a live stream to introduce his new cutting edge technology by staring into a camera without blinking for 45 minutes endlessly mumbling about smoked meats while rocking a caesarian haircut. That's also perfectly regular.... for a lizard.

bstix ,

I'm not even sure if the previous poster was being serious, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually thinks of Mark Zuckerberg as a regular dude, because he's so dorky and awkward that it's relatable for some people.

It's pretty clear that the guy has affuenza and having trouble with social relations. I don't hate that about him, but it doesn't mean that I will ever consider him to be a regular guy. Like many other rich kids, he never had to grow up and grow out of the juvenile belief that money is the end goal. He's still a 15 year old thinking it's clever to cheat and win in monopoly.

He's a character though, and I like that about him. The world could generally benefit from having more oddballs, instead of billionaire eccentrics. In this way, I'd award him 1 more charisma point than Elon Musk.

bstix ,

I was only taught one comma rule in English: "if in doubt, leave it out ".
In this case I would advise you to leave it in.

However it's your pillow. You make the bed that you sleep in.

bstix ,

Well, that's fair. I have to point out that the tabloids are pulling a lot of words out of very little data. Exactly the opposite of what Zuckerberg does. He might very well play them like a fiddle.

Anyway, another plus for him is that his phone number is publicly available. I'd like to call him up some day just to talk about meat, while I never really have any reason to call Elon.

bstix ,

With all respect, yes, I hope so.

bstix ,

Optometrists are behind this. When you turn mid fourties they'll politely but sternly ask you to consider spectacles with progressive correction. It will make the world just as curvy as they want you to see it.

bstix ,

Multiplication of x times 6:

x * 6 = 1/2 x * 10 + x

This can sometimes be a shortcut for numbers that are easier to divide by 2 than to multiply by 6.

Take half as tens and add the number.

6 * 6 = 30 + 6 = 36

8 * 6 = 40 + 8 = 48

150 * 6 = 750 + 150 = 900

320 = 1600 + 320 = 1920


Sleep well.

bstix ,

Exactly. Multiples of 5 are easy enough in my opinion, but the principle can be used for all kinds of stuff when trying to calculate quickly.

For instance 9x =10x-x is usually faster than 9x (at least for my brain).

I once talked to an old guy who called it "little math", because it fits in your head instead of having to use paper and pencil at the desk. It must have been taught differently before I was born. I work with numbers, and I've often encountered these old geezers who can eyeball a number close enough to make a decision before I can boot my pc and put everything through Excel.

bstix ,

What can I say, I like it hot. Hotter than public saunas.

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