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dogsoahC ,

You can't be a good anything and be a landlord. At least if we use the moral meaning of "good".

dogsoahC ,

That's an odd spelling of "capitalist".

dogsoahC ,

Okay, but why do we need the landlord then? We'd just need a custodian.

dogsoahC ,

That's weak. Just put it on you boner, and you're good to go.

dogsoahC ,

So long as there's privileged classes, I'd rather my boss be a lucky comrade than a racist reactionary.

dogsoahC ,

Isn't that the case for most, if not all birds? And for humans too, while we're at it.

Edt: Whoops, I read "eggs" instead of "eyes".

dogsoahC ,

The concept of forgetting is laughing its ass off rn.

dogsoahC ,

So, "covfefe" was meant to say "conviction"? Sounds like a rock-solid prophecy (TM), if you ask me. Maybe he really is the messiah.

dogsoahC ,

I agree. But for people that can't be rehabilitated, the "prison" should still provide them with a decent life. Not luxurious, but comfortable enough that thy can still be happy in an isolated environment.

dogsoahC ,

To me, "prison abolition" sounds fine, since the new type of detention facilities would have very little in common with traditional prisons, the point of which is, mainly, punishment.

dogsoahC ,

Nah, I'll stick with happy. As long as they can't harm others, even absolute dickwads should he allowed to be happy. Within reasonable limits in terms of cost to society in order to make it happen, of course.

dogsoahC ,

"Russia used to have a different political system, therefore current-day Russia can't be traditional."

Or what exactly is the point here?

dogsoahC ,

Shout-out to the person letting their hand be progressively burned for this infographic.

dogsoahC ,

"Bolitika" klingt einfach, als würde man die österreichische Aussprache niederschreiben.

dogsoahC ,

I tend to put garlic in even when there's none at all in the recipe. Making pancakes? Stuff those fuckers with a metric fuckton of the good stuff. I may be exaggerating slightly.

dogsoahC ,

If someone makes a Funko Pop figurine out of my remains, I'm gonna fucking kill myself.

dogsoahC ,

I'm an optimist. I hope that in fourty years, the revolution will already have been won and grandma doesn't need to vandalize banks any longer.

dogsoahC ,

Shutting down my computer with the button, restarting, and installing Emacs.

dogsoahC ,

Holy shit, the Captain had it right all along!

dogsoahC ,

If Lovecraft has taught us anythig, it's that looking too closely into either one is a BAD idea.

dogsoahC ,

"Heavy", you say?

heavy heavy metal breathing

dogsoahC ,

Nah, we just need more people with sticks.

dogsoahC ,

Okay, but that's the entire reason the "left" in the US is so pointless. They just have to be less shit. They don't even have to try too hard to avoid a genocide. They still win. But as Trump showed, that doesn't weaken the right. The right can just say "Hey, look, the leftists don't do shit! Now if you'd kindly be distracted from our increasing fascism..."
Liberals have no recipe against fascism. At best, they just postpone it by one or two election cycles. Like, I'm not saying don't vote for Biden. I'm glad I don't live in the US with your stupid two-party system. I'm glad I don't have to decide whether to vote for everything that's wrong in that country rn, or the worse alternative. If you think voting democrat is the right move, good on you. If you want to convince others from that view, great. Just, don't be a dick about it. That "so you're secretely a fash, hur di hur di hur" shtick isn't gonna do anything but alienate others further.

dogsoahC ,

I highly doubt that you're gonna like this, but... communism. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's anarchism. But liberal democracy has failed that task time and time again.

dogsoahC ,

First of all, what the fuck kind of standard is that, "indefintely"? At least it doesnt actively lead to fascism. I'd cite the "fascism is capitalism in decline" thing, but since Lenin said that iirc, that'd be like citing the bible to prove the bible.

Second of all, socialists, communists, and anarchists were always on the forefront of fighting fascism. They were the major force in the Spanisch civil war until they lost because fascism is better at the military. They were the ones arguing the loudest against Nazis, which is why they were such a threat that the first concentration camp were made for them. In Cuba, they literally overthrew the fascist dictatorship that was there at the time. Even reformism won out in places like Chile until the USA (you know, that liberal democracy that's all the rage now) decided they'd rather see a FASCIST DICTATOR in its place. And even though I don't like the Soviet Union for a variety of reasons, especially once Stalin took over, they were the ones who bore the brunt of the war against the Nazis while the USA were initially only helping for profit. And yes, I am aware that the USSR also played a significant role in letting the Nazis grow to power. Like I said, Stalin (and the system he represented) bad.

To get back to the original topic, since we both evidently disenjoy fascism, we (as in, our respective ideological groups) should maybe join in a united front against it. Not as a centrist "reach across the aisle", just to work together on this particular issue. And I'd love to do that. But Joe seems stuck in the proud 'murican tradition of panicking at the sight of red flags and siding with fascists.

dogsoahC ,

I guess then it's a good thing that I'm not advocating for inaction. We just have very different ideas on what to do.

dogsoahC ,

The standard I'm applying to liberal democracy is the lowest one possible. "Does it actively cause fascism, or support it in its rise?" To which the answer sooner or later becomes "Abso-fucking-lutely."

The Cuban fascist were replaced with a workers' state that survived and to some degree prospered in spite of isolation by the USA and their lackeys. There sure are human rights issues, but besides at least some of them stemming from the definition of human rights as anything diverging from bourgeois parlamentary democracy, that's not enough to completely discredit communism. There are plenty capitalist natuons with abysmal human rights records.

Yes. The USSR sucked ass. In my view, there's a number of reasons they (and China) shouldn't even be considered communist (workers had no real control, and they abandoned internationalism in favor of petty nationalism). But they generally seen as part of the communist lore, so whatever. That doesn't make them fascists.

So you've still not offered a single ideology that has actually managed to hold off totalitarianism in a way liberal democracy has not.

Nice shifting of the goal posts there, buddy. We were talking about fascism, not totalitarianism. The latter is just a label you stick on countries you don't like in order to equate them with fascism.

Vote for the coalition candidate.

What coalition? Many of the Dems (at least from what I notice outside the USA) view anything that's actually more left than a better healthcare system as more evil than what the Republicans are doing. They happily play along when the Republicans bring up the red spectre (there's a certain irony to that) of communism.

dogsoahC ,

... What?

dogsoahC ,


Come on, it was right there. Dangling.

dogsoahC OP ,

Oh. OH! Looks like I'm a bit out of practicing in memecrafting. xD

dogsoahC ,

As a male scientist, I approve of this constant reaffirmation of my masculinity.

dogsoahC ,

Nah, I'll just stay in Austria. xD

dogsoahC ,

Sadly, no. My chest musculature is so enoumous that it completely envelops me. Kind of impractical in the lab sometimes, but that's the things you do for more testosterone.

dogsoahC ,

Nice username btw. xD

dogsoahC ,

I once bought some cheap-ass knockoff merch shirt that was printed like that. And shit cost, like, five bucks.

(In retrospect, I'm not proud of buying products of likely slave labor, but what's done is done.)

dogsoahC ,

I'm sorry, what?

dogsoahC ,

I tried watching it once, but I lost interest after two seasons. It's just not my type of show. That being said, after looking it up, I do remember the minerals thing. xD

dogsoahC ,

...and it allows both of them to get evicted if they don't have money, need money if they don't have money, and starve if they don't have money.

"Majestic equality" because the ruling class are more equal.

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