@dsalo@digipres.club cover
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar



Mutinous #librarian, iSchool educator, jack-of-all-trades. She/her. BS Johnson designed my notional machine. digipres.club co-mod.

Save your 20th-century creations if you value them. If it's not printed, it's likely in danger. #retrocomputing #MediaArchaeology #DigitalForensics #DigitalArchives

Ethicists are scalpels; I am a buster sword. #ethics #DataEthics #privacy #DataPrivacy #infosec #LibraryPrivacy

Former #scholcommer. #ScholarlyCommunication #OpenAccess

#nobot #metafilter #nobridge

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dsalo , to Random stuff
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

Johns Hopkins is doing a long-COVID survey and apparently is having trouble finding controls -- people who haven't had COVID. If this is you, consider giving them some clicks.


jessamyn , to Random stuff
@jessamyn@glammr.us avatar

If you participated in the discussion about Libby and maybe-targeted ads and privacy policies, you might like to read The Register's deep dive on what they could determine about what actually happened from @thomasclaburn


dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn @thomasclaburn Hot damn, I don't sound like a complete numpty!

molly0xfff , to Random stuff
@molly0xfff@hachyderm.io avatar

Ryan Salame (former CEO of the Bahamian portion of FTX) has submitted his sentencing memo. He's asked for no more than 18 months imprisonment for his charges.

He was charged with conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business and conspiracy to make unlawful political contributions and defraud the Federal Election Commission.


dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@molly0xfff ... he wants substance abuse to be counted in his favor?

weird flex but okay

platypus , to Random stuff
@platypus@glammr.us avatar

Ok -- I am really curious about this one!

I searched for: david sedaris blood work

because I wanted to see if the piece was online anywhere. The result I got on both my phone's Firefox Focus and my work laptop's Firefox says "not many results contain test, search for david sedaris blood 'test'?"

but the word "test" is not anywhere in my query.

Searching for: lab blood work

does not get me this. Nor do other things I've tried.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar
jessamyn , to Random stuff
@jessamyn@glammr.us avatar

I got my petition to put my name on the ballot as a Justice of the Peace as an independent. This is a position I've held within the town since 2013. JPs can marry people and serve on the Board of Civil Authority (to run elections) and the Board of Abatement (for hearings on tax/water bills)

Usually the parties put forward candidates. I've always run as a Democrat because it was easier. Now I've decided to get all thirty signatures because I'm honestly not a Democrat and I think it will be okay.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn you could join up with the UK's Monster Raving Loony party

tbh I've always wanted to

cghlewis , to Random stuff
@cghlewis@fosstodon.org avatar

Wow! @dsalo from the University of Wisconsin-Madison just gave a talk to our POWER Data Management Hub on the topic of Data Security and it was phenomenal!

If you want to learn from Dorothea as well, you can see her slides here: https://osf.io/j6tdx

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn @cghlewis yeesh, Apple Keynote, that's awful!

404mediaco , to Random stuff
@404mediaco@mastodon.social avatar

One of the most influential (often in a bad way) AI research institutes is shutting down, blames Oxford: https://www.404media.co/institute-that-pioneered-ai-existential-risk-research-shuts-down/

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@404mediaco WAHOO!

longobord , to Privacy
@longobord@infosec.exchange avatar

Yesterday I started receiving targeted ads based on ebook borrows from my library (San Francisco Public Library). The content of those ads suggested that the targeters were aware of which books I chose to read.


dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@mattblaze @longobord Correctamundo. It's really, really, REALLY freakin' distressing.

I also hate (as a librarian and educator of librarians) that "unwittingly" is a thing. But it is. And that ain't right either. I'm working on a research article (probably destined for Evidence-Based Library and Information Practice, which is open access) about a couple-three facets of this problem.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn uff da. did you get to this? I might be able to?

platypus , to Random stuff
@platypus@glammr.us avatar

Ok, WEIRD tech problem today.

We cannot get to anything on my (Reclaim Hosting) server while at home on either of our computers and our home internet.

But Down For Everyone or Just Me says they're up!

So I fired up Proton VPN et voila?!

... this is... frustrating?

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@platypus it's probably DNS

it's always DNS

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn @platypus in fairness, the time my ex accused me of intentionally cutting off his email, it was that he'd changed ISPs when he moved out so he needed to fix his SMTP address

but that was a special case

it's always DNS

mttaggart , to Random stuff

Good morning, nerds! The British Library just dropped its after-incident report on the ransomware attack that has disabled the Library for, uh, months?

Let's dig in.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@mttaggart "the bill collector for technical debt" is a brilliant turn of phrase! yours? if so may I borrow, with credit?

dangoodin , to Random stuff
@dangoodin@infosec.exchange avatar

I'm surprised to find almost zero intel on the cause of yesterday's Meta meltdown. For better or worse -- mainly the latter -- Meta's monopoly power is awfully close to being critical infrastructure. How can it go down and 24 hours later we still have no idea why?

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@dangoodin When has Meta been accountable to anyone ever, except in the vanishingly rare cases a court has forced them to?

jessamyn , to Random stuff
@jessamyn@glammr.us avatar

Vermont Chapter Councilor Report – LibLearnX 2023

Some big news including I am stepping down from my Chapter Councilor position and ALA is no longer going to be offering virtual conference options.


dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn hoo doggies

ALA really doesn't want to turn around its membership melt, does it?

I am probably out again after Drabinski's tenure is over.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn Yeah, Ray could definitely convince me to stay, Ray is awesome.

jessamyn , to Random stuff
@jessamyn@glammr.us avatar

Hi social friends, I'm giving a talk next week about online communication, strategies, more big picture than specific nitty gritty. For libraries.

But I do want to include some stuff like "If you're not including alt text, you're not including everybody," focusing on being positive but not chirpy, interactive but not desperately grasping for engagement, being mindful of microaggressions and content warnings and decent apologies if needed. Good policies.

Other suggestions?

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@jessamyn You can sell your own soul, but don't sell your patrons'. Social media web bugs DO NOT BELONG on library websites.

(A link is fine. A web bug is not.)

dsalo , to Random stuff
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

Just for fun, though:

Tell me your worst stories about research data security. Leave out anything identifying, of course.

Asking for a presentation I'm putting together (unpaid) which I will make public when it's done.

dsalo OP ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@hakamadare WHAT.

Did he get caught?

briankrebs , to Random stuff
@briankrebs@infosec.exchange avatar

Just had another breach notification/quote request go sideways in an icky way. I'm only mentioning it because this has happened to me more times than I care to remember, and it infuriates me every time.

Here's the scenario. I hear from a researcher who finds bad thing, data exposure, etc. If I can confirm the researcher's findings, I'll then seek comment from the organization in question. Mind you, this effort usually includes both written and oral communications clearly stating that I am a journalist, and that I am working on a story about the problem and its hopeful resolution.

The response in this scenario involves a reply from a senior executive -- often the CEO -- thanking me for the information, and in the same breath asking if I do any consulting work.

I can't pretend to know what's going on in the mind of the person who asks me this question in this situation, but as a journalist it always sounds and feels like a thinly veiled bribe offer.

To my mind, it's bit like getting pulled over for plowing through a red light, and then handing the cop a $100 bill along with your license.

I always try to respond charitably, by politely declining and explaining that's not really something I do. If I'm not totally insulted at that point, I may even suggest some competent experts. Because god knows anyone who responds this way needs all the help they can get.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@briankrebs Could be bribery, could also be panicked "can you fix our shit, since you found it?" could also be "can I turn you into the blame target somehow?"

Any of those is gross, of course.

scalzi , to Random stuff
@scalzi@mastodon.social avatar

Over on the the former Twitter, every week or so I would spotlight the new books and ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) that had shown up to the Scalzi Compound. I'm starting that up again here, so: See anything in this stack that is calling to your eyeballs?

(And yes, I know one ARC is in there twice!)

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@scalzi Hm. "The Book Censor's Library" sounds interestingly paradoxical.

lzg , to Random stuff
@lzg@mastodon.social avatar

I think some tech companies are large enough to have a product archeologist. someone who can date and catalog where features and artifacts came from, what was their purpose, what got discarded along the way, how did humans shape the product into its current form.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@TeamMidwest @lzg @baldur the CEO of a Very Large Tech Company In My Area wanted us to send them an archives intern because they're too cheap to hire an actual archivist

this company and this CEO are freakin' rolling in money

some of this is utter disrespect for archives work IMO

dsalo , to Random stuff
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

I just updated my "Ethics Smells" deck (renamed it too, to avoid Unfortunate and Unintended Implications). A few more smells, lots more examples.


mattblaze , to Random stuff
@mattblaze@federate.social avatar

Covering Olmstead (the first big Supreme Court wiretapping case, from the 1920's) in my surveillance course tomorrow, and getting ready to feel yet more old when I'll inevitably have to explain more and more basic details about the ancient technology of wireline telephones.

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@mattblaze Sympathy. Explaining why FERPA is outdated is way easier -- at least they've all seen paper.

deevybee , to Random stuff
@deevybee@mastodon.social avatar
dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@deevybee APCs aren't a perpetual-money machine? Especially when your services and brand are at best meh, at worst unacceptable?


May many more of 'em learn this. (Though of course I am sorry for the employees being fired.)

zackwhittaker , to Random stuff
@zackwhittaker@mastodon.social avatar

New: Millions of patient scans and health records are spilling online, thanks to a decades-old protocol bug.

Security researchers say doctor's offices, hospitals and medical facilities have unintentionally made the private data and medical histories of millions of patients accessible to the open internet.

More from @carlypage, reporting from Black Hat Europe in London: https://techcrunch.com/2023/12/06/medical-scans-health-records-dicom-pacs-security/

dsalo ,
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

@zackwhittaker @carlypage I wonder how many have ended up in LAION.

dsalo , to Random stuff
@dsalo@digipres.club avatar

this is a freakin' abomination but I admire the moxie


malwaretech , to Random stuff
@malwaretech@infosec.exchange avatar

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • dsalo ,
    @dsalo@digipres.club avatar

    @malwaretech I teach the story of you and WannaCry in one of my courses. You have followers from well beyond infosec.

    dsalo , to Random stuff
    @dsalo@digipres.club avatar

    Soooooooooo if you were wondering whether UMich overreacted by shutting down its entire network a couple months ago...

    ... it didn't. The breach is real, real, REAL bad. https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/university-of-michigan-employee-student-data-stolen-in-cyberattack/

    I am having thinky-thoughts regarding 1) data warehouses and why they're dangerous af, and 2) network segmentation and how much of it UMich's network had.

    dsalo , to Random stuff
    @dsalo@digipres.club avatar

    We've got at least three people in the department out sick, most likely from last week's all-staff.

    One of 'em was spitting distance (so to speak) from where I was sitting all day.

    I'm thinking wearing one of my stylin' duckbill n95s that day may have saved my butt. Gonna try to keep the wins going.

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