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ramenshaman ,

It would have been but it was released way too early.

ramenshaman ,

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

ramenshaman ,

A natural wood finish would have looked pretty good

ramenshaman ,

That's odd that Tesla spends so much on its own battery R&D and manufacturing but they're buying batteries from a Chinese company, and only for the RWD model but not the others.

ramenshaman ,

Oh ok, I thought they did. I was told by the guy at the Tesla dealer that model 3s from 2023 onward had LFP batteries so I assumed they were made by Tesla.

ramenshaman ,

Let me guess, he shot himself in the back 6 times?

ramenshaman ,

I don't think Venjent would appreciate his music being used for this video

ramenshaman ,

With my own blood after I hit my head on the fan.

ramenshaman ,

I've never seen one, do they have these for adults?

ramenshaman ,

I should not be trusted to operate one of those

ramenshaman ,

I think I know what I'm doing for my birthday this year.

ramenshaman ,

Fuck Trump, fuck Biden, and fuck Netanyahu. And while we're at it, fuck Putin and fuck Xi. Not a lot of decent people at the top these days.

ramenshaman ,

Anarchy is a great way to get taken over by another country. As far as I know, anyway, maybe I'm missing something.

ramenshaman ,

I think if you sprinkle a little baking soda in there that could help with some of the more stubborn stains but vinegar alone works really well. I recently cleaned all the hard water stains off my sliding glass shower door with it.

ramenshaman ,

Plus another dozen credit card offers for previous tenants.

ramenshaman ,

Flowers, as per usual, but this time I got her orchids which I've never done before. I got her some soap too, hoping to drop by briefly on Monday on the way home from a road trip and give it to her, maybe grab dinner or something too.

ramenshaman ,

I recently got a used model 3 but I like to drive it manually.

ramenshaman ,

I tried, but none of the 3 Lemmy apps I have (Sync, Connect, Jerboa) seem to be able to upload pictures. I would do it from my computer but I'm on vacation, going to Legoland for the first time in a couple hours. Maybe I can upload on Tuesday if I remember.

ramenshaman ,

Why can Germans still use the good meme templates but us Americans always use the shitty new ones?

ramenshaman , (edited )

I just bought a used model 3 this week. I went to a supercharger station and there were 10 other teslas there and most of them were white, the rest were black, there may have been one or two gray ones there. Almost all of them were Xs or Ys. Mine is blue so I don't feel too bad. I've been contemplating getting a wrap, maybe green, but it's hard for me to justify spending that much money just to be a little different aesthetically.

I hate Elon but there's some great engineering that went into the Teslas, except maybe the Cybertruck. There really aren't any other electric cars that are quite as good. I like the idea of a Kia EV6 or a Hyundai Ioniq 5 and they look great, but surprisingly the EV6 didn't have nearly as much head room as the model 3, and I'm 6'4". I look forward to the day when Tesla ditches Elon.

ramenshaman , (edited )

My time on Reddit taught me not to expect explanations after receiving downvotes. It wasn't me though 🤷‍♂️

Edit: case in point

ramenshaman ,

That'd be really cute if they put a can of wet food in the bottom left and treats/toys in the other slots.

ramenshaman ,

Still doesn't really seem all that big. Some EVs have 100 KWh batteries. A container ship with the battery capacity of 500 cars doesn't sound like much.

ramenshaman ,

I don't disagree but every time I've seen a diesel engine on a cargo ship it was absolutely massive.

ramenshaman ,

I'm sure nothing bad will come from this.

ramenshaman ,

My gray kitty also tucks her face into my arm like that! 😻

ramenshaman ,

Showed this to my girlfriend and she said " the answer is get some food bitch you're bleeding"

ramenshaman ,

He could show me his penis for $250,000. For another $50,000 I'll show him mine.

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