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rmuk ,

Want to feel old? Duke Nukem 3D came out closer to the collapse of the Ptolemaic Dynasty than to the present day.

rmuk ,

I was going to comment but I remembered I left the door slightly open.

rmuk ,

Yes, when I realised I had a moment of sudden, uncomfortable shock. I had to pause the movie I was watching, which was about shark attacks.

Have you ever bough an external hardrive only to take the disk out of it?

Hiya, so am looking to buy more storage and while browsing am seeing some external harddisks, such as Western Digital My Book and Seagate Expansion Desktop for cheaper than the internal harddisks themselves. Have seen this one video from KTZ Systems where he bought up multiple of these external ones just to open them up and use...

rmuk ,

Hey. Heyhey. Heyheyhey. Have you ever noticed that your warships have giant barcodes on them? It's so that when they return to port they can scan the navy in.

rmuk ,

Also, a kickass soundtrack by Hudson Mohawke.

Are there any EV cars without any "technology"?

Like the title says, are there any EVs that just have a Bluetooth radio and that's it? Like a normal car, not a smartphone on wheels? If not, do you all think that this will actually happen at some point? This is the main reason why I can't (and will never) buy an EV. I like to have actual buttons everywhere on my car. I think...

rmuk ,

FWIW the EU's eCall system doesn't actually require a GSM module in the car; it's enough to use a phone connected to the Bluetooth handsfree kit.. That said, since most manufacturers already have the module for data-harvesting anyway it's kind of moot.

rmuk ,

I saw a boat the other day called Penelope (but said like 'antelope').

rmuk , (edited )

Maybe! I dont know if the boat's name is supposed to be pronounced "Pen-eh-lope" or if it is - literally - "Pen-el-oh-pee but said like ant-eh-lope".

Utter mindfuck.

rmuk ,

Also, st can fuck off. Just in general. It's harder to write than it's constituent letters.

rmuk ,

In Germany Schuko is deemed non-optimal, but acceptable, for up to 800W.

In the UK our everyday plug is rated for 13A - nearly 3KW. The plug on my phone charger is the same as the one on my tumble dryer and I don't know if that's a good thing or a bag thing.

rmuk ,

Honestly I'm loving my FP5. I liked my previous two handsets, but between locked bootloaders and lack of support after a few years they weren't much use to me. I'm looking forward to a another eight years or so with this one, though.

rmuk ,

WINE is WINE Is Not Emulation. It's right there in the name in the name.

rmuk ,

Honestly, any comparison to Sam Vimes is a compliment. Unless it's the alcoholism.

rmuk ,

I assume the author says Eurostar because it's essentially a French TGV service that extends to London. The rest of our rail network is made up of constantly overwhelmed, Victorian-era infrastructure and is perpetually on the verge of shutting down, especially in the North of England and in the South East. So unlike France, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc we only have a single, modern, high-speed railway, and it's called Eurostar.

rmuk ,

+1 for Mumble. I set up a load of Android PoC devices with a Mumble server and it's honestly like having walkie-talkies that work over the Intertubes.

rmuk ,

I'm tempted to give this a go. I've got a Fairphone 5 which I've increasingly been using with non-Google services. Something I don't understand is that /e/OS is based on LineageOS, but my phone isn't supported by Lineage. I wish it was; that'd be a no-brainer.

rmuk ,

Couldn't agree more. I have no idea why phone companies are not being held accountable for allowing this. For email, it's a solved problem. Why not phone?

rmuk , (edited )

"You shouldn't be sad while others have it worse."


"You shouldn't be happy while others have it better."

rmuk ,

Picture of a Minion with the caption: "Tuesday? I thought you said WINE-day."

rmuk ,

That was my first thought. I'd happily have one of these, but wall-mounted somewhere with high footfall, displaying a dashboard of some kind.

rmuk ,

Meanwhile, the North of England bucked the trend by being clear. The aurora was visible in town, despite your directions light pollution, but I still drove out to the country for an hour at 2am to get a better view.

rmuk ,

I'm going to get that tattooed backwards across my forehead.

rmuk ,

Two videos for you to watch:

Hyper-Reality, a PoV short film featuring an overqualified gig worker in a world of ubiquitous, ad-laden and heavily enshittified AR.

This Euro-News article which features a Murdoch-owned advertising agency trying to get train windows turned into bone-conducting acoustic transmitters so weary travellers are forced to listen to ads as they resr their heads.

rmuk ,

Years ago, a British, Murdoch-owned, pay-TV company called Sky was piloting this on trains. The showreel for it literally showed weary commuters trying to rest their heads against the window being blasted with audio adverts through acoustic bone coupling. One of the most tone-deaf (pun intended) things I've ever seen.

rmuk ,

Serious question:

Is it pronounced bour-joys-ee or bour-joys?

If you could take a single character out of a piece of media (book, film, TV show, video game, etc) who would it be?

They would lose any magical powers they may have had in the book, but anything they are, rather than can do, will stay. For example people from the His Dark Materials world would keep their daemons. You can take them out at any time in the story's plot, but for all other people consuming the media, it will be shown that the...

rmuk ,

What if I bite it and then it hates God?

rmuk ,
  • Goes out of their way to post in a public forum.
  • Insists they have no need for a public forum.
rmuk ,

There are signs saying they're just for phones and laptops. The reality is they're limited to 1A at 230V so anything that's not specifically for heating will probably work.

rmuk ,

They're scanned by the sorting equipment. When a stamp is issued with a particular number that number can then be used exactly once, at least in theory.

rmuk , (edited )

If you admire Technology Connections, take a look at Cathode Ray Dude. Exudes a lot of the same energy.

rmuk ,

Primative Technology. That guy is just... unfathomableable. Pots, fire, bricks, crops, shelter, kilns, repeat, no words, no justification. We can't even be certain the guy in the video wrote the subtitles. Has he ever even acknowledged the camera? Is he a good guy? Evil? How would I tell? Does it even matter?

rmuk ,

It's a shame I always miss that monologue because I use that time to run around locking all the exits and eating the keys.

rmuk ,

Kashmir Hill sounds like the name of a newly-built neighbourhood of McMansions.

I have nothing more to add.

rmuk ,

Such a shortsighted view. How do you expect us to get out much-needed class of Trillionaire God-Rulers if you make life so difficult for those hardworking Billionaires?

to be clear...


rmuk ,

I test drove one and I loved it. It was like a dodgem. It was surprisingly roomy inside, insanely responsive, light, airy, and I just had a big fucking stupid grin on my big fucking stupid face the whole time.

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