
US Lemmys what could Biden do in the next 6 months to EARN your vote? (other than just not being Trump)

Sorry this is kinda political. Is there an asklemmypolitics group this would be better for? I'm hoping not to get into the libs vs progressives political debate we see everywhere on here... Just want to know what people are actually looking for.

Bad_Engineering ,

Trump is not just "likely" to fund more genocide, he will fully endorse it. Hell, one of his favorite lapdogs just suggested that Israel should nuke Gaza.

Bad_Engineering ,

The only animal that wants a piece of Canada gooses, is Canada mooses.

Bad_Engineering ,

Amazing news! I was really worried they wouldn't get the tone of the fallout universe right in the show but they totally nailed it. From the props and locations to the soundtrack they really knocked it out of the park. I feel like the ending was a little meh, but I guess its just how they set it up for season 2.

What's a common occurrence in your hobby that you think shouldn't be?

For me it's driving while under the influence. If you couldn't tell, I like me some ganja. However I have long since held the belief that it is utterly insane to drive while under the influence of most substances, with maybe nicotine and caffeine being the exception. All too often I see other stoners smoking and driving, which I...

Bad_Engineering ,

I feel your pain, I'm a trans woman and cars and motorcycles have been my hobby since I was a teenager but I avoid most car meets like the plague. The import scene seems to be a lot better than the classic and muscle car scenes but there's still a fair bit of right-wing bs. I do find it hilarious when I roll up somewhere in my classic jeep and notice some maga chud oogling it, the look on their faces when I step out is priceless.

What It Takes to Break Joe Biden’s Zionist Bubble ( )

According to NBC News, another guest, Dr. Nahreen H. Ahmed, “was taken aback when she showed Biden prints of photos of malnourished children and women in Gaza—to which Biden responded that he had seen those images before. The problem, the doctor said, was that she had printed the photos from her own iPhone.” Biden was...

Bad_Engineering ,

Aside from the fact that the orange fuck-stick would press Israel to go harder, and that Ukraine would be wiped off the map. As an LGBT person I feel I'm justified in saying, GO FUCK YOURSELF.

Bad_Engineering ,

Ghost of Tsushima is so good it almost makes me want to buy my own ps5, but I think I'll stick to borrowing my gf's.

Bad_Engineering ,

They're terrible street cars but offroad there's really nothing more capable unless you plan to custom build a rig. If you want a smooth ride offroad it will be way to soft for on the road and vice versa. Jeeps from the factory are designed on a compromise between the two so they're not really good at either.
The build quality on modern jeeps is absolutely terrible though and the majority of jeep owners never use them for what they're intended for so I generally agree with you. But ride in a jeep that's properly setup for strictly offroad driving and you'd be amazed.

White House looks to repeal funding bill provision that would keep US embassies from flying Pride flags ( )

The measure permits only certain flags to be flown over US embassies, including the US flag, US Foreign Service flag, POW/MIA flag, Hostage and Wrongful Detainee flag, flag of a state, “insular area” or DC, Indian tribal government flag, the official branded flag of a US agency, and the sovereign flag of another nation.

Bad_Engineering ,

I'd much rather they try and implement actual protections for LGBT+ Americans than just do this performative bs. I don't give a flying fuck if there are pride flags at our embassies. What I actually want is to be protected from losing my healthcare, housing, and general right to appear in public without fear of harassment. There are already several states I don't feel safe traveling to, and that is an absolute travesty in what is supposedly the "Land of Freedom". What a fucking joke.

Bad_Engineering ,

I realize the article is about the white house specifically pushing back, but my sentiment is directed more at the entire democratic party. They had control of House, Senate, and the Oval Office for 2 years and didn't seem to put much effort into protecting lgbt people. What I see is usually more posturing and virtue signalling coming from them. I want them to defend us with at least the ferocity republicans attack us. The right will seemingly stop at nothing to take our rights away and the Dems only ever put forth token efforts to save them. They need to wise up and start playing just as dirty as the right or we will continue our slide into fascism and us trans folk will be the first ones they send off to the gas chambers.

Bad_Engineering ,

This is the resident evil movie we really deserved.

Not only is "Seinfeld" vastly overrated, any claim that it pioneered the concept of "a show about nothing" is ridiculous and imbecilic.

First of all, yeah, come at me. "Seinfeld" is only kinda-sorta funny, at best. Seinfeld himself is really not funny at all. His act is perpetually stuck between the oldschool, early 1950s-style, cigar-waving "hyuk-hyuk, get a load of all my jokes about women drivers" comedians and the post-Lenny Bruce era, where everything just...

Bad_Engineering ,

While I agree that Seinfeld is generally unfunny and definitely overrated, Op is such a gaping asshole about it, I kinda want to rethink my opinion because of them.

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