
Reddit Is Taking Over Google ( )

Reddit, Quora, and other internet forums that have climbed up through the traditional set of Google links. Data analysis from Semrush, which predicts traffic based on search ranking, shows that traffic to Reddit has climbed at an impressive clip since August 2023. Semrush estimated that Reddit had over 132 million visitors in...

aramis87 ,

Symbiosis. Google drives traffic to reddit (the largest current organic source of natural English content), then harvests all of reddit's data for their AI.

aramis87 ,

Didn't the Walmart guy on reddit say most of these were designed and constructed by the soda company reps?

aramis87 ,

Price increases happen overnight, or with everything tracked and digitized, this could lead supermarkets to charge more money right when demand spikes or maybe in the future even target particular shoppers willing to pay more.

They're going to take your frequent shopper card and figure out what your price point for different goods are. Then they're going to take their tracking of your cellphone and figure out when you're approaching your favorite goods, to raise the price. The technology for everything part of this already exists and is being used, it's just a question of who links everything up first.

aramis87 ,

I'd suggest refining some of your ideas. Are you looking for traditional trees and bushes, or do you want color? If you want color, which colors? Do you want something blooming every season? Do you want low maintenance? How drought tolerant should it be?

Are you looking for ornamental plants? Do you want fruiting trees or bushes? Do you want to grow your own herbs and maybe some veggies? Do you want something pollinator friendly? Etc etc.

aramis87 ,

I agree this sounds like ADHD to me, but I'm curious and a bit concerned. You say you're doing this to your work computer? Most places I've worked were committed to one flavor of operating system, so I'm a little curious about what you do [which is something you don't have to answer, obs].

On the work side, however, this constant tinkering with your operating system has got to be affecting the amount of work you can get done. If this isn't a job you care about, fair enough. If it is, I'd likely survey my coworkers and use whatever OS they're using - at the very least, it increases the chances of confrere "tech support" when something goes wrong, plus the ability to share tools and methods.

If you're not willing to dual boot, is there a chance you could set up a second PC, running one for each OS? You could get a KVM switch to swap between "instances" and save yourself this endless OS reinstallation process.

aramis87 ,

Biden could stop supplying weapons and ammunition until the radical Republicans finally pass a budget that includes money for that. He could put limitations on the weapons that we do supply to Israel, like we've put restrictions on the weapons we supply to the rest of the world - including Ukraine. He could put sanctions on the members of the Israeli government and the Israeli press and the Israeli religious community that have publicly called for Palestinian genocide. He could speak against Israel's actions in his speeches, or send surrogates out to do so on his behalf. He could stop vetoing toothless UN resolutions calling for Israel to stop murdering civilians.

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