filiplachert , to Random stuff Polish avatar

Biorąc pod uwagę że większość kierowców Ubera itp nie zna polskiego, to nałożenie obowiązku posiadania polskiego prawa jazdy jest uderzeniem atomowym. (bo chyba nie można prawka w obcym języku zdawać, a egzamin jest pełen kruczków językowych)

Choć imho słusznym.

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Uber entschädigt Australiens Taxifahrer

Um einem Gerichtsverfahren zu entgehen, zahlt der US-Fahrdienstleister Uber australischen Taxifahrern mehrere Millionen. Die Verhandlungen zu der Sammelklage sollten ursprünglich heute beginnen.


robpegoraro , to Random stuff avatar

Things that 's new emissions-saving tracker does not cover:

levisu , to Random stuff avatar

I’ll be moderating a Zocalo Public Square discussion next week about gig work. Join us in Oakland or online:

robhughes , to Random stuff avatar

Uber's strategy of breaking laws to build a constituency for deregulation is ethically problematic.

I wrote about this in "Regulatory Entrepreneurship, Fair Competition, and Obeying the Law," Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2022): 249–261.

18+ FerdiMagellan , to Toronto avatar
parismarx , to Random stuff avatar

The Platform Work Directive was supposed to improve workers’ rights across the European Union. But then it was defeated.

On , I spoke to Ben Wray about what happened and where the fight for gig workers’ rights goes next.

parismarx , (edited ) to Random stuff avatar

“Uber’s margins fattened as competitors fell by the wayside and the company ground down costs.”

Those “costs” are driver wages. Uber’s shifted billions from drivers to corporate coffers and that will now fund a big share buyback and potentially a dividend.

reginagrogan , to Privacy avatar

Not all need notifications on, especially:

  1. Entertainment apps
  2. Social media apps

You control your devices, your devices do not control you.

Side eye @ and where you need notifs to find the vehicle however they fill it on off days with spam

anderseknert , to Linux avatar

> The Go monorepo is the largest codebase at Uber, comprising 90 million lines of code (and growing)

Come again? The project is 4 MLOC, the Kernel is 17.5 MLOC. How on earth is a fucking taxi app 22.5 times the size of Kubernetes?

pluralistic , to Random stuff avatar

There's a cheat-code in US it's been increasingly used since the administration, when the "" theory (" are fine, so long as the lower prices") shoved aside the long-established idea that antitrust law existed to prevent monopolies from forming at all.

If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


18+ pluralistic OP , avatar

The idea that a company can do anything to create or continue a monopoly so long as its prices go down and/or its quality goes up is directly to blame for the rise of . These companies burned through investors' cash for years, selling goods and services below cost, or even giving stuff away for free. Think of , who lost $0.41 on every dollar they brought in for their first 13 years of existence, a move that cost their investors (mostly Saudi royals) $31 billion.


reginagrogan , to Random stuff avatar

I have and among other things

at uber final interview
Interview panel: if you had one person you could have dinner with, alive or dead, who would you pick?

Me panics

Me: my mom cause she died last year and i miss her starts crying

5 minutes of extremely awkward silence

Panel: ok.

Yeah i didnt get the

pixelsfr Bot , to Random stuff French avatar

Puisque l'actu du mois d'août est relativement calme, on va vous proposer ici, à raison de quatre papiers par jour jusqu'à la fin du mois, une sélection d'articles parus entre l'été 2022 et l'été 2023. C'est l'opération en 70 et quelques articles, c'est parti !

pixelsfr OP Bot , avatar

Si a pu s'installer si facilement en France, au mépris souvent de la loi, c'est notamment grâce aux discrets coups de main du ministre de l'économie de l'époque, un certain... Emmanuel .

Pixels, au sein d'un consortium mené par le , l'a découvert en épluchant ce qu'on a appelé les - des leaks qui révèlent la mécanique Uber.

Enquête de Damien Leloup initialement parue le 10/07/22.

Luk , to Random stuff French avatar

, même en étant des salauds, continue de perdre beaucoup d’argent.
“Uber's algorithm seeks out "pickers" who are choosy about which rides they take, and converts them to "ants" (who take every ride offered) by paying them more for the same job, until they drop all their other gigs, whereupon the algorithm cuts their pay back to the rates paid to ants” (by @pluralistic)

pluralistic , to Random stuff avatar


  1. "the magic interval when a confidence trickster knows he has the money he has appropriated but the victim does not yet understand that he has lost it" ()


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


kevinctofel , to Random stuff avatar

As a learning experience, I’ve been an driver for the last 10 days. I was curious what it was like, how the app and algorithm works. Very interesting.

Here are numbers for mileage, time and income so far. Note that I live in Montgomery county, PA, just NW of Philly. I’m sure more money is to be made in Philly, but I don’t care.

Also: We have a 14 month old Tesla Model 3. Did 7,000 miles in the first year. This can easily rack up miles. Electricity cost is about $1 per 30 miles driven.

cordillera , to Philippines, the Pearl of the Orient Seas avatar

Updated to keep my timeline spicy. Enjoy the ugly hashtags.

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w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

Police in El Paso, say a tourist from thought her driver was abducting her when she saw a highway sign indicating they were approaching . So she shot him. He died.

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