adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

UCLA threatens to withhold degrees from pro-Palestinian student protesters (Guardian, 2024-05-31)

“At least 55 students arrested in police raid on Gaza solidarity camp accused of flouting code of conduct and threatened with sanctions”

, one of the nation’s most prominent public universities, has faced particularly intense scrutiny after counter-protesters physically attacked pro-Palestinian protesters in the solidarity encampment on the night of 30 April. Police stood by for hours as the attacks escalated.

“Later that week, police cleared the encampment and arrested members and organizers. The militarized response sparked criticism from faculty across the campus, some calling for the chancellor’s resignation. This week, UCLA graduate student workers also went on in protest of the university’s response to protests.”


plink , to israel group avatar
inquiline , to Random stuff avatar

"The strikers are demanding amnesty for grad students and other academic workers who were arrested or face discipline for their involvement in the protests, which union leaders say were peaceful except when counter-demonstrators and other instigators were allowed to provoke unrest"

jonny , to Random stuff avatar

So I knew that cars make you lose your perception of the humanity of others, but I guess I was a little surprised at just how many people were fully ready to ram their car directly into my body as I was walking a picket line. "I will do a vehicular assault to avoid having to walk 10 extra minutes" is peak LA culture.

susurros , to palestine group avatar

"Carrying 'on strike' pickets and some wearing kaffiyehs, academic workers at UCLA and UC Davis walked off the job on Tuesday, alleging their rights were violated by University of California actions during pro-Palestinian protests and encampment crackdowns."


oatmeal , to israel group avatar

/ Man arrested in attack on UCLA pro-Palestinian protesters

[…] The 18-year-old man was detained at a business in Beverly Hills and booked on suspicion of felony assault with a deadly weapon, police said. He is being held in Los Angeles County jail on $30,000 bail. This appears to be the first arrest of a counterprotester.

Proud Jewish mother 🙄

[…] In a deleted Facebook post, Edan On’s mother, Sharon On-Siboni, shared a photo of her son from a Fox 11 news segment at that she captioned in Hebrew, “Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” according to a law enforcement source.

See also:

Unmasking counterprotesters who attacked UCLA’s pro-Palestine encampment


plink , to israel group avatar
ematts , to Random stuff avatar

Some good at identified and arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Setting new precedent in the hometown? law be like wha?!? Free for all?

susurros , to palestine group avatar

"Pro-Palestinian protesters launched a new encampment on the UCLA campus Thursday, weeks after their initial camp was violently attacked by counterprotesters and then dismantled by police.

"The Los Angeles Police Department issued a citywide tactical alert Thursday morning to keep officers on duty in case authorities were called to the campus."


igd_news , to Random stuff avatar

Students again taking action at and have taken the rooftop of Kerckhoff hall, renaming it Bassel Al-Araj Hall.

OccuWorld , to Random stuff avatar

UC Academic Workers Authorize Strike Against Attacks on Student Protests for Gaza

48,000 academic workers and members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 4811 have authorized a against the brutal crackdown on the Palestine at , filing charges against the UC system, after many graduate student workers in the union were subjected to violent police attacks at their place of work.

adachika192 , to palestine group avatar

> Bt

Why far-right groups are disrupting US campus protests: ‘When there’s so much attention, they show up’ — Gaza counter-protesters at UCLA took part in anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-vaccine events across southern California, researchers say

“Beyond , a number of far-right actors, including a violent white supremacist charged in connection with January 6, the founder of the Proud Boys, and a former member of the streetfighting Neo-Fascist Rise Above Movement have stood alongside pro-Israel demonstrators confronting Gaza solidarity encampments at universities across the country…”


plink , to israel group avatar

[Bias alert - NYT usually favors Israel]
A Chaotic Night at Raises Questions About Police Response

"Counterprotesters attacked a pro-Palestinian encampment for several hours without police intervention, and none were arrested. Now, the police response is under investigation."

@palestine @israel

igd_news , to Random stuff avatar

Blow by blow account of the defense of the solidarity encampment from the far-Right and riot police.

"Well into the next morning, the screams encouraged the other several hundred students guarding the barricade to remain steadfast, repel any instigators, and hold the line. Then there are the calls for medics, frequent and piercing. Students were often rushed out of the side entrance bloodied, confused, or drenched in pepper spray, and sent off for triage. Just as my group arrived, we witnessed a small string of students being escorted out of the camp with bloody heads."

Photo via @/huntedhorse

micchiato , to Random stuff avatar

More power to these demonstrating for a . Seinfeld is a Zionist whose wife literally funded the mob of pro- thugs who physically assaulted the nonviolent encampment.


susurros , to palestine group avatar

From Pomona Divest from Apartheid:



In an attempt to avoid accountability to their students call for divestment from the zionist state, Pomona college has moved their commencement ceremony to the Shrine Auditorium. Let’s show Gabi Starr, Carol Folt, Gene Block, and countless other violent administrators that we will not let them avoid Palestine as long as they aid and abet genocide! No graduation as usual. Anywhere.

Students across So-Cal are unified in their principled call for divestment and fight for Palestinian liberation.

We need your support!! Please come and share with others


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  • appassionato , to photography group avatar

    Police officers face off with pro-Palestinian students after destroying part of the encampment barricade at the campus of the University of California. The police cleared UCLA’s student encampment in a late-night operation, and arrested at least 200 pro-Palestine demonstrators

    Photograph: Étienne Laurent/AFP/Getty Images


    LALegault , to Random stuff avatar

    ‘I thought I was going to die’: encampment protesters recall April 30 attack:

    appassionato , to palestine group avatar
    susurros , to Random stuff avatar

    Over 40 arrested at UCLA parking garage following protests and violence over Gaza war

    “This is really apparent that the university is showing us their force, their power — whether it’s legal or not — to suppress what we’re trying to say. We will continue on.”

    igd_news , to Random stuff avatar

    "On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we are joined with a guest who discusses the mass mobilization to defend the Palestine Solidarity Encampment at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA, which was attacked by far-Right Zionists on April 30th and then by hundreds of riot police on May 1st, who made over 200 violent arrests."

    PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

    "The students, as they will tell you, are there for Gaza, where 90 per cent of schools, and all universities, have been destroyed. The university, meanwhile, is forced to confront the moral vacuity of its policies, which have in the end protected no one except extremists willing to join forces with neo-Nazis to safeguard Israel from criticism."

    PariaSansPortefeuille , to Random stuff French avatar

    "The students, as they will tell you, are there for Gaza, where 90 per cent of schools, and all universities, have been destroyed. The university, meanwhile, is forced to confront the moral vacuity of its policies, which have in the end protected no one except extremists willing to join forces with neo-Nazis to safeguard Israel from criticism."

    pernia , to Haiku avatar

    hey babes, wanna see me j e r k o f f and c u m? send 20$ usd in monero to this address and dm the transaction id

    s m a l l c o c k i n b i o


    @MutualAidVisibility @mutual_aid @mutualaid


    18+ nullagent , to Random stuff avatar

    The UCLA Palestine Solidarity encampment has so far appeared free from serious police interference today.

    They did however have run in's with an antagonistic group of Zionist who became violent.

    📸 IG: @sjpatucla

    Violent zionist shoves Black girl to the ground.

    nullagent OP , avatar

    A number of journalist and legal observers were arrested this morning on the campus of UCLA.

    There was little reason given for the mass arrest and its unclear why clearly identified legal observers and journalists were taken into custody.

    Meanwhile one of the arresting officers seemed to have been a cop who made comments about shooting @FilmThePoliceLA a few days ago.

    TW: @PplsCityCouncil


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