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Aquila ,

I mean you can just buy one for like $300. Don’t have to attempt death by cop for it

Aquila ,

What’s really funny is kernel anti cheat can be totally bypassed with a $40 raspberry pi

Aquila ,

This is so strange. This guy helped make one of the best games in a decade and steps down because they can’t keep up with creating interesting content months after launch? I don’t think any studio can put out interesting content at the pace gamers can consume it.

Aquila ,

Oh that’s what I get for only reading heading lol

Aquila ,

You think politicians use lemmy?

Aquila ,

No that’s why lucky charms are is marketed to kids …like memes are marketed to voters

There are almost 40 different humanoid robots in development, and open-source tech, and makers of specialist components, are making it easier than ever for other people to make them.

It used to be that you needed years and lots of specialist skills to build humanoid robots. Not anymore. Now base models are open-source. Want more complex appendages? Companies like Shadow Robot are making and selling those. Open-source AI is almost as good as closed-source industry leaders. Unitree's new advanced humanoid...

Aquila ,

Wonder how much that cost gets brought down 3d printing and buying base components

Aquila ,

Thought it was a pile of discarded prescription pills

Aquila OP ,

News to me! Good to know. Will have to see how that’s handled and maybe make pr to my favorite apps

Aquila ,

Updating a mod isn’t just right click update. Who do you think makes those updates? The mod authors need to go in and change their code to conform to new apis or whatever changed which likely is non trivial.

Aquila ,

Plenty far to fuck around and find out!

Aquila ,

Meta critic shows 74 and 7.3 user score. Sounds like solid meh

‘They’re sending a message’: harsh police tactics questioned amid US campus protest crackdowns ( )

There have been 970 US student protests related to the Israel-Gaza conflict between 7 October and 26 April, the vast majority of them peaceful, according to the latest available statistics from the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (Acled), which tracks political violence and political demonstrations across the US...

Aquila ,

Ideally the solo dev and visionary would cease development and move into a product owner role. Bringing other devs up to speed on the code base while also maintaining quality, vision, and cultivating a team is no trivial task. Not to mention this particular dev may not want or be able to such things.

Aquila ,

Congrats you’re major depressive!

On more serious note please get in with a therapist and psychologist to get treatment. It’s not like a viral cold, it’s like a bacterial infection that won’t get better on its own without treatment.

Aquila ,

I have my phone on vibrate, don’t keep it on me all the time and don’t have a smartwatch

Aquila ,

Valve used to make games, now they make money

Aquila ,

Crazy how when you make a fun game it sells well. Who woulda thought!

Aquila ,

I love mine! The front plate has hinges so it folds down and outta the way. When I’m not using my key board I can hide it and leaves desk open for mouse and snacks

Aquila ,

Decadence while ~60% of the us live paycheck to paycheck def is

Aquila , (edited )


Ok my dumbass doesn’t know what that word means lmao. Thought it meant great excess, luxury, etc. but it’s more all the negative things associated with those.

  1. A process, condition, or period of deterioration or decline, as in morals or art; decay.
Aquila ,

What does this have to do with capitalism?

Aquila ,

Who thinks rogue one is a bad starwars movie? Best thing since ep2 attack of the clones

Aquila ,

As someone who has purchased and played. Idk what all the hype is about. For a city builder there’s a distinct lack of management options. And its pretty shallow. Just get a bunch of ox to build shit quick

Aquila ,

I always have to three tap with scorcher. Where do you shoot for two?

Aquila ,

Bought it expecting to be blown away. It’s kinda lack luster so far. Pawns are very buggy constantly getting stuck. All building is basically gated by how many ox you have to drag wood around. And they always seem to go for the farthest felled log instead of taking from stock pile that’s much closer. And if your switching family jobs it swaps first family out by default which isn’t ideal for many reasons and going through menu to choose what family is painful.

Not sure what all the hype is about. Four point system to choose house plots? It’s cool but not that cool lol

Aquila ,

How can you justify taking a train when flying is faster and cheaper usually?

Aquila ,

Tbf if a ton of cows died it might just be the catalyst that shocks the world into taking climate change seriously

Aquila ,

Anyone know the story of this and wall world? It’s like exact same assets and very similiar games

Aquila , (edited )

It’s been less than two years since major patch. Mistlands was released Nov ‘22

Aquila ,

Hope difficulty scaling isn’t as crazy as mistlands. Many painful corpse runs. Had to cheese a lot of the area which just felt cheap and I put the game down without even fighting that boss. Just didn’t sound fun if it was like the rest of mistlands

Aquila , (edited )

Protip set alarms for everything. Then you don’t have to worry about trying to remember things. It’s not a silver bullet but works fairly well for me

Aquila ,

Maybe it’s the same process with dust acting as water on mars? It might not expand as much but with bigger temp differential maybe it’s similar?

Aquila , (edited )

The fucks a barrel of carbon dioxide?

Aquila ,

Targeting aid convoys is war crime tho. Don’t see that in every conflict

YSK : Dark patterns among large companies are becoming more mainstream ( )

While it is no secret that exploitative practices are interlaced with capitalistic tendencies, the practices are becoming intolerable. Signing up to pay usually takes only two clicks that are prominently visible whereas cancelation options are hidden away in deep settings requiring multiple clicks. Pricing often feel arbitrary...

Aquila , (edited )

Lying to community - promised no paid dlc then sold out to tencent who surprise pushes out paid dlc

Screwing over modders - helicopters in game and some maps were rumored to have been stolen from modders

Taking fun mechanics and making them unfun - prime example here people progressing too fast so splitting classes up and wiping xp

The list goes on but I don’t remember all the little things. It’s been years since I was big into squad

Aquila ,

How does this get enforced? Who enforces it?

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