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BetaDoggo_ ,

"Tiny shards" probably isn't the right term to describe particles 20-200 nanometers wide, but this is probably bad nonetheless.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The names missing from the list say more about the board's purpose than the names on it.

BetaDoggo_ ,

All of Firefox's ai initiatives including translation and chat are completely local. They have no impact on privacy.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The issue is that they have no way of verifying that. We'd have to trust 2 other companies in addition to DDG.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The "why would they make this" people don't understand how important this type of research is. It's important to show what's possible so that we can be ready for it. There are many bad actors already pursuing similar tools if they don't have them already. The worst case is being blindsided by something not seen before.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The 8B is incredible for it's size and they've managed to do sane refusal training this time for the official instruct.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The rest of the budget kind of sucks but this part makes sense. If you're making significant profits off of users in a country you should have to pay some of that back. All countries should have this.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Cohere's command-r models are trained for exactly this type of task. The real struggle is finding a way to feed relevant sources into the model. There are plenty of projects that have attempted it but few can do more than pulling the first few search results.

BetaDoggo_ ,

They're already lying to get passed the 13 year requirement so I doubt it would make any difference.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I don't think the term open-source can be applied to model weights. Even if you have the exact data, config, trainer and cluster it's basically impossible to reproduce an exact model. Calling a model "open" sort of works but then there's the distinction between open for research and open for commercial use. I think it's kind of similar to the "free" software distinction. Maybe there's some Latin word we could use.

BetaDoggo_ ,

It's an AI thing. Nearly all small models struggle with separating multiple characters.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I'm sure the machine running it was quite warm actually.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Your best bet would probably be to get a used office PC to put the card in. You'll likely have to replace the power supply and maybe swap the storage but with how much proper external enclosures go for the price might not be too different. Some frameworks don't support direct GPU loading so make sure that you have more ram than vram.

An arm soc won't work in most cases due to a lack of bandwidth and software support. The only board I know of that can do it is the rpi5 and that's still mostly a poc.

In general I wouldn't recomend a titan x unless you already have one because it's been deprecated in cuda, so getting modern libraries to work will be a pain.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I really like the simplicity and formatting of stock pacman. It's not super colorful but it's fast and gives you all of the info you need. yay (or paru if you're a hipster) is the icing on top.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Partnered with Adobe research so we're never going to get the actual model.

BetaDoggo_ ,

This has more to do with how much chess data was fed into the model than any kind of reasoning ability. A 50M model can learn to play at 1500 elo with enough training:

BetaDoggo_ ,

It does a little bit worse than v0.1 on all benchmarks which isn't ideal. That doesn't really say much about the finetuning potential though.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Do another 2 day blackout. That'll show 'em.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The "AI PC" specification requires a minimum of 40TOPs of AI compute which is over double the 18TOPs in the current M3s. Direct comparison doesn't really work though.

What really matters is how it's made available for development. The Neural engine is basically a black box. It can't be incorporated into any low level projects because it's only made available through a high-level swift api. Intel by comparison seems to be targeting pytorch acceleration with their libraries.

BetaDoggo_ ,

This article is grossly overstating the findings of the paper. It's true that bad generated data hurts model performance, but that's true of bad human data as well. The paper used opt125M as their generator model, a very small research model with fairly low quality and often incoherent outputs. The higher quality generated data which makes up a majority of the generated text online is far less of an issue. The use of generated data to improve output consistency is a common practice for both text and image models.

BetaDoggo_ ,

It's size makes it basically useless. It underperforms models even in it's active weight class. It's nice that it's available but Grok-0 would have been far more interesting.

BetaDoggo_ , (edited )

I feel like the whole Reddit AI deal is a trap. If any real judgment comes down about data use Reddit is an easy scapegoat. There was basically nothing stopping them from scraping the site for free.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Don't buy a Chromebook for linux. While driver support usually isn't an issue, the alternative keyboard layout is terrible for most applications. To even get access to all of the normal keys that many applications expect you need to configure multi-key shortcuts which varies in complexity based on your DE. In most cases it will also void your warranty because of the custom firmware requirement.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I got locked out of my now 8+ year old account because I had set it up with an old ISP provided email which has since been deactivated. I can't migrate because I have to verify with the email and I can't change the email without setting up security questions, which also requires the email. Support can do nothing.

Midjourney Accuses Stability AI of Image Theft, Bans Its Employees ( )

According to a recent tweet shared by AI enthusiast Nick St. Pierre, the alleged theft occurred last Saturday. It is claimed that employees from Stability AI infiltrated Midjourney's database and stole all prompt and image pairs, an action that also caused a 24-hour outage. In response, MJ reportedly banned all Stable Diffusion...

BetaDoggo_ ,

I don't think they care about the images being used, just the disruption of service. It's pretty clear that this wasn't a coordinated thing from Stability and was at most a lone individual acting in bad faith.

It's pretty ironic though that the company that practices mass scraping has no rate limits to prevent outages due to mass scraping.

Video length variation when converting MP4 file to MKV

To compile optimal video, audio, and subtitle track combinations of videos for my media library, I've found MPC-HC's millisecond counter and frame skip features useful for finding the exact offset between different video and audio tracks. After using MKVToolNix to combine the video track of an MP4 file with the delay-adjusted...

BetaDoggo_ ,

There should be no difference because the video track hasn't been touched. Some software will display the length of the longest track rather than the length of the main video track. It's likely that the the audio track was originally longer than the video track and because of the offset it's now shorter.

You can use tools like ffmpeg and mediainfo to count the actual frames in each to verify.

BetaDoggo_ , (edited )

According to the article:

They are asking a federal judge to say yes to this, specifically:

Developing or distributing software, including Yuzu, that in its ordinary course functions only when cryptographic keys are integrated without authorization, violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s prohibition on trafficking in devices that circumvent effective technological measures, because the software is primarily designed for the purpose of circumventing technological measures.

So I think they're definitely intending to set precedent with this case, though this settlement hasn't been accepted by the court yet.

BetaDoggo_ ,

USB-C display output uses the Display Port protocol

BetaDoggo_ ,

VESA or bust

BetaDoggo_ ,

I believe USB-C is the only connector supported for carrying DisplayPort signals other than DisplayPort itself.

The biggest issue with USB-C for display in my opinion is that cable specs vary so much. A cable with a type c end could carry anywhere from 60-10000MB/s and deliver anywhere from 5-240W. What's worse is that most aren't labeled, so even if you know what spec you need you're going to have a hell of a time finding it in a pile of identical black cables.

Not that I dislike USB-C. It's a great connector, but the branding of USB has always been a mess.

[Paper] The Era of 1-bit LLMs: All Large Language Models are in 1.58 Bits ( )

From the abstract: "Recent research, such as BitNet, is paving the way for a new era of 1-bit Large Language Models (LLMs). In this work, we introduce a 1-bit LLM variant, namely BitNet b1.58, in which every single parameter (or weight) of the LLM is ternary {-1, 0, 1}."...

BetaDoggo_ , (edited )

This is big if true, but we'll have to see how well it holds up at larger scales.

The size of the paper is a bit worrying but the authors are all very reputable. Several were also contributors on the retnet and kosmos2/2.5 papers.

BetaDoggo_ ,

This looks like an ad. They go on about what their proprietary detection method found without any details about how it came to these conclusions or even how they generated the test data. They give 0 actual examples for any of their claims.

Here's the original blog post the article is referencing:

BetaDoggo_ ,

Koboldcpp should allow you to run much larger models with a little bit of ram offloading. There's a fork that supports rocm for AMD cards:

Make sure to use quantized models for the best performace, q4k_M being the standard.

BetaDoggo_ ,

From my experience the model is pretty bad compared to both 7B llama2 and mistral. It's also larger than both. It might be caused by bad instruction tuning, but overall my expectations are pretty low.

Reddit is a ‘smaller, more volatile’ Twitter, says Big Technology’s Alex Kantrowitz ( )

Reddit is a ‘smaller, more volatile’ Twitter, says Big Technology’s Alex Kantrowitz::Alex Kantrowitz, Big Technology founder, joins 'Squawk Box' to discuss Reddit's decision to go public, the company's journey to IPO, Sam Altman's stake in the company, and more.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I doubt any platform could be more volitile than Twitter with Musk at the helm.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I only have 60 down and 12 up so I cap about 80% of the time with a short uncapped window late at night.

BetaDoggo_ ,

The ~400USD price tag is really impressive, but the big thing with these folding phones is the reliability of the hinge. It will be interesting to see how it fares when proper reviews come in.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Who's dumb enough to pay for that? Everyone else is just scraping it for free.

BetaDoggo_ ,

I'm looking forward to reading the paper

You mean the 100 page technical report

“In 10 years, computers will be doing this a million times faster.” The head of Nvidia does not believe that there is a need to invest trillions of dollars in the production of chips for AI ( )

“In 10 years, computers will be doing this a million times faster.” The head of Nvidia does not believe that there is a need to invest trillions of dollars in the production of chips for AI::Despite the fact that Nvidia is now almost the main beneficiary of the growing interest in AI, the head of the company, Jensen Huang,...

BetaDoggo_ ,

This isn't necessarily about just hardware. Current ML architectures and inference engines are far from being at peak efficiency. Just last year we saw 20x speedups for llm inference on some hardware. "a million times" is obviously hyperpole though.

Can't bind Proton VPN to qBittorrent on Linux

I like to run qBittorrent on a Linux laptop to try and minimize the risk of Microsoft tracking what I'm doing and to protect my main system from viruses. I'm having an issue with it though. When I go into Advanced and select Network Interface, Proton VPN is not an option there. I only get lo, eno1, wlp4s0, ipv6leakintrf0, and...

BetaDoggo_ ,

Tun0 is the interface that most vpns are using so I assume proton is the same.

BetaDoggo_ ,

This is why you should always selfhost your AI girlfriend.

BetaDoggo_ ,

Weird that he's suddenly interested in the UAE considering that he'd be persecuted there. Couldn't have anything to do with that money he's trying to raise...

BetaDoggo_ ,

This is an article about another article, some top tier journalism. They're right about the external display though. I've yet to see a positive comment about it, seems like just a weird gimmick that drains the already short battery life.

Because AI and Crypto use so much electricity, what if a law was made that they had to power it with green energy?

Something on the lines of if your company facility is using over X amount of energy the majority of that has to be from a green source such as solar power. What would happen and is this feasible or am I totally thinking about this wrong...

BetaDoggo_ ,

There is no such thing as "green" energy, all energy has an environmental extraction/capture cost. Crypto has insane per user power usage, AI isn't quite as bad but it's still much higher than normal websearch. Both should be used sparingly in cases where they actually make sense.

OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion ( )

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is in talks with investors, including from the United Arab Emirates, to raise between $5 trillion to $7 trillion in funding. The goal, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal, is to increase the world's chip manufacturing capacity and enhance AI capabilities....

BetaDoggo_ ,

Just a few more parameters, then the text prediction model will become sentient.

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