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Grandwolf319 ,

If only we didn’t shoot that gorilla…

New Louisiana law will criminalize approaching police under certain circumstances ( )

Critics of a new Louisiana law, which makes it a crime to approach within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a police officer under certain circumstances, fear that the measure could hinder the public’s ability to film officers — a tool that has increasingly been used to hold police accountable....

Grandwolf319 ,

The issue is that the people who vote for him would see something like this and say good, crime is too high right now.

No matter how you spin it, when you have enough people without critical thinking, they are gonna drag everything down.

Grandwolf319 ,

How do you know that cilantro tastes like soap and not soap tastes like cilantro.

All I’m saying is that cilantro doesn’t taste that good and some soaps smell amazing.

Grandwolf319 ,

Good and bad individual immigrants can come from anywhere that much is obvious, no one is ever saying otherwise.

So if you read the article you would know that some don’t want Muslim immigrants from Muslim countries.

I’m not saying you think that, but I’ve seen plenty (like the person in the article), specifically state they don’t want certain races/ethnicities/religions in their country.

This is a tactic I’ve seen with right wing people. They defend something obviously wrong but pretending that the stance has always been sane. Basically presenting a crowd full of people thinking A is actually a crowd of people thinking B with a few As.

Grandwolf319 ,

Yeah the shipping was weirdly the only bad part of the experience. You’re in for a great ride!

Grandwolf319 ,

Ohhhh that makes it soo much better.

Cause if it was a joke post, the solution would be to label those.

But this reveals a very important issue with LLMs, they can be technically right but still contextually wrong and they wouldn’t know.

And that’s not even “hallucination”

Grandwolf319 ,

Well in fact, pi depends on how big of a circle you’re measuring. Because of the square cube law, pi gets bigger the bigger the circle is. Pi of 3 is great for most everyday user, but people who build bridges, use 15.

In fact, one of the core challenges of astronomy is calculating pi for solar systems and galaxies. There is even an entire field for it called astropistonomy.

Calculating pi… it just keeps going on forever.

Grandwolf319 ,

Hahaha, current ML is basically good guessing, that doesn’t really transfer to building machines that actually have to obey the laws of physics.

Grandwolf319 ,

Flight attendant? Well clearly their mistake is not living in a third world city, they constantly travel anyway.


Grandwolf319 ,

So it’s all good as long as they have elf ears or that counts as realistic too?

Grandwolf319 ,

Better to just blanket ban the entire concept and save us all the trouble, in my opinion.

That’s the issue though, blindly banning things that can be victimless crimes never ends, like prohibition.

Grandwolf319 ,

How about any photo realistic image without a watermark is illegal? And the watermark kind of has to be traced back to author so you can’t just add it to real CP?

Grandwolf319 ,

Well the watermark would be a kind of signature that leads back to a registered artist.

I think it makes sense to enforce this for all AI art, basically label it in a way that can be traced back to who produced it.

And if you don’t want people to know you produced it, then you probably shouldn’t share it

Grandwolf319 ,

It would be for using AI, not creating art.

I’m just brainstorming here, but I can’t imagine how you would control AI art without some sort of regulation or licensing on the side of the AI creator…

Grandwolf319 ,

Isn’t Canada’s law based on age and not if they “look like children”, so all they have to say is that the subject isn’t human and is over 18 years of age?

My entire point was that things like this become a game of wack o mole.

I don’t think that’s a good standard, reminds me of 0 tolerance policies and war on drugs.

Grandwolf319 ,

I read the article and I have one outstanding question. Is this the same guy who stated he is not suicidal days before?

Grandwolf319 ,

So the solution of a slow process is to do more of the slow process?

I get where you’re coming from but I don’t see that fixing things in time.

Grandwolf319 ,

If it’s one thing I’ve learned about corrupt people is that they are cowards. So I agree.

Grandwolf319 ,

I think Biden should jail trump, period.

It will cause a lot of backlash but the dude is arguing that Biden should be able to kill trump since he is the president.

You can’t play the good faith game with bad faith people, you will always lose.

Grandwolf319 ,

Wow… no notes

Grandwolf319 ,

Idk how we got here. Imo it’s mainly because for some reason, we no longer give agency to republicans.

If voting for a third party is immoral, then 1/3 of the US is being very immoral.

Voting used to be a private choice, hence why you go into a little booth. It was your moral obligation to vote to the best of your abilities, your choice was personal.

Grandwolf319 ,

So I’m pretty averse to getting new apps and giving them location permissions.

Just cause of this comment I went it and looked at the location permissions, holy shit so many apps had it that shouldn’t have. Like Apple home… wtf does it need location for, it uses wifi…

Grandwolf319 ,

Yeah, I would install anything that just used 0 resources when it’s not running. But that’s not what malware does

Grandwolf319 ,

Before clicking yes just meant ruining your sandbox which was your computer. You can’t just have a bad PC today, instead you get your data leaked and become a target for scams.

Grandwolf319 ,

People keep saying this and everytime I go to the website I find nothing but very vague assertions and a link to a long book.

Can someone give me some of the high level summaries? Thanks in advance.

Grandwolf319 ,

I’m semi dyslexic, this is what normal feels like all the time.

Grandwolf319 ,

You joke but how about exoskeletal legs that you rent? Like those scooter rentals

Grandwolf319 ,

They are not an ambigrapher, can only make the line go up.

Grandwolf319 ,

Suddenly chthonic companions makes sense, thank you hades!

Grandwolf319 ,

Okay, this is the best one of this meme.

Grandwolf319 ,

How are hunter gatherer societies not communism? They live in communes and they collectively share everything.

Grandwolf319 ,

Yeah that’s what I found the most surprising. Even after you understand what women really mean in this thought experiment, it’s just textbook discrimination and no different than targeting certain races as a cop.

I thought as a society we all agreed that was bad but apparently it’s okay if the victims are men.

So this thought experiment does reveal sexism, the sexism against men.

Grandwolf319 ,

It’s not about upsetting me, it’s about making a judgment of an individual based on the demographic, which I thought we collectively decided was wrong.

If someone walks past a group of minorities and feels unsafe, that’s fine as humans are emotional creatures. But if someone makes a decision based on the above logic, that would be classified as discrimination. Same way mostly searching minorities at the airport is discrimination.

Grandwolf319 ,

The parasitic part is not the building home part, but the charging you as much as they can part.

I know, I just described capitalism…

Grandwolf319 ,

My hope is that this whipsaws through the economy and hurts so many people so badly that a) we learn to never let it happen again, and b) that it emboldens governments to finally tax the shit out of the rich.

I’m so glad some people realize this: we are past the point of wishing things just get slowly better. History has taught me that in this world, when people are so apathetic to important issues, things need to get so bad sometimes so everyone gets a wake up call.

Grandwolf319 ,

Even $120 would be amazing. I just got an email that said too bad. I just bought a monitor cause that’s where they sold it. Idk why they have to save my info. I just want to pay for the product. If it was up to me, they would delete all my info immediately. They only need to record when the serial number was sold anyway.

Oh if only I was European.

Grandwolf319 ,

Even then, why do they need to store my personal information? After delivery, my info should be wiped besides the date of purchase for said serial number.

After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year ( )

When Bloomberg reported that Spotify would be upping the cost of its premium subscription from $9.99 to $10.99, and including 15 hours of audiobooks per month in the U.S., the change sounded like a win for songwriters and publishers. Higher subscription prices typically equate to a bump in U.S. mechanical royalties — but not...

Grandwolf319 ,

Higher prices, worse quality, intrusive recommendations, ad filled basic tier?

It all depends on how much people are willing to put up with.

Grandwolf319 ,

I 100% agree with everything you said. It’s just that I thought people wouldn’t put up with the stuff Netflix has been pulling but I was wrong.

Music is different though…

Grandwolf319 ,

But the CDNs required to run a music streaming service are anything but cheap.

Yeah, I still think music streaming makes little sense cause usually people listen to songs over and over. Movie streaming makes more sense cause most people watch one title and not watch it again for years or ever.

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