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@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar



Cyberpunk Fashion

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Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

It's bigger. Does that mean it burns more fuel or has more emissions than a 40 year old car? I'm all for saving the planet, but I'm not sure big automatically means worse. I could be wrong.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

They are still gonna be less effecient than smaller, lighter models with modern technology.

Agreed and I'm sure bmw makes smaller models, so this pic is rage bait.

Another factor is bigger vehicles are deadlier.

Deadlier for whom? My guess is the passengers of a bigger vehicle are safer. A pedestrian being hit by a small car or big car is likely ruined either way. An SUV hitting a small car, maybe the small car's passengers are in trouble, though perhaps advancements in safety have increased survival, idk.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

BMW does offer small models tho. This pic is comparing apples with oranges.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Fair. Tech (sensors, cameras, etc.) could reduce this risk, but you make a fair point.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly. This pic is comparing apples with oranges to get a rise out of us. There are irrefutable arguments for saving the planet, we don't need this low IQ rage bait.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for sharing actual data 🤝

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

You're right. That's another way this image was specifically tailored to make us come to a conclusion.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

I stand corrected. Appreciate the data. Thanks for educating me on that! 👍

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

So have mobile phones.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

There are mobile phones in the picture too.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Straw man. Science doesn't try to prove if God is real or fake.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

One of my favorite quotes from Blood Meridian:

God dont lie.
No, said the judge. He does not. And these are his words.
He held up a chunk of rock.
He speaks in stones and trees, the bones of things.

As an aside, it's worth noting not every religion conflicts with science.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe look for "cyberprep fashion"? I make LED jewelry that is corpo inspired that you might get a kick out of :)

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it used to belong to a falconer?

We're all just characters in someone else's cyberpunk story ( corteximplant.com )

cross-posted from: https://corteximplant.com/users/x00001/statuses/112491302665199252...

the yaer was Two Thousand and twenty-four. I took a puff of my Electronic-Cigarette, inhaling the vapours. my mobile terminal buzzed in my pocket, a flat slab of microchips and glossy touchscreen. I ignored it....... probably another Electronic-Mail
Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

You might not be able to afford bread, but at least you'll get circuses.

What reading style do you consider more tedious to read, A) short, concise, and precise, but using non-layperson vocabulary, B) using layperson vocabulary, but it's longer, drawn out, and not precise?

I've seen a lot of people on here be teased for difficulty expressing themselves. Either people complain "you're using big person words to describe mundane things" when they're aiming for precision or "woah, we don't need that damn wall of text" when they're aiming for clarity. It's like people just want to complain.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

You could have just said, "Why not both?" 😜

Jilanico OP ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Hell, even marbles are more fun to watch imo: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6wjQ1_icRUg

Jilanico OP ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Hahaha omg it IS amazing lol https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA8BoiT_ZmQ

Jilanico OP ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I think it's the shorter race duration and the smaller track that makes it easy to take in all the action. In real races, super fast cars on long tracks look slow on video.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

There are factually incorrect assertions in this infographic, subjective tastiness scale aside.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

Missing a lot of "debatable" astrixes at the very least.

If Reddit had a soul/conscience, I think it was us, and we're all on Lemmy now...

As a little background, I didn't actively use Reddit for months following the blackout. I still barely stop in over there and if I do I'm never logged in our contributing to the communities there (where I was previously a daily poster/commenter)....

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

The subreddit I was active on is still going strong, albeit with less interested mods. I think the impact of us leaving depends on the types of subs most lemmies used to be on. I don't think anyone from the sub I was on left reddit.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

I see the same names cropping up in many disparate communities

I think one reason for this is because it's easier for a post to bubble up to "All > Hot" on Lemmy since there are less people and less posts here.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

I just realized "dialing a number" comes from turning a dial.

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar

How are these people successful enough to go on vacation to begin with tho??

Jilanico ,
@Jilanico@lemmy.world avatar


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