@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net cover
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar



Art by: @mowendesigns A Beautiful link to their DeviantArt

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Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Maybe it's because i'm a man, but this trend saddens me. I don't often see what the other gender thinks of us, but the fact that a big part of us are a bother that all off us should be seen as more dangerous than a bear. Damn...

Figuring out character size for Pixel Asset Pack Jam #7 | Isometric [OC] ( lemmy.zip )

Figuring out what size works best for the tileset I have made this far. I am glad that I found some time between commissioned work to get around this jam, it has been a nice change of pace to from ortho to iso. It has also been a challenge, mad respect for FFT pixel artists....

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Did you find a specific ration that balanced it well or went to try different size until it worked I'm curious?

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

It does look incredible!

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

It feels so weird after a year to finally be able to go back to left handed but feels soon good

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Talking about that, can Lemmy users now check Mastodon ? I'd be curious to try it out although I don't know who to follow really

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Checked but couldn't find it yet

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

In defense of this game

Their music's are very very solids and now underated because no one plyaed the game (and I didn't too but go listen to them, great DND ambiance Cool link)

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Had the same thought a few days ago when I discovered Podcast worked with RSS and that you could get Podcast and News technically in one place

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

JDG's career is safe and sound until his death, happy for the team!

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, I've actually wanted what they are doing for the last 3 years. Although if the phone last is shit, I will not go suffer to have a Dac in my phone
(Also I want PEQ in it like if a moon drop employee would pass on here to read that lol)

the Pixel 8 Carveit case is beautiful, but... ( discuss.online )

These cases are beautiful and I would love to have many of them. But they don't offer as much protection as many other cases. There isn't much protection for the camera especially. They provide a sticker to place over the camera area to prevent scratches. I stuck this on because I was afraid I would need it....

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

They are 25 euro and can be found Here

I am quite digging the style

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Thank you so much for this response!!!

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah, that, might be the reason I I fell lost about what a Habit is. I've been ridding on the question of trying to understand myself better for the past few months. I stopped thinking about it for a while waiting for the moment I could go see a professional and get an official thing, because I was also scared that trying to look too much into it I don't want to "take, or push back" certain traits of myself to enter in a certain "shape" of people. But recently a person told me I should try to use a calendar to work on and create habits and the question of habits has been turning around in my head

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Thank you for those words. I'm waiting to finally go back to my country and stay there long enough to have the time to see someone and get to know myself more definitely to just have that answer in my life

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Thank you, I'm actually awaiting to go back to my country and have the time to see someone to finally get the answer, while I wait I'm left with questions I try to answer for myself

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

I do think about the fact it makes sense to out it at the same place to find it easier, then from that I without thinking but it where it was last time

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

I need to rly get my team tickets back are the prices are gone go up 😅 thought about it for the last 3 days

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Skadoosh, boom no belly!

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Conclusion of a stupid brain: Dolby sells nothing, their top cinema technology

Google fires 28 employees after protest over Israel cloud contract ( www.theverge.com )

Google fired 28 employees in connection with sit-in protests at two of its offices this week, according to an internal memo obtained by The Verge. The firings come after 9 employees were suspended and then arrested in New York and California on Tuesday....

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive, and made coworkers feel threatened

Maybe... because they feel threatened for themselves and their families?

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

I love the quest where you bring a clown with a grenade as a nose to a bar

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Just created an accound to see a company recruting me, lied I was a studeng to not have to enter anything

Update: Start Giving Flyers, it was a scam (shocked pikachu face) Full discussion with ex-"boss" ( slrpnk.net )

So I made a post a few days ago, where I felt weird about a job offer I found, but it was finally someone that wanted me to work for them, so I went to meet the person. Thanks to people here reminding me to record everything I have the whole discussion by text but also recorded everything when I meet this person (And the audio...

Kyoyeou OP , (edited )
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Also, last time i received info that my pictures where blurry, all the pictures are uploaded from PC and are all in 1440p, so If they are blurry I cannot help it, that's the quality it show in. You can click on it/open it in another tab to not have the blurry version

Starting Giving Flyers Tomorow, if there is no Contract to a Work, It's Not Binding is it?

It's a student job. Only 3 hours a week, and i'm gone (already wow) from the uk in 3 months and hte pay is around 7.5 pound an hour. The money from the events go to the people in the community in need. But I am a little uncertain about that as they are not working with an association specifically (uncertain?)...

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Oh I agree with you, I started recording the call when I got a weird vibe but got no sound out of it.Meeting at an Asda is because it's halfway between each of us, and seeing how tiny the company is, I think they just wont bother with contracts. At the Asda he will give me the flyers, so, I don't have to print them myself with my money

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Distributing Flyers you are right sorry! I'll fix this right now!

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

i am over 21 so i'll keep that in mind.
Recorded audio of us meeting, pay will be cash or bank transfer every two weeks, I'll ask for bank transfers to have a proof. He wants us to send a picture of where we give the flyers and to send him from when to when we are working. I'll be doing this for about 3 months max if everything goes right so I should be gaining around 300 pounds max in total, I think I don't need to pay taxes for this little?

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

I just made a follow up post but a TLDR is I won't have to show any income :(

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Read a cool new guys book, the author is George Orwell, I think you'll like him!

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

I looked into E-ink displays this summer and the tech is just so high priced

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Man I always watned that, but it woudl have to be an open-source program, becuase I will not pay by having adds in my own mind

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

This looks like such a good use of an IP and a tech that works and people love!

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Made it with : https://rxresu.me/ and it's the Gengar template!

I was searching for an open-source project to support in the making of my CV's and this one is really good!

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

They do! Although the demand is high around, and I've for example received proposition of work but that only start in September

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Dammit! My french is showing itself! Thank you so much for taking the time to find those errors!

Kyoyeou OP ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Thank you so much! That's a great advice indeed! Although oh boy I've used a lot of apps and tools but I never take the time to master them and I never knew how to put that on my CV. In the previous version of my CV I wrote "Interest in Learning New Tools"

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Thank you it worked, now I just need to find how to delete cookies on sync!

Edit: Simply forget account and readd it!

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Hey mate you have a space in the url mate, looks cool, might motivate myself to go back to learning language

Kyoyeou ,
@Kyoyeou@slrpnk.net avatar

Same here, haven't bought anything since the DnD set, and to be honest I only play commander and play less and less and basically only use one single political deck

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