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MigratingtoLemmy ,

I'm still baffled at how good Ollama is on working on paltry hardware like ARM and small VMs. Give it GPUs and it's amazing.

The next step should be to encrypt information at Transit and rest to as to purchase GPU power from the cloud but maintaining client-side encryption throughout. That'll bring even more power to the masses: imagine giving Ollama a Cloud endpoint to remote GPUs which it can compute on without the consumer purchasing any hardware.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Is it even coming? They don't seem very interested

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Are even MSPs hiring? Seems like everyone everywhere is getting laid off without respite.

MigratingtoLemmy ,


MigratingtoLemmy ,

The market is still fairly dogshit from my perspective. What certifications do you recommend to rise up the ladder? I'm more into cloud security/infrastructure than pentesting, was considering the AWS-SAP but was quickly reminded of how much work that is without continuous AWS exposure.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

You're probably right. In this market even the perfect candidate has a tough time. I'll still probably go for the AWS certs (I have been eyeing the specialities for a while now) along with maybe CISSP if I find the time for it. Security isn't actually my main focus but I try to bring it along in everything I do at work (and annoy a fair number of people as a result hehe)

MigratingtoLemmy ,

How are you faring physically?

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Fuck that's really hard. I'm sorry to hear that chap. It's surprising that no pain medications have much of an effect, your injuries must be severe

MigratingtoLemmy ,

You can usually eat the brain if cooked well

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Baking instructions for the fish? Can I try this with other fish?

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Thank you. That looks like about 420F baked for maybe 10-15 minutes each side? I want to know how you got that beautiful colour on it, perhaps the ingredients had a part to play in that

MigratingtoLemmy ,

We should have a call for hackers/pentesters/cybersec enthusiasts to find these little shits and break their infrastructure

MigratingtoLemmy ,

How did you learn it? How long did it take?

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Merci. I've been putting it off for a while now and wonder if I can still learn fast in my 30s. I'll try and get back to it

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you, this is exactly my use-case, along with some live streaming.


  1. How are you running a find command on a warch folder with continuously streaming video? I believe the IPC process has to end (system has to finish writing to a file) for post-processing (reencoding) to take place? That's why I wanted to do this transparently, since I have no local storage to speak of to maintain a watch folder/cache.
  2. Thanks for the reencoding solution, I'll take a look at handbrake
MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you, I realised that I'd need to reencode transparently. How would I do that?

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you, I realised that I'd need to reencode transparently. How would I do that?

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Streaming to a socket sounds like a decent idea. I don't know how and which program I could stream to; is there a way for handbrake to transparently reencode video and send it to a virtual FUSE mount-point? The problem I have is no local storage to keep video.

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

You're right, I don't know why I didn't consider that. This is going to be a mix of security cameras and live streaming video that I'll store on the cloud, and the problem is that I have horrible upload speeds along with no local storage for caching

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

The problem is that I don't have local storage, and neither do I have very good upload bandwidth. Compression could in theory solve the bandwidth problem and cloud storage costs to an extent, but I completely missed the part about video being already compressed. I'll take a look at handbrake though, essentially what I want is a transparent layer that will compress video files (or reencode video files since the former seems pointless) without touching local storage and shove it into my virtual FUSE system to upload directly to the Cloud.

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thanks, but the second problem I'm working with (and what I forgot to mention) is that I have no local storage - I would like to write semi-directly to cloud storage. I can probably manage a few GB for caching and that's it.

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you, but there's another problem: I don't have local storage to write the files to and then upload. I need to write semi-directly to the Cloud.

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you, yes I realised I'd have to reencode. How would I mount a transparent handbrake compliant FUSE layer?

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

The problem is that I don't have the local storage to maintain a watch folder for continually streaming video. I want to write semi-directly to the Cloud, which is why I'm looking for a transparent reencoding layer. Can handbrake do this?

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Can handbrake ingest video through an IPC process, reencode and push it to a mount point all without touching local storage?

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you, I'll take a look.

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

I'm going to be using an SBC for this, which doesn't have the capacity for an extra storage drive. Also, I'm planning to move in a couple of months, and I wouldn't want to deal with storage in the middle of all of this. The cloud isn't as insanely expensive as I initially thought; B2 is $6/TB, and I hope that with reencoded streams at an OK resolution I wouldn't go beyond 1.5TB a month (I'll be deleting stuff with bucket policies, of course).

I'll take a look at tdarr alongside ffmpeg, thanks!

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

I was considering the usual BananaPi/OrangePi/Raxda/Pine64 SBCs, are those not enough horsepower? I'd like to stay under $80 for my SBC purchase, and it will be doing double duty with managing some services like DNS and music scrobbling alongside uploading to the cloud

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

Thank you for the tip, I'll keep a look out for VAAPI/VDPAU support. Thanks!

MigratingtoLemmy OP ,

I plan to reencode on the fly before I push the files to the Cloud. This would have to happen in real-time though, since I don't have the space to cache files (and slow upload speeds)

LLM queries for personal pdf libraries?

So perplexity can kind of weakly analyze the first few pages of small file size pdfs one at a time, but I'd love to have something that would allow me to upload several hundred research papers and textbooks that could then be analyzed for consensus and contradictions and give me more meaningful search results and summaries than...

MigratingtoLemmy ,

That would likely be a language model finetuned on said material. The problem is feeding PDFs as a structured data source for the model to ingest. The finetuning can't happen with random unstructured PDFs

Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline ( www.techdirt.com )

Is Google signaling the end of the open web? That’s some of the concern raised by its new embrace of AI. While most of the fears about AI may be overblown, this one could be legit. But it doesn’t mean that we need to accept it....

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Use a different search engine? Use multiple search engines which tweak search parameters? SearXNG and others are the way forward

MigratingtoLemmy ,

Basically an advertisement for their services, but since they're shitting on Google's ad revenue model I'm all for it.

I will not shit on Google completely myself though, because I do appreciate (other than a few naughty shenanigans they've pulled recently) their work on the Android kernel.

MigratingtoLemmy ,

You could offer to help them run their infrastructure. For example, the cloud engineering position at Lemmy.world

MigratingtoLemmy ,

I bumped but I don't use touch screens on desktop, can't help.

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