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Professorozone ,

You've got to love the irony here. He complained for years that people entering at the southern border were criminals and shouldn't be allowed in and now essentially other countries are saying the same thing about him.

Professorozone ,

When I was a kid, an older kid peer-pressured me into smoking a cigarette. I smoked the whole thing and quickly noped out of that. Can't believe I made the best decision of my life at the age of 6.

Professorozone ,

No, this makes perfect sense. It's difficult to understand what he means because he keeps saying "people" should pay. If he means consumers when he says people, that would be perfectly consistent. Corporations pollute like crazy and "people" should be charged for it. That's capitalism, right?

Professorozone ,

Maybe it's not what you meant, but if this is Marla Maples daughter, then that would be Tiffany Trump, not Ivanka.

Professorozone ,

Ahh, I somehow completely missed that it said, "STEPdaughter." I apologize unreservedly.

Professorozone ,

Yeah, missed the prefix STEP in the title. But, do you think 3 years old would be too young for Trump to make a play for?

Professorozone ,

I'm sorry but this is equally terrifying as the real thing.

Professorozone ,

I don't know how it works in France but they also banned hijabs. Send kind of right wing. Was he responsible for that?

Side of bed debate - Which side is left?

Which side of the bed is the left side? Is the answer based on the perspective of laying in the bed (person's head at the head end)? Is the answer based on viewing it from the foot of the bed, looking at the head of the bed? Is there an "anatomical position" or special terminology like in boating for this?...

Professorozone ,

I have no idea. Like others I usually request the side closest to the bathroom since I go during the night more often than her. I could see it either way.

Professorozone ,

Why do you say that? If it's polycarbonate it would filter out UVa and UVb, like cheap sunglasses. The guy that mows my lawn is in direct sunlight.

Professorozone ,

An e-bike. I used my regular bike for errands but the e-bike just made it so much easier to pedal in high winds or when I was hauling my trailer full of groceries. Plus it increased my range because I knew I could go farther in the same amount of time. I bought a class 1 e-bike so I always have to pedal, like a normal bike. Because I use it more, I think I actually get MORE exercise despite the assist. I really love it.

Professorozone ,

And moments after its efficacy was proven, Louisiana banned it.

Professorozone ,

You forgot about the incessant annoying sound emitted for virtually every second of the drive, you know...if I'm the one driving.

Professorozone ,

I use Firefox on Windows 10. I'm kind of a tab-o-holic and multiple times a day I have to shut down FF and restart it to keep YouTube from slowing down. Thought it was due to the number of tabs I have open, but I never had this problem when I was using Brave.

Professorozone ,

Ok, thanks for that. Still it didn't happen back when I was using Brave.

Professorozone ,

While I agree that billionaires need to start paying their way, I cannot get on board with taxing someone for dying.

I think a better way is to remove all of the mechanisms in place that made them that wealthy in the first place.

Professorozone ,

When my mother died ( not a billionaire) I sure as hell didn't think that was a valid reason for the government to collect a payment.

I stand by what I said. Tax the crap out of them when they are alive and remove all of the mechanisms that got them this insane wealth.

Professorozone ,

I thought "the turn" was that he was actually being investigated for it.

Professorozone ,

Yup, my TEACHERS were mostly responsible for my sexual orientation as I grew up.

Professorozone ,

OMG. I'm old. To me there are just men and women. They can identify as gay, trans, queer, a shopping cart, whatever. I really don't give two shits, since it doesn't affect me and I don't hold any of these choices against anyone. I apologize if that makes me, uncaring, trans-phobic or in some way a horrible person. Clearly I'm ignorant of all of the nuances, for which I apologize again, but it's not like I'm looking to date anyone, hire anyone or in any way have any affect on the rights of anyone. I am in full support of gay marriage, drag shows and anything else anyone would like to do in a so-called free country as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

My only point was that teachers are responsible for a lot of things and liable for a lot as well. I can't believe anyone would want to do that job anymore.

If I have, with this post, again offended anyone or once again gotten something wrong, please accept my heart felt, blanket apology. It was not my intention.

Professorozone , (edited )

That's what I was going to say. Pretty sure it's true. I read something a while ago about people who had been pardoned, not realizing that it's an admission of guilt. I think a person can even turn down a pardon on that basis, but I'm not positive on that last part.

I guess Biden would have to say he WOULD pardon him, to head off any charges.

Professorozone ,

I see, but the guilt IS still a thing.

Professorozone ,

What about the person declining the pardon part?

Professorozone ,

I think they phrased that incorrectly. Don't they mean Google wants their AI to listen in on your conversations and in return they'll keep you safe. LOL.

The inside story of Elon Musk’s mass firings of Tesla Supercharger staff ( )

May 15 (Reuters) - The day before Elon Musk fired virtually all of Tesla’s electric-vehicle charging division last month, they had high hopes as charging chief Rebecca Tinucci went to meet with Musk about the network’s future, four former charging-network staffers told Reuters....

Professorozone ,

Yes...or... give him a $56B raise. You know, whichever.

Professorozone ,

Depends on what you mean by goodbye. Resigning from Tesla? No. Leaving the planet? I might get on board with that.

Professorozone ,

Up to a max. So paying a little in the foreign country will not invalidate ALL taxes owed in the US. You might still owe some. Just FYI.

Professorozone ,

As a hobbiest, I make things out of steel and aluminum. Can't wait to pay more.

Professorozone ,

Thank you for taking interest in the spelling in my post. My autocorrect kept changing things and I must have failed to properly proofread. I do, in fact, know how to spell the word. As a human, I am prone to errors from time to time. I apologize for this.

Since grammar and language are your hobby, I would suggest you spend less time online, as correcting the rampant errors in language and grammar must consume a great deal of your time. I would also like to point out that there are many people online for whom English is a second language.

Professorozone ,

Does Will Weaton count? Wesley Crusher want supposed to be hated, it just turned out that way and Weaton took a rasher of shit for that role.

Professorozone ,

On the other hand, so many things in America have become so expensive many people are priced out of the market. Perhaps they will save the $1.00 because if they don't, it doesn't happen. The average price of a new car in America is more than $47k. That's a lot of money.

Professorozone ,

Now, now don't be hasty. Maybe he meant to say, "Trump often suggested executing rivals in heated outbursts... and I really like that in a president." Not hypocritical at all really. Just a, you know, personal choice or something.

Professorozone ,

Because it's a rescue mission, I would say yes, absolutely, rescue music FTW!

Who am I kidding, the answer to music in the car is ALWAYS yes.

Professorozone ,

The first sentence references fossil fuels. I'm pretty sure that means diesel.

Trump’s McDonald’s bill is big, but its prices have ballooned ( )

Donald Trump’s appearance in criminal court on Monday has raised many questions, constitutional and otherwise, but on the evidence of the first day I find myself most curious about the former president’s McDonald’s order. During jury selection last week, the Daily Mail reported on a $700 (£560) McDonald’s order put in...

Professorozone ,

No, I'm with you on that one. I hadn't eaten there in a while and got a hankering. So I went to one, got a hamburger, fries and a milk shake. That was like 30 years ago and I've never been back. Even the milk shake was horrible. A MILKSHAKE! I don't understand what people see in that place. I'd be just fine if it went out of business.

Tesla’s in its flop era ( )

When Tesla releases its first quarter earnings this afternoon, the company’s CEO Elon Musk will field the usual questions about new products, new factories, and progress toward its futuristic vision of self-driving cars and robot workers. But Musk will also face increasingly urgent questions about its current state of affairs...

Professorozone ,

I know right, I've never understood why manufacturers making cars for people suffering from range anxiety want to have a motor to open and close the trunk or extend the door handles. Like people can't just lift it up or shut it by hand as we've done for decades?

Professorozone ,

Even worse. I lived in an apartment that suffered water and smoke damage because my upstairs neighbor fell asleep with a cigarette in his hand. It could have been worse than just a fire really. We could have all lost everything or someone could have died.

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