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StaySquared ,

Not paying attention to NYC, huh?

StaySquared ,

So you agree.. that wasn't an act of revolution or insurrection?

StaySquared ,

If there actually was a real Revolution they’d get wiped out pretty quickly.

Not sure if serious.. wipe out by who, exactly?

StaySquared ,

As opposed to.. lol Biden? You do realize we're at the verge of losing relations that benefit the U.S., right? With Biden and those like Biden running things, the Global South will be the new power house of the world.

StaySquared ,


StaySquared ,

Any law that violates the constitution should not be obeyed. That is the duty of the U.S. citizen.

StaySquared ,

Jan 6th protestors didn't even come armed... lol smh

StaySquared ,

Uhm.. do you even Sodom and Gomorrah? LMAO

You've never picked up a Torah, Bible, or Quran, huh?

StaySquared ,

The fact that he was able to sue.. especially in the state of California of all places. This could actually be a trend for the entire nation.

StaySquared ,

I imagine that if the judge puts him in jail, preventing him from being elected as president, there's going to be a lot of shtf. And by a lot, I mean across the entire country.

StaySquared ,

It's.. 4 years maximum.

StaySquared ,

I don't even know what MTG is.. unlike you, I don't keep myself in a safe space... a bubble, bouncing around the same ideas on repeat. Unlike you and your ilk, I'm willing to enter, "enemy territory" and have discussions, maybe learn a thing or two, rather than be in the same ol' circle jerk day in and day out for the rest of my petty pathetic life.

Overall, this is Biden and Co using the judiciary system as a weapon against his political opponent, election interference. That's a fact. The world sees and knows it.

StaySquared ,


Him serving jail time.. lol before election? Oooweee how the nation would react.

StaySquared ,

The world isn't with you and your ilk. Reality check.

StaySquared ,

I'm not even here to argue. I'm here to have discussions amongst other people regardless of their ideologies. However, tankies / communists / marxists are lost souls, there's no coming back for them.

StaySquared ,

So you're emotionally invested?

StaySquared , (edited )

Coincidental huh? That they come at Trump before elections.. not anytime before then. Not the previous 4 years? It's a good chess move, no doubt. Let's see what happens next.

Reality check bud, the entire world is wondering how the fuck an obvious conman and criminal was elected the first time.

More so than Biden having 81M votes.. the most of any presidential candidate in U.S. history. Lmao

Trump getting elected was obvious.. the establishment sickened us and Trump used that to his advantage. It's too bad though, I was looking forward to seeing politicians having warrants issued against them, and federal agencies eliminated.

StaySquared ,

Manhattan judge... even the venue was not influence by Trump.

StaySquared ,

So.. as a Lemmy user, what do we do? Create an account... wait 6 months and then start having discussions? Or do we create an account, pretend to be leftists for 6 months, and then unmask ourselves as non-leftists? What an awful logic you have. Do you even have any real friend outside of the internet? Do you.. even leave your home and interact with the rest of humanity?


StaySquared ,

glad you're insignificant.. don't need to see more terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

Thank fuk I don't trust the government for chit. You're talking about, "fuk antivaxxers"... you got fooled into taking poison. You got fooled into believing the narrative, and now you're upset you can't reverse time.

Enjoy your poison while you can. 😘

StaySquared ,

Why would you vaccinate against chickenpox, unless you mean for adults? Children should just be exposed to it.

And I'm not going to pay any penalty for refusing to put some research chemical into my body.

StaySquared ,

Psst... you're still poisoned and there's no turning back.

Stay mad.

StaySquared ,

Nothing's happened to anyone? Nice bubble.

"uneducated snowflake" lmao

StaySquared ,

I've distinguished between the two. I thought that was clear?

Well not in my immediate previous comment, but in the other previous comments.

StaySquared ,

Out of curiosity I looked up varicella vaccination injuries:

Besides a sore arm from the injection, redness or rash where the shot is given, or fever can happen after varicella vaccination. More serious reactions happen very rarely. These can include pneumonia, infection of the brain and/or spinal cord covering, or seizures that are often associated with fever.

StaySquared ,

I guess you're right. It would be more friendly to vaccinate against chicken pox than to catch chicken pox and be home for two weeks straight. Then the possible shingles bit later on in life.

The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates ( )

Despite its name, the infrastructure used by the “cloud” accounts for more global greenhouse emissions than commercial flights. In 2018, for instance, the 5bn YouTube hits for the viral song Despacito used the same amount of energy it would take to heat 40,000 US homes annually....

StaySquared , (edited )

Of course it would.. lmao are you kidding me? Have you never seen a server farm? Hell NSA has huge warehouses of servers.

Last year, before I joined this organization, IT decided to get off Microsoft's cloud service because after some calculations they realize that on-prem hosting was significantly cheaper than cloud hosting. Now I believe more and more organizations small and large/enterprise are getting off cloud or doing a mixture / hybrid because the costs are not justifiable.

And for AI? Requiring GPUs? Huge energy consumers.

Men with 'toxic masculinity' are more likely to make sexual advances without consent, study finds ( )

A team of researchers, including Binghamton psychology professor Richard Mattson and graduate student Michael Shaw asked men between the ages of 18–25 to respond to hypothetical sexual hookup situations in which a woman responds passively to a sexual advance, meaning the woman does not express any overt verbal or behavioral...

StaySquared ,

Reported that they would escalate the level of sexual intimacy regardless of whether or not they thought it was consensual.

Gentlemen, the moment you're questioning in your head if the girl is consenting, you use your voice and ask something along the lines of, "do you trust me?" or, "keep going?", or "do you like this/it?"

Fkin no brainer. smh

StaySquared ,

If this truly works.. lol that's amazing.

StaySquared ,

Looks like he's going after two items:

  • EV tax credits
  • Tailpipe emissions

State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid ( )

A career State Department official resigned from her post on Tuesday, saying she could no longer work for the Biden administration after it released a report concluding that Israel was not preventing the flow of aid to Gaza....

StaySquared ,

... Biden and Co. can't lose any more credibility than this. Do they think there's a portion of the world civilization that lives in some sort of simulation that is controlled by the powers that be? lol smh.

StaySquared ,

Apparently what the Libertarians elected as their candidate is good for the Democrats

LOL it's hilarious once you find out who and what.

SUVs made up 20% of global emissions growth and 55% of car sales globally in 2023 ( )

This is just insane. Not only are cars themself mostly unnecessary, if the right infrastructure is provided, but SUVs also use more resources to run and be produced then small cars, without any advantage over them. So an obvious waste, which could easily be cut to reduce emissions....

StaySquared ,


Not for the sake of being green... but for the fact that plastic is a endocrine disruptor, we're phasing out all things plastic for glass as best we can.

Fk plastic.

StaySquared ,

Alright let's put in our bets.

I've got $50 on JIDF behind the DDoS attack.

StaySquared ,

Now the pendulum swings to the opposite direction. Let's see how extreme things get.

StaySquared ,

I have no idea why I typed out Indian, rather than Hindu. I meant Hindu. Facepalm

StaySquared ,

Have you ever looked up something along the lines of, "stupid laws in the U.S." or "stupid laws state by state"?

You'll be surprised.

StaySquared ,

This is hilarious.

OP, ever heard of a gym thot? Do you.. even go to the gym? 9 times out of 10, females going to the gym are only focusing on thighs and angus. 1 out of 10 is actually training for sport/competition.

StaySquared ,

That I call the opposite sex of males.. females? lol wat.

StaySquared ,

lol.. Thanks for making me aware. Didn't realize simple vocabulary words had other meanings attached to them.

StaySquared ,


StaySquared ,

Yep, I personally like athletically built women, proportional especially. Olympic lifters, gymnasts, and cross fitters tend to develop well rounded physiques.

StaySquared ,

lmao you will get a laugh. It's somewhat old skool internet slang, from like 2000-2015.

StaySquared ,


Now this term I've heard incels use.

StaySquared ,

I can't even imagine how stank that entire building must have been.. imagine it's so hot you have to remove your shirt. bleh.

StaySquared ,

Well not horrified.. it's one thing to smell a locker room after a game day. It's another if it's an entire parking lot structure with hundreds of people.

StaySquared ,

Hopefully this will get more people into looking at Linux as their OS.

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