@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world cover
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar



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'Confused' Judge Cannon needed concept explained 'slowly' to her in court by lawyers: NYT ( www.rawstory.com )

As part of an analysis of how U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida Judge Aileen Cannon, reports from her courtroom show a judge who is both "prickly" and" insecure" and often has trouble understanding what lawyers from both sides try to explain to her....

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

This lady is a pathetically corrupt clown

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

I'd suggest Fedora or Arch. Debian and Ubuntu are definitely solid options, but if you have experience with them and want something new, those first two distros are both fantastic and both stay up to date with fast release cycles. They might be a little less stable because of that, but that's kind of Debian and it's downstream options wheelhouse. So I'd use your preference on that to help guide your eventual preferred distro.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Doesn't look like Proton did anything wrong, they can't fight these requests and he was caught by identifying information he linked to his account.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

We really have gone full circle on the "protecting the children" lie. Entire political campaigns based on the hatred of children.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Good, absolute insanity it was ever allowed in the first place. Hope more states follow the same path.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Well hot damn, making some progress on EV infrastructure.

Jails banned in-person visits in order to maximize revenue from voice and video calls as part of a "quid pro quo kickback scheme" with prison phone companies ( arstechnica.com )

Across the United States, hundreds of jails have eliminated in-person family visits over the last decade. Why has this happened? The answer highlights a profound flaw in how decisions too often get made in our legal system: for-profit jail telecom companies realized that they could earn more profit from phone and video calls if...

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

All these profit farming scams for prisons should be criminal conduct. It's sickening how little the public cares about systemic abuse of prisoners.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking good, everything being touchscreen is completely insane.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Corrupt piece of shit evades justice again.

Waffle House Is Taking Heat For An 'Especially Alarming' Paycheck Policy ( www.huffpost.com )

A union that’s organizing Waffle Houseworkers filed a petition with the Labor Department on Monday, asking federal officials to investigate the iconic chain’s policy of deducting mandatory meal costs from workers’ paychecks....

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Wage theft enforcement is so desperately needed in the US.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Jesus reddit is run by such massive shitheads.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

I finally swapped to Linux and it's been easier than I expected. Don't know if I'll ever go back to only windows.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

So many people in my area have absurd headlight brightness, lots of trucks with extra lights on top too. It's ridiculous. Fuckers could blind the sun.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

I imagined him in a giant metal rollcage hamsterball

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking dad's is exactly how we got in this mess dude.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

When I was a real little kid, summer was always a hard time for me to eat because I was cut off from the subsidized lunch program. My mother was severely mentally ill and barely provided a meal a day sometimes. Food stamps, subsidized lunch programs and food shelves provided most of my nutrition, it was a benefit she couldn’t divert away from feeding me and my siblings most of the time.

Anybody who supports removing these programs is legitimately a monster. It keeps so many kids alive or from developing horrific nutritional deficiencies. It has nothing but a positive impact on the community and economy.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Orange Blossoms by Goldford

Sleep Deprivation by Chance Peña

Discovered them last week and I’ve had them in my rotation since.

America has lost its f*****g mind. ( feddit.de )

Hey, German here. What the f*** are Americans doing at the other side of the Atlantic? Some of you already know this monstrosity. I did’nt. This is a Ford F650 Truck and when I stepped out of my Youtube Bubble I realized, it was marketed as the “biggest, baddest Truck on the road” for the everyday American. Are you guys...

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Most trucks are not this big, but some people definitely push the limits of useful or wise.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Because we need to replace and maintain the ones we already have. People have been talking about doing this to our aging stockpile for decades.

It makes sense to reduce our arsenal, but the nukes we do have need to be maintained for safety and reliability.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

It’s long past time to flesh out our antitrust laws to deal with these greedy tech giants.

Team Trump Mulling Deploying Military to Streets on Day 1 if Elected: Report ( www.thedailybeast.com )

Already looking ahead to the turmoil his re-election could cause, Donald Trump and his allies are reportedly circling an idea to invoke the Insurrection Act on his first day in office, deploying the military to act as domestic law enforcement....

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

I’m so sick of these treasonous jackals.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Youtube is a perfect example of why ad blockers exist. They use ridiculous ad volumes and spy on their users for data to sell.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

It’s interesting how these “critical cuts” we need to make to the budget always come out of the enforcement agencies keeping track of the companies bribing them with campaign money.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

I absolutely do not trust Chrome or the google team. It does not make me feel any better the only barrier to them trying to ruin a internet a bit is some backlash.

TheTimeKnife ,
@TheTimeKnife@lemmy.world avatar

Good, these chains have abused pharmacies for years.

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