@Tywele@lemmy.dbzer0.com cover



🌿 Vegan 🌿

🏳️‍⚧️ She/Her 🏳️‍⚧️


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Tywele ,

I like the color. And if you didn't already know: your nail polish will hold longer if you first apply one layer of clear nail polish as a base coat and apply one layer of clear nail polish as a top coat at the end. Gives it more durability and that way I can sometimes wear it for a week sometimes even more. If you already knew that pretend I didn't say anything past the first sentence :)

Tywele ,

I am 5.5 weeks on HRT now and recently noticed some different feeling tissue underneath my nipples that are definitely the beginning of my breast buds. So I'm beyond happy currently 😊

At the same time I remembered how worried I was prior to starting HRT (though I never hesitated to get closer to HRT and eventually start it) because I always thought about what if I don't like any of the changes of HRT especially the permanent ones but now I can only laugh about that because I definitely like those changes very much 😂

Is Privacy Worth It? ( blog.thenewoil.org )

When I announced I would be closing my communities earlier this year, a curious thing happened: a surprising number of regulars replied with some variation of “I think this is my exit.” While some were specifically talking about Matrix, claiming that mine was the only room they were really active in and therefore they saw no...

Tywele ,

Do you have a link to that guide of yours?

Tywele OP ,

With that I mean that women usually have more of a full body experience during an orgasm which can also last longer, takes longer to build up and has no refractory period after.

Unlike the male orgasm which is more centered around the genitals and has more of an "explosive" end this lasts much shorter and there is of course the refractory period where you can't keep going after having orgasmed.

Officially Coming out to Lemmy, And Looking to Make a Community for Help with Trans Voices ( files.catbox.moe )

Hi! This is an older pic of me. I think it was from around 2013 with a bad cell camera and a silly makeup app. Weirdly, it is still the best one I've got of myself even after having fully transitioned shortly after the pic was taken. Anyway, my biggest dysphoria is with my voice. I've spent over a decade on make it "pass". I'd...

Tywele ,

It does have a spectrum view.

Edit: I just checked out Spectroid and the spectral view in that app seems to be better though.

Tywele ,

It's a cute and fun JRPG, I already played it on the Steam Deck and can definitely recommend playing it.

Tywele ,

My mom and my best friend (cis woman). My mom immediately accepted me and told me when I came out to her that she would love and support me no matter what I'm about to tell her. She accompanied me to every appointment whenever she could so far.

My best friend immediately made me feel like one of the girls and treated me like any other woman. She was the second person I came out to. I can talk to her about anything and she is very empathetic and gives me great support emotionally.

Edit: but I also have to add that I didn't make any negative experiences since my coming out so far.

Tywele ,

It says the thread has 5 comments so far but I can't see any of them.

Tywele ,

I'm not quite sure how Sync for Lemmy handles the link in your comment.

Tywele OP ,

If you look inside the file you will see that it's an encrypted file created via ansible-vault

Tywele OP ,

It should be pretty easy to adapt it for Debian. The only thing you need to change as far as I can see is the usage of the dnf module to the apt module.

Tywele OP ,

Thank you! 🙂

Tywele OP ,

The apps service just borked itself and I couldn't get it to properly start anymore. Also deploying apps always took a ridiculously and annoyingly long time (like about 15 minutes to deploy NPM).

Tywele OP ,

I know but I also learned that it's generally better to use the specific module for the package manager (just can't remember why from the top of my head) and I never intended this playbook to be generally usable.

Tywele ,

Three and a half weeks into HRT and my nipples hurt. But I'm so happy about it.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Tywele ,

Veganism is not a dietary choice it's a lifestyle choice. Diet is just a big part of it but not the whole thing.

Tywele ,

Veganism is not about completely eliminating every use of animal products no matter what. It's about reducing animal suffering and their exploitation as long as it's possible and practicable.

"Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

From https://www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/definition-veganism

Tywele ,

The answer is "plant-based diet"

Tywele ,

There should be an option so that each party member spends an equal amount of Runeshards to get into the pit and everyone gets equal rewards.

The way it's now just creates extra work when you want everyone to get the same rewards.

Ist es doch langsam an der Zeit auf eine andere Instanz umzuziehen? German

Die Frage steht ja schon im Titel: Feddit ist jetzt trotz der vielen Arbeit der Admins seit bald einem Monat kaputt. Über die Apps und andere Instanzen geht es, aber der aktuelle Zustand ist sicherlich nicht ideal. Und wir können davon ausgehen, dass das hier nach und nach aussterben wird, wenn es so bleibt und definitiv nicht...

Tywele ,

Weiß man denn woran es liegt?

Tywele OP ,

This confuses me because the default docker-compose.yml from Immich doesn't set these environment variables.

Tywele OP , (edited )

I added the REDIS_HOSTNAME and DB_DATA_LOCATION environment variables.
Not sure if I understood it right, but I guess not since it still doesn't work:

Ansible tasks
- name: create Immich network
    name: immich-network
    state: present

- name: deploy Immich-Redis
    name: immich-redis
    image: registry.hub.docker.com/library/redis:6.2-alpine@sha256:84882e87b54734154586e5f8abd4dce69fe7311315e2fc6d67c29614c8de2672
    restart_policy: always
      - name: immich-network
      DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}"
      DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}"
      DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"
      DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres"

- name: deploy Immich-Postgres
    name: immich-postgres
    image: registry.hub.docker.com/tensorchord/pgvecto-rs:pg14-v0.2.0@sha256:90724186f0a3517cf6914295b5ab410db9ce23190a2d9d0b9dd6463e3fa298f0
    restart_policy: always
      - "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data"
      POSTGRES_DB: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}"
      POSTGRES_USER: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}"
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"
      REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis
      - name: immich-network

- name: deploy Immich-Machine-Learning
    name: immich-machine-learning
    image: ghcr.io/immich-app/immich-machine-learning:release
    restart_policy: always
      - "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/model-cache:/cache"
      - name: immich-network
      DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}"
      DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}"
      DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"
      DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres"
      REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis

- name: deploy Immich-Microservices
    name: immich-microservices
    image: ghcr.io/immich-app/immich-server:release
    restart_policy: always
    command: ['start.sh', 'microservices']
      - "{{ hdd_mount_point}}/immich/library:/usr/src/app/upload"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - name: immich-network
      DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}"
      DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}"
      DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"
      DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres"
      REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis

- name: deploy Immich-Server
    name: immich-server
    image: ghcr.io/immich-app/immich-server:release
    restart_policy: always
    command: ['start.sh', 'immich']
      - "{{ hdd_mount_point}}/immich/library:/usr/src/app/upload"
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
      - "2283:3001"
      - name: immich-network
      DB_DATABASE_NAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_name }}"
      DB_USERNAME: "{{ immich_postgres_db_user }}"
      DB_PASSWORD: "{{ immich_postgres_db_password }}"
      DB_DATA_LOCATION: "{{ nvme_mount_point }}/immich/postgres"
      REDIS_HOSTNAME: immich-redis

This is what I have now and I get the following error in immich-server and immich-microservices:

[Nest] 7  - 05/02/2024, 3:45:01 PM   ERROR [TypeOrmModule] Unable to connect to the database. Retrying (1)...
Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND database
    at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookupall [as oncomplete] (node:dns:118:26)

Edit: It works! I forgot to add DB_HOSTNAME

Tywele ,

Pretty great. I'm 3 weeks on HRT now but I didn't notice any visual changes yet but I certainly do feel colder now.

It's probably the hardest part of HRT: waiting for something to happen.

Tywele ,

I think the BNA anime helped me greatly. Too bad it doesn't exist as a normal Blu-ray to buy only as some super expensive special edition.

Tywele Mod ,

Please edit the title according to the rules, thank you!

Tywele ,

I hope the update includes the Creation Kit but I somehow doubt it.

Tywele ,

Ich finde das schon ganz schön hoch.

Tywele ,

It might be fun but I also wouldn't want this in the hands of stupid people.

Tywele ,

I recently began learning Ansible and this playlist was very helpful with learning.

Tywele ,

Does it not have a Fedora package or is it just not listed on the GitHub page?

Tywele ,

I just found it weird that one of the most popular distros doesn't have a package for it.

Why so many men like to play with a female character?

I'm not judging, I'm genuinely curious. The reason why I'm asking is because in this sort of games I like to make the character resemble me as much as possible in every aspect, so I'm just curious to know what is the motivation behind men that decide to play as a female character.

Tywele ,

I was an egg so now I'm a woman playing a female character.

Weird KDE Panel resizing bug. Thinking of a complete reinstall ( sh.itjust.works )

Whenever I resize the panel or the any other widget on the panel (e.g calendar widget) it doesn't remember its size. It's really annoying me. I am on Fedora 40, KDE 6.0.4. Nothing seems to fix it, thinking of a complete reinstall. Is anyone of you getting this bug?

Tywele ,

That was about remembering the window position not the size but maybe it can be adapted.

Tywele ,

I wish they would let us disable app labels on the home screen.

Tywele ,

It's the Augmented Steam extension for your browser of choice.

Tywele ,

Steht doch im Artikel drin, dass die Hersteller Dokumentationen und Ersatzteile bereitstellen müssen und das Geräte auch reparier freundlicher designt werden müssen.

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