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Veneroso ,

True Patriots run Gentoo. CHOMP

Veneroso ,

The quickest way to get the right answer in any community, in my experience, is to provide the wrong answer. People will come out of the woodwork to correct you.

Veneroso ,

There are administration tools available for system deployment but they're generally closed source and limited to the software selection available.

Unsure about command line, but PC Decrapifier is useful for removing preloaded software.

Ninite is useful to install software in batch.

Ninite can also install Malwarebytes, which is quite useful.

Between Windows Defender and Malwarebytes I generally don't recommend anything else. And then Malwarebytes, which is extremely effective for free, is the only security suite worth paying for if you want to "set it and forget it".

On the Microsoft side of things, a great deal of software can be deployed via command line.

It's possible to build an offline installer for Office and Office 365 for example via the office deployment tool.

Additionally, it looks like if you pay for Ninite Pro, it supports command line.

Hmm TIL.

Veneroso ,

So does this mean Elon Musk turned down the offer to be official envoy to Mexico?

Veneroso ,

That was a risky click

Veneroso ,

Pretty sure that this is close to unlivable.

The world will adapt.

Especially when it's rid of the pesky parasites running around and ruining everything.


Veneroso ,

Gotcha. Yeah, there's a lot of concern over refugees migrating now. Wait a summer or two with these types of temperatures, and countries won't be able to build fences high enough.

Veneroso ,

Soul Reaver or Naruto?

Instructions unclear; unhinging jaw to consume ramen.

Veneroso ,

I think that you misspelled Hannah Montana Linux?

Veneroso ,

As Beau of the Fifth Column on YouTube says, "You have to try to commit treason in the US.". Treason is one of the few crimes enumerated in the US Constitution because the King of England was charging people with treason for literally any reason.

I think that there's been a lot of aid and comfort given to our enemies under Trump but hey shh shh shh he's running for president again! Against the guy he lost the last election too! That would be election interference!

Veneroso ,

Look up what the constitutionally enumerated definition of treason is, then re-read the second to last sentence of your quote. You have to try to commit treason in the US. This is a winner winner chicken dinner situation.

Veneroso ,

Firefox yeah I could see that. If you were running Chromium you'd be having some trouble.

Personally 8gb is more comfortable, but if 4gb works for you, then who am I to tell you anything different?

I hope that you have an SSD in there at least!

Veneroso ,

You wouldn't want to have a drink with any of them!

Veneroso ,

They should redirect US users to a walled garden that says "Trump is against the ban. Vote Trump 2024" and see how quickly they reverse this. Oh political interference? Trump is all about that too.

Oh man, imagine what hellscape awaits us under a second Trump administration. Glory to Arstotzka!

Veneroso ,

I work from home and there's daily shipping logistics involved. My dog knows the word "UPS" and will immediately alert and generally be insane.

Veneroso ,

Best my pup can do is sniff the bell which makes the quietest 'tink' and unless I am in the room I have no idea .

Veneroso ,

There was a time I would have gone for this diet.

Low-key I would probably do still.

Pizza is freaking amazing.

I would definitely vary the toppings.

As an American, adding bread to any food creates a sandwich. Pizza is just an open face sandwich. Fold that sucker and bam! Sandwich!

Veneroso ,

I can't argue with toast, but I don't like it. Haha

Veneroso ,

(stops snorting asbestos and places his chalice of round up on the table) sir, do you think me a fool?

Veneroso ,

I generally seem to have had a good experience with Linux Mint. I use the cinnamon version.

Even dist upgrades don't seem to be too much trouble.

I used to main Gentoo but that was a lot of work.
I still miss it though, but that was almost 20 years ago, when I was unemployed, and had more free time than money.

I run Windows 10 on my personal laptop and I look at these changes for the sake of change and I am seriously considering wiping it and not just use Linux in a VM.

Veneroso ,

Lead exposure also causes reduced intelligence.

Leaded gasoline was still a thing when I was a kid.

Lead paint chips are delicious.

And those Stanley cups that suburbia is raging over, also contains lead.

Veneroso ,

Nice. I'm used to reacting to post headlines long since past.

Also lead.

Veneroso ,

Malprctce, I was named after my uncle, he's in insurance.

Veneroso ,

His voice is decent to listen to and I started watching him when he did infomercial reaction videos personally.

Veneroso ,

Can you imagine if Obama did January 6th? You people would burst into flames!

Remember, if Trump is immune, so is Biden, Obama, Clinton, and Hillary! Oh Hilary wasn't president? You sure about that? Lol.

Veneroso ,

It all started when they outlawed bankruptcy discharging student loans. Cry and cry over "Lawyers will graduate from college then immediately declare bankruptcy on $5000 loans!". Then, when they captured the students in inescapable debt, convinced everyone that college was the answer, and then Sallie May being put in charge of defaulted loans.... being paid to collect.... Federally guaranteed money.... It's like getting paid to get paid, perfect racket!

Veneroso , (edited )

Firefox Mobile, Ublock Origin and Disabled JavaScript yield:

Bell Cameron and Andrew Couts


Apr 1, 2024 5:22 PM

The Incognito Mode Myth Has Fully Unraveled
To settle a years-long lawsuit, Google has agreed to delete “billions of data records” collected from users of “Incognito mode,” illuminating the pitfalls of relying on Chrome to protect your privacy.
'Google Chrome Incognito Mode' is displayed on computer screen
Illustration: Yasin Baturhan Ergin/Getty Images

If you still hold any notion that Google Chrome’s “Incognito mode” is a good way to protect your privacy online, now’s a good time to stop.

Google has agreed to delete “billions of data records” the company collected while users browsed the web using Incognito mode, according to documents filed in federal court in San Francisco on Monday. The agreement, part of a settlement in a class action lawsuit filed in 2020, caps off years of disclosures about Google’s practices that shed light on how much data the tech giant siphons from its users—even when they’re in private-browsing mode.

Under the terms of the settlement, Google must further update the Incognito mode “splash page” that appears anytime you open an Incognito mode Chrome window after previously updating it in January. The Incognito splash page will explicitly state that Google collects data from third-party websites “regardless of which browsing or browser mode you use,” and stipulate that “third-party sites and apps that integrate our services may still share information with Google,” among other changes. Details about Google’s private-browsing data collection must also appear in the company’s privacy policy.

Additionally, some of the data that Google previously collected on Incognito users will be deleted. This includes “private-browsing data” that is “older than nine months” from the date that Google signed the term sheet of the settlement last December, as well as private-browsing data collected throughout December 2023. All told, this amounts to “billions of data records,” according to court documents. Certain documents in the case referring to Google's data collection methods remain sealed, however, making it difficult to assess how thorough the deletion process will be.

Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda says in a statement that the company “is happy to delete old technical data that was never associated with an individual and was never used for any form of personalization.” Castaneda also noted that the company will now pay “zero” dollars as part of the settlement after earlier facing a $5 billion penalty.

Other steps Google must take will include continuing to “block third-party cookies within Incognito mode for five years,” partially redacting IP addresses to prevent re-identification of anonymized user data, and removing certain header information that can currently be used to identify users with Incognito mode active.

The data-deletion portion of the settlement agreement follows preemptive changes to Google’s Incognito mode data collection and the ways it describes what Incognito mode does. For nearly four years, Google has been phasing out third-party cookies, which the company says it plans to completely block by the end of 2024. Google also updated Chrome’s Incognito mode “splash page” in January with weaker language to signify that using Incognito is not “private,” but merely “more private” than not using it.

The settlement's relief is strictly “injunctive,” meaning its central purpose is to put an end to Google activities that the plaintiffs claim are unlawful. The settlement does not rule out any future claims—The Wall Street Journal reports that the plaintiffs’ attorneys had filed at least 50 such lawsuits in California on Monday—though the plaintiffs note that monetary relief in privacy cases is far more difficult to obtain. The important thing, the plaintiffs’ lawyers argue, is effecting changes at Google now that will provide the greatest, immediate benefit to the largest number of users.

Critics of Incognito, a staple of the Chrome browser since 2008, say that, at best, the protections it offers fall flat in the face of the sophisticated commercial surveillance bearing down on most users today; at worst, they say, the feature fills people with a false sense of security, helping companies like Google passively monitor millions of users who've been duped into thinking they're browsing alone.

Veneroso ,

Beau had a video with important context.
This is also the same area that missed out on Space Command bring moved their due to restrictions impacting readiness.

Trump’s Truth Social is now a public company. Experts warn its multibillion-dollar valuation defies logic | CNN Business ( )

Trump Media & Technology Group, the owner of struggling social media platform Truth Social, is began its long-delayed journey as a public company at Tuesday’s opening bell under the ticker symbol “DJT.”...

Veneroso ,

Hey Bro have you heard about Crypto!?

Same target audience for this stock ....

Veneroso ,

I haven't used Gentoo in years, maybe I should try to main it again.

It was a pain sometimes but man did I learn a lot from using it.

Veneroso ,

I used to main Gentoo.

Breaking the install was more of a guarantee.

I once removed most of X by trying to remove Gnome dependencies and it lead to an interesting couple of hours but I did have a working system when I was done.

There were countless dependency bugs and broken systems but at least I learned how to use the Gentoo Forum and also a lot of how Linux works.

I kind of want to give it another go.

Veneroso ,

So where's the Gentoo user? Behind the camera probably. Compiling the scene.

Veneroso ,

Have you tried links2?
It works in the terminal and pretty well.

You can add graphics support after recompiling it.

(Yes, I am self aware of this being a meme reply)

Veneroso ,

Gentoo is still compiling urinals.
Why aren't you wearing a catheter?

Veneroso ,

Licenced insurance agent.
Not for long!

Veneroso ,

I suspect that Trump will congratulate him on his win soon.

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