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Veraxus ,

Remember how they promised VR support in the Kickstarter and then just… never did that? And yet they could spend 2 years porting it to Switch…?

Veraxus ,

Is that project going to maintain Manifest V2 support?

Veraxus ,

Not sure if you are confusing Lemmy with X, overestimating the tankie population, or whether you have no idea what you are talking about.

Veraxus ,

I thought that was the normal spelling of “capitalist.” 😉

Veraxus ,

Stop stealing my brainwaves!!!

But you are correct, nonetheless.

Veraxus ,

“Louisiana Republicans Murder Pregnant Women En Masse. Murderers Openly Discuss Next Targets.”

Fixed the title.

Veraxus ,

I’ll believe “no one is above the law” when he gets a year of prison time per conviction. Until then, it’s safe to assume there is one set of laws for us plebs and another for rich, white fascists.

Not holding my breath for anything remotely resembling justice.

Veraxus ,

“This would mean fewer people paying our for-profit utility companies, and can’t allow that.” - implied corrupt, capitalist dirtbag Alice Reynolds, very unambiguously.

Veraxus ,

Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll get off with nothing more than a gentle tap on the wrist… just like all those times he got off scott-free for contempt when anyone else on the planet would have been jailed.

Veraxus ,

We (PC gamers) have a wide swath of hardware and input preferences that consoles do not even make an ATTEMPT to accommodate. Then there’s the predatory “pay us a subscription to play online” thing, too.

Most PC gamers will just completely skip consoles rather than play games like that. Our patience is eternal and without end.

Veraxus ,

…SpaceOS, which is a built on top of Google’s ChromiumOS…

I’m out.

Linux is… right there. It’s right there.

Veraxus ,

I’ve been using Sunshine for Linux with Moonlight on my AVP and that works great. The native Moonlight port for AVP is still very much a buggy, crashy WIP, but the iPad version is a decent enough standby.

Honestly, using virtual Mac Display on AVP is so, so, so good, that I want that functionality everywhere… from any and all of my devices. Sunshine + Moonlight is currently the most promising path forward, IMO.

Millions of older Americans still grapple with student loan debt, hindering retirement ( )

Graduating with student loan debt is an all too common reality for new college degree holders beginning their careers. But there's another, often overlooked cohort of debtors facing their own set of challenges: Americans over the age of 55 approaching their retirement years. ...

Veraxus ,

Same. Everything goes to essentials like rent, food, and utilities. I’ve given up on ever being able to buy a home for my family.

The economy is so bad that student loans are just another drop in a very big, very full bucket.

Veraxus ,

I subbed to PS+ when PS5 came out because consoles make you pay to play games like Demon Souls online. Other than that, it’s a complete ripoff. Once Sony really started to embrace PC, I ended my subscription.

I also subbed to GamePass for quite a while once it hit PC. It was a no-brainer and a great value… but between the rising prices, the modding difficulties, and the dumpster fire that is Windows 11… I’ve dropped that, too.

I don’t do Nintendo, but the one game “subscription” I do still maintain is Humble Choice. It’s a bit of a gamble since you never know what you’ll get, but the worst-case scenario is that meaty 20% discount on other purchases.

Veraxus ,

How about the whole “sure you already paid for a year of Prime Video, but now you need to pay us again or we’re going to ruin the thing you already paid for” situation?

Veraxus ,

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Hell yes.

Furiosa's Box Office Opening Explained: What The Hell Happened With The Mad Max Prequel?! ( )

Furiosa's opening weekend numbers have been a point of discourse for many trades after its release. As reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Furiosa slumped to a $26 million gross between Friday, May 24, and Sunday, May 26. However, Furiosa was released over the Memorial Day weekend, taking its estimated domestic total to between...

Veraxus ,

She was great. The movie was too long, too unfocused, and generally undercooked (bad CG, etc).

Some more time in the editing bay and the VFX shop and I think there would be a solid 9/10 movie there. As it stands, I’d call it a solid 7/10… but it’s 2024, and 7/10 isn’t going to get people into an inconvenient, overpriced, impractical theater.

‘We will be your human shields’: Why unions are showing up in force to support the U of T pro-Palestinian protest encampment ( )

Veraxus ,

Holy cow. Canadian unions are my newest heroes! ❤️

Hey Teamsters et al, let’s get this done in the US now, yeah?

Veraxus ,

It’s a matter of time before we can use real-time AI upscalers. Nvidia (et al) have been working on this quite a bit.

In the mean time, the two options you mentioned are it.

Veraxus ,

I don’t just mean DLSS or frame generation as it exists today… I mean completely re-interpreting what is rendered before it’s displayed with complete temporal and deterministic consistency. Given that we’ve seen some demos of the concept in action, and that was over a year ago, I really don’t think it’s far off, either.

Imagine booting up classic Monkey Island, and Nvidia’s AI reinterpreted makes it look like a high-end modern animated TV show. That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about.

Veraxus ,

One Joyce at the top of the comments left a very poignant message; one I share.

And the response to her?

What would Jesus have said was the definition of Christian

There is no way that is a good-faith question. As if there aren’t several meaty books dedicated Jesus teaching things like…

  • Share everything you have with the less fortunate.
  • Welcome and embrace strangers/foreigners.
  • Never judge others. Focus on your own shortcomings and BE the change by living it.
  • Pay your taxes.
  • Feed, clothe, and shelter the poor and needy.
  • Help those with medical needs.
  • Call out civil/religious leaders when they exhibit hypocrisy or bad doctrine.

Need I go on?

Veraxus ,

Thanks for sharing that. This jumped out at me…

Moore, who has been an outspoken critic of many evangelicals' embrace of Trump, argues that this has led him to conclude that American evangelical Christianity is now in crisis.

I’m a millennial who raised in an evangelical home. This isn’t something that is happening “just now” it was this way for decades, if not centuries, before I was ever born.

I have more than a few memories of pointing out to adults that their politics, speech, and behavior were at odds with scripture, only to be called a heretic to my face, as a kid. They are literally the scribes and pharisees that Jesus rants about for the entirety of Matthew 23.

I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of people who call themselves “Christian” are not remotely followers of Jesus, his teaching, or his philosophy. They’ve just stolen his brand for personal gain.

Veraxus ,

Not to undermine the ickiness of the slavery thing - because it is still very much fucked up - but it was a very different paradigm than chattel slavery. Slaves were considered a member of a household rather than property*, and were not generally born into slavery or trapped in slavery. So “slaves obey your masters” is almost literally meant the same way as “children obey your parents”… that is, “be loyal to the head of the household.”

And the “substitutionary atonement” thing is totally not scriptural at all. That’s one of those things that Catholics just added because they felt like it… along with the heaven/hell afterlife and a whole slew of other stuff. Jesus was very clear about how people are expected to behave and the consequences/rewards of being shitty or righteous, respectively.

* Except when buying a wife or concubine. They were absolutely property… albeit it property with special rights and privileges.

Veraxus , (edited )

The problem here is that the words you see in english translations of scripture are frequently connotatively incorrect… often on purpose (see: the word “hell”, a word and concept that does not exist whatsoever anywhere in scripture).

In this case, the word property is problematic, because it carries certain connotations for us, as modern, english-speaking readers. The root word is keseph, which literally means “money” or “monetary value”. So a more accurate translation to english is “…because the slave is valuable.” But even that is somewhat misleading because there is an overt implication of a household relationship, and this same rule would hold true for a head-of-household’s own children.

Again, I am not trying to diminish the many horrific acts portrayed in scripture, but in many (if not most) cases, the context is radically different than what our universally horrible english translations infer. Now, WHY they are all so bad a whole ‘nother can of worms.

Veraxus ,

Why didn’t this happen years ago? Why was it allowed to get to this point in the first place? Did Live Nation finally miss some bribe payments?

The whole point of anti-trust laws are to bust the trust as soon as it’s formed, not to wait until it’s become a full-fledged, bona-fide monopoly.

Veraxus ,

I wish I could give you more than one upvote for this.

Veraxus ,

We really need to enshrine digital ownership and bequeathment into law.

We should also repeal the DMCA, but one step at a time.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Veraxus ,

    Speaking from my own experience, having seen this over and over again…

    Lack of UX due to toxic behavior towards would-be UX contributors.

    A lot of projects don’t have UX people… and that is usually because when UX people try to contribute, they get shot down with prejudice by toxic, overprotective gatekeepers who take everything personally.

    A burger being "100% Beef" is not a good thing

    My whole life I've always hated burgers that you get from fast food/restaurants. It's just a bland beef patty with a bunch of toppings that make it a pain to eat. These places advertise their burgers as being "100% Angus Beef!" or whatever, like that makes it appetizing... Why is this the norm? Do people just not know any...

    Veraxus ,

    So… you are making sausage.

    My secret to enhancing beef flavor without changing it is to use Tsuru Bishio, Worcestershire, salt, and MSG. As soon as you add something like egg, garlic, or anything else into the ground meat, you’ve made sausage and it tastes like sausage. It’s not a burger any more.

    Here are my tricks, which I use on steak as well as burgers:

    Add a small amount of Tsuru Bishio (a thick, dark, deeply umami, barrel aged soy sauce) and Worcestershire to the ground meat (or rub on the surface of the steak). Mix well.

    Form the meat into balls and preheat your pan/griddle. Dust the balls with salt and msg.

    Slice an onion paper-thin. Using a mandolin is strongly recommended. Toss with a tiny bit of high-heat oil and salt.

    Throw all the onions on the griddle and then throw the meatballs on top. Cover and let look for a minute or two (depending on your heat).

    Make sure your griddle is draining. Pour out grease if needed.

    Move the onions around a bit and then roll the meatballs over and smash them hard into the onions. Cover and cook another minute or two, then flip one more time. Now is the time to add cheese if you want.

    The goal here is to try and elevate the umami without changing the flavor of the beef. You want it to taste like the “beefiest” thing you’ve ever eaten. The Tsuru Bishio and Worcestershire help give the beef an “aged” flavor while the salt and msg draw out more of the beefs natural “beefiness”. Onion fried in beef fat (rendered from the patties themselves) adds a very deep, caramelized umami flavor (like french onion soup) that complements and elevates the beef without overpowering or conflicting with it. It absorbs and captures the beef-fat flavor that otherwise would have been wasted. It also helps keep the mouthfeel “juicy”.

    Veraxus ,

    lol. Yeah, I could go so much further. Sauteed mushrooms, homemade egg-yolk mayo… maybe add roasted garlic paste, or go further with a “house sauce” with tomato paste and vegetable meat relish… so many options!🤤😅

    Veraxus ,

    I feel an easy and rational solution is to criminalize a certain category of defamation… presenting something untrue/fabricated as true/real or in a way that it could be construed as true/real.

    Anything other than that narrow application is an infringement on the First Amendment.

    Veraxus ,

    Exactly. Photoshop has been around for decades. AI is just more of the same. I find it weird how, as technology evolves, people keep fixating on the technologies themselves rather than the universal (sometimes institutional) patterns of abuse.

    Veraxus ,

    There are certain political groups that have a vested interest in lying, deceiving, manipulating, and fabricating to get what they want. So… yeah. 😞

    Veraxus , (edited )

    It’s not, though. Not remotely. At least not in the US.

    Defamation of an individual (including “individual” entities like an org or business) is purely a civil matter, and defamation in a broader sense, such as against “antifa” or “leftists” or “jews” or “gays” et al, has no remedy whatsoever, civil or criminal.

    Veraxus ,

    I feel like calling them “assholes” unfairly defames assholes, but even “murderous fascist monsters” doesn’t adequately convey their sheer, staggering violence and inhumanity.

    Veraxus ,

    “Let them murder, torture, and torment you and your loved ones just a little bit. Stop being so uppity about this. Both sides! Both sides!” - You

    Veraxus ,

    It sure is.

    Veraxus , (edited )

    “Meet in the middle” says the unjust man.

    You take a step forward, he takes a step back.

    “Meet me in the middle” says the unjust man.

    We do not negotiate with the unjust man. We do not take steps in his direction. Our refusal to surrender to his demands is not a cause of “polarization”.

    Do not shift the blame on those who will not step toward the unjust man. If you are so blind to what is going on and who is at fault, that is your failing. Yours, and yours alone. Not others.

    Rhetoric like yours is nothing more than shameless victim blaming. It makes you the unjust man.

    Veraxus ,

    Giving up on any pretense of rationality, I see. “No, you” stops being effective about the time a person hits puberty… but this is about what I expect from someone casually spewing fascism-enabling “enlightened centrist” rhetoric.

    You do you, but don’t act surprised or high-and-mighty when you get called out. Grow up, do better, or get used to it. Your call.

    Veraxus ,

    Fascism and authoritarianism are the same extreme… and they are on the rise globally in a big way. So what do you think are (1) the opposite “extreme” and (2) a “less extreme” approach to answering to such extremism?

    Veraxus ,

    Oh no. No no no. The problem here is that you have some fundamental misunderstandings about... well, a bunch of things. Let's break some of this down...

    For example, a lot of Republicans try to ban books on homosexuality, trans people, etc. from libraries / public schools. There are also a lot of Republicans who seem support some racist political policies.

    Glad that you understand this. Let's set this as our baseline.

    That leads to extremist views from the other side as well.

    What is the "other side" here? The opposite of authoritarianism is egalitarianism. Maybe you are thinking "conservatives vs liberals" - but both of those things are right wing. You seem to be considering only a very narrow window of political ideology... and that entire window is right of center.

    or example, some software development companies ban the use of the word “master” for the main Git branch.

    Sweet jesus. Choosing your naming conventions is not a ban. Dear God. I am godsmacked by how absolutely out-of-touch and off-base this entire rant is. This is not even a political issue. Wow. Nobody is passing laws demanding software developers follow certain naming conventions. And if you don't see how the terms master-slave could be seen as icky and therefore people might opt for using different terms for their own projects... well, my dude, that is on you and only you. Wow. Just... WOW.

    I think that’s a form of authoritarianism as well.

    No. Wow. Just no. Not even close. See above.

    Both examples are uneducated people who dislike something ...

    Oh my god. This keeps getting worse. You keep using words like "ignorant" and "uneducated" but you just EXPLICITLY misrepresented software developers voluntarily choosing their own naming conventions and AT THE SAME TIME conflated it with formal, on-the-books laws banning books and oppressing vulnerable minorities. I just... I can't even... this is so deeply irrational and clueless... ignorant and uneducated even... there is nowhere for me to even BEGIN. You are flinging insults while proudly and loudly exemplifying the very things you are accusing others of...

    The less extreme approach to educate people more, and for people to calm down, have open, constructive discussions. Trying to understand the person you perceive as an enemy can be very rewarding for both parties and for society in general.

    So here's a little bit of that education you're asking for: The Republican and Democratic parties are both RIGHT WING PARTIES. Liberals are right-wing enablers who pretend to support left-wing ideals only insofar as they can use those to their personal benefit. The political spectrum goes far beyond the DNC in terms of leftism. You are spouting rightist propaganda and I think you don't even realize it. You've been duped.

    Rightism is about consolidating power and authority. It's natural extremes are monarchism, oligarchy, dictatorship, and the like. Many things called leftist are explicitly rightist... see literally any country who current does (or ever has) called themselves communist. Did the state wither away? No? Not communist. Nationalizing everything under a single leader or ruling class is still rightist. Even a "benevolent monarchy" is still rightist.

    Leftism is egalitarian. The power and authority belongs to the people. Consolidation is not tolerated. Because wealth and power are the same thing, both are Constitutionally regulated. Representative systems must be kept limited as a ruling class must never be tolerated. Wealth hoarding must never be tolerated. It's natural "extremes" are anarchism, direct democracy, and self-organized communism.

    Between those is an infinitely complex web of systems and ideologies that try to balance freedom and liberty (leftism) with stability (rightism).

    With this background you can start to see that, in American politics, you have extreme rightists (Republicans) and right-leaning centrists (Democrats). Leftists - actual leftists (like myself) - tend to vote democrat only because we have no other choice. If someone thinks it's okay to ban books, to deny others medical care, to deny others basic human rights, to restrict others personal freedoms when they do not infringe on or affect anyone else... then there is no dialogue or discussion to be had.

    There is no compromise or meeting in the middle on such subjects.

    There is no “misunderstanding” nor any situation where "maybe the fascists have a good reason for putting their metaphorical boot on my throat".

    We do NOT surrender rights, freedoms, or liberties. You do not compromise on them. We do not discuss compromising them. Those who would oppress others in such a way have declared war on their fellow humans and countrymen. Until the attacks end, there is no room for dialogue.

    Veraxus ,

    To build on my response to your last comment: you walked right into the answer but didn’t see it.

    America has two right wing parties.

    The first step toward a solution is RCV, which shifts power left… back to the people. But look at the states proactively banning RCV, because they know it removes corrupt, undemocratic power from their own leaders. And what are Democrats doing to fight this? Nothing. Because stealing choice from the American people serves them, too.

    Again, liberals are all about lip service. Pretend to be progressive only insofar as certain policies can be abused for personal gain.

    There is no leftist party in the US.

    Veraxus ,

    Yes! Looking forward to Life By You.

    I really hope they nail it.

    Veraxus ,

    I was obsessed with Wizardry and Ultima growing up… but I can’t stomach the node-based, turn-based conceit any more. I had a hard time finishing Wizardry 8 back in… ok, maybe I don’t want to know how long ago that was.

    But I was spoiled by the real-time evolutions of the concept… stuff like Arena, Daggerfall, Battlespire, Ultima Underworld, Descent to Undermountain, and the like (also, shout-out to Arx Fatalis).

    I would love more epic dungeon crawlers, with the soul of these classics but all the modern conveniences, graphics, and gameplay advances.

    Veraxus ,

    One day is too long.

    One minute is too long.

    Veraxus ,

    Yep. I will happily contribute to something with community ownership that I believe in. I will not, under any circumstances, provide free labor to a private entity.

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