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astreus ,

AbeBooks was bought by Amazon in 2008.

astreus ,

I hope he's buried. Iran needs some public toilets.

astreus , (edited )

It's not just America though.

Where I'm from:

UK average income before tax) £34,963 - £27,911 after tax (assuming NO student loan and NO pension) (for context: a band 3 nurse with 3 years experience makes £24,336 before tax or £20,631.51 after with no pension)

England average house price: £375,131

Approx ratio after tax: 13:1

Minimum deposit: 5% - £18,756.55

Tax: 0% on first time buyers

Fees: about £1,000 - £5,000

Total cost to get going: Approx £21,750 - nearly a years wage.

Now let's look where I live: Spain!

Turns out Spain really is a load of countries wearing a hat so getting unified stats is not easy. Let's try Barcelona:

Average income before tax: €33,837 - €25,470 after tax

Average house price: €376,399

Approx ratio after tax: 15:1

Minimum deposit: 10% - €37,639.90

Purchase tax: 10% - €37,639.90 (plus 1.5% for new builds)

Fees: 2 - 5% - 7,527.98 - 18,819.95

Total cost to get going: €82,807.78 - €94,099.75

Turns out treating housing as a market to speculate on might just be the problem all along.

astreus ,

To add to this, the rule of thumb in the UK is your maximum loan is 4.5x your salary.

The average worker could borrow about £157,000.

astreus ,

I knew someone would say this, which is why I also used Spain where the houses are as expensive, the pay is worse, and the tax is higher!

It doesn't matter where you go in the West, the dream of liberalism is dead

astreus ,

I turned privacy.resistFingerprinting to true and now get an absolutely unique fingerprint on the tool

astreus ,

"We invented a new kind of calculator. It usually returns the correct value for the mathematics you asked it to evaluate! But sometimes it makes up wrong answers for reasons we don't understand. So if it's important to you that you know the actual answer, you should always use a second, better calculator to check our work."

Then what is the point of this new calculator?

Fantastic comment, from the article.

US prisoners are being assigned dangerous jobs. But what happens if they are hurt or killed? ( )

Blas Sanchez was nearing the end of a 20-year stretch in an Arizona prison when he was leased out to work at Hickman’s Family Farms, which sells eggs that end up in the supply chains of huge companies like McDonald’s, Target and Albertsons. While assigned to a machine that churns chicken droppings into compost, his right leg...

astreus ,

Same thing that happens when other slaves are hurt or killed on the job.

Not a hell of a lot.

astreus ,

There's a reason the average black male spends 1/3 of their life in prison in America.

And then has the right to vote taken away when they get out....

astreus ,

Kinda like the Imperial measurement system, if you are being compared to Myanmar then perhaps stop?

astreus ,

Lol it's a lyric from dead prez, wouldn't get bent out of shape about it. Literally written in 2000 - I can't even find stats that old 🤷

astreus ,

Are those labels really needed?

astreus ,

carbon capture facilities

These are a known scam, by the way. It's just repackaging a technique oil companies already use to squeeze more oil out of the same fields and charge the government and consumers for the pleasure of feeling like they've done something.

astreus ,

Going to go away and read about this. As a Brit living in Spain, I know very little about the ins and outs of what's going on there.

astreus ,

Okay this sounds interesting as a short term solution (though I don't see what the medium and long term solutions will be) - I'd be interested in knowing what companies are benefiting from this and how much, etc and what the transition plans will be.

But there is one majorly fucked up part of the plan: this is an untested methodology, so they're testing it under the homes of black and poor communities. Louisianan does not disappoint.

astreus ,

Fascist and populist are not mutually exclusive.

astreus ,

You literally sent that from a FOSS platform...

astreus ,

You don't have to give either money and there is the option to give both money.

astreus ,

I don't think this is a great "guide".

It's overly simplistic: a lot happened between the launch of the internet and the dotcom bubble bursting (like the dotcom bubble itself). It doesn't mention the blog explosion of the late 90s. It doesn't mention the rise of personal/family websites. It talks about search engines, but the 90s were defined by the browser wars.

It's wrong: Dropbox was launched in 2007. Tim Berners-Lee didn't just propose the internet, he created the first web browser, the first web server, and invented HTML.

astreus , (edited )

Fun fact! Cuba has a vaccine for lung cancer - yes, it works and has been independently verified. No, you can't have it because embargo.

EDIT: vaccine here isn't actually what I thought. In this case it is a treatment to be used for certain kinds of lung cancer, not a preventative measure as we are used to thinking of Vaccine. Thanks to the comment below for going through it and pushing me to do proper research.

While my initial take was a glib link to a wikipedia page and not thoroughly researched, I do sill believe that the embargo has directly caused this treatment to come to market in the west as the levels of cooperation are non-existent. It has been used for 7 years in Cuba but is only now entering Stage 3 trials in the US.

Cuba have also became the first country to have 0 mother-child transmissions of HIV.

But the US has decided that working with Cuba to prevent hundreds of thousands of deaths each year (in the States alone) is less important than causing "economic dissatisfaction and hardship" to the Cuban people.

astreus , (edited )

Definitely wasn't bad faith and I do stand by it.

Vaccine does not mean cure. We did not have a Covid cure either. And much like the covid vaccine isn't 100% effective, neither is this. However, it is proving effective, especially in combination with other drugs and at certain stages of treatment.

Stage 4 clinical trials were concluded in Cuba in 2017. Stage 2 trials were concluded in the US in 2023. I believe, strongly, that the embargo has increased the amount of time the research has taken - cooperation is impossible during an embargo.

Even if they lift the embargo tomorrow the drug wouldn't come on the market, however it is because of the embargo that the use in treatment has taken far, far longer than it would have otherwise.

Edit: I admit I knew less about the vaccine than I thought I did (edited my comment to reflect what I have learnt)

astreus ,

100% ready for us markets

How would that be possible during an embargo?

If a treatment is developed in the EMA, there's a level of cooperation that means drugs can come to market quickly if proven safe and even somewhat effective (Covid vaccine is an extreme example). This treatment would likely be US ready without the embargo in place.

it seems you knew that

My original comment was a glib link to a wikipedia page. I had not done the research and have edited my comment above.

astreus ,

Oh yeah, already edited.

astreus ,

like all of Europe

While Europe does not have an embargo, up until 2016 the EU and Cuba basically had 0 relationship. The EU created "The Common Position" in 1996 which was "to encourage a process of transition to a pluralist democracy" in Cuba which the Cuba government rejected as meddling in their internal affairs.

Then in the 2000s there was a bigger spat where Cuba even started rejecting EU aid.

But since 2017 they've actually really warmed relations so this is a super good point!

Thank you for kicking off these research dives with your comments.

astreus ,

For the sake of transparency, I edited before you suggested I did - hence my comment "I had not done the research and have edited my comment above." 😉

astreus ,

I agree, I did not make that claim! And I do find it a bit weird that people are using that line of attack. But c'est la vie. I was wrong about what the treatment did, I was wrong about the level of verification it had, however we are singing from the same hymn sheet

astreus ,

Now who's being disingenuous 😂

The implicature of cause and effect is reversed

astreus ,

Nope, I had already. Hence why I said "I have edited my comment" and then you said "you should edit your comment.

astreus ,

Check again.

"My original comment was a glib link to a wikipedia page. I had not done the research and have edited my comment above"

To which you replied:

"Your last sentence here would change the sentiment of your original comment in a positive way. I encourage an edit."

I was going to reply with "what, I should edit my comment again to say I have edited my comment" but decided it wasn't as funny typed as in my head.

Sorry, mate, you are wrong. But over the most stupidly ridiculously small thing on the internet (and that's saying something)

I just want us to be clear: your satisfaction/demands mean literally nothing to me so please don't take credit for the other poster helping me do my research 🤷‍♂️

astreus ,

I'm not flailing, I'm pointing out you are trying to rewrite history.

On top of that the other commenter didn't "destroy" my claim nor was it "bullshit". They added context based on an assumption I didn't make (i.e. vaccine = cure) which led me to do more research and add context that changed the level of enthusiasm I had.

What was bullshit was you deciding it was disingenuous AND you saying I had made changes you had requested. Neither of those statements are true.

"I believe your edit came either at the same time" - you do see the irony of asserting your belief like it's fact in a thread where I added my belief to a fact and mangled it as a result? You do see it, right?

I find it kinda funny that I admitted where I was wrong but you are literally unable to.

Anyway, just clarifying: the OTHER poster got me to edit based on their HELPFUL comments. You didn't do anything apart from state obvious facts about FDA approval and try to take credit for being so wise and insightful

astreus ,

Found my wife on Hinge - it actually felt like an app to match with people you'd like. Having to actually comment on the profile instead of swipe left or right based on the feel really helped.

astreus ,

Unless there's an emergency.

The way I read it, this is ensuring everyone has the most effective analogue radio in their car because that's how emergency broadcasts would go out. Seems sensible to me.

astreus ,

Work laptops in particular suck, I find. My first one was lagging, freezing, and crashing within months. The second one is three times as expensive but the same brand and is still not happy.

I also use Windows at home and haven't had the same experience. I think it's really manufacturer dependent

astreus ,

Can someone explain the problem with this? A large threat to any sovereign nation is having a captured media by an unfriendly actor.

astreus ,

But surely having a list of what media is captured is a good first step to stop either the pro-US or pro-Russian propaganda machines?

Kristi Noem says the story demonstrates her willingness to "do what needs to be done." ( )

She decided to kill the 14-month-old dog she was training to hunt birds when it attacked chickens, an understandable mistake for a young dog IMO, and bit her once when she grabbed it's collar (no word on how seriously). She killed a goat by shooting it twice because she didn't like it, calling it mean and smelly. Apparently...

astreus ,

Why do Americans do this with their politicians? This person is terrible, Trump is terrible, but since at least 2008 it seems like this kinda elementary school insult has become peak political commentary in the states...

‘In the US they think we’re communists!’ The 70,000 workers showing the world another way to earn a living ( )

When Marisa Fernández lost her husband to cancer a few years ago, her employers at the Eroski hypermarket went, she says, “above and beyond to help me through the dark days afterwards, rejigging my timetable and giving me time off when I couldn’t face coming in.”...

astreus ,

The rise of the worker co-op is definitely something to watch! I'm currently exploring a worker co-op for a tech start up. Biggest problem? Funding. No investors want to touch a co-op.

astreus , (edited )

That's nice and all, but only works for people that already have money. Food isn't free. Housing isn't free. Heck, water isn't free

EDIT: want to go through the maths to extrapolate this privilege.

Let's say you need one small team to deliver a novel product, say 5 people. Let's assume they all live in Europe and just need enough to survive - say, 20,000 euros a year. A lot of ground work has been done, so it'll only take two years to go from concept to R&D to something to show a potential buyer.

So you have about 100,000 euro per year cost to just keep everyone fed, housed, and clothed not including any equipment, software, licensing etc costs. Assuming there are no costs but just keeping everyone fed and alive the co-op needs 200,000 euros in the bank or alternative funding to get the product in a sellable (note: not finished) state.

In project management in tech (my background) a good rule of thumb is staff cost = 1/3 of costs. However, let's say we're being super lean and can self-source the more expensive equipment and just have to think about licenses for core software so let's make that number 1/2 of cost.

So for the two years of operation to get the product into a position where it can be taken to potential customers, the business would need approx 400,000 euros before a product hits a shelf.

And that's why funding is a problem.

astreus ,

What we're currently exploring is an angel loan from someone sympathetic that has historically lived higher up the corporate ladder and we're applying for some government grants, but Credit Union may be a good idea!

astreus ,

It's a matter of scale. For co-op where we are, you can get "investor loans" but they tend to have a fixed return. Capital wants to gamble more than they want a 5% APR for 10 years.

astreus ,

I think this is a common misconception based on survivorship bias and the high cost to entry. Taking your hypothesis as true: you have to have a product that can be sold to ten users as easily as 1000 users (this in and of itself is not a given). That's where the cost is: the starting up of the business where you have no customers and won't have any for several years.

astreus , (edited )

I don't think the judges would like it, but what recourse would they have if the government passed an act such as this in Canada? I could see a judge saying this act breaches X treaties, but then just withdraw from the treaties (edit: which this act is likely a precursor to).

The system of parliamentary liberal democracy is an inherently flawed system.

astreus ,

Germany, from my understanding, is a really different beast from most countries in how it works thanks to the East-West reunification.

That said, it sounds similar to the US Supreme Court, is that right? What are the checks and balances on this court? What's to stop the bad actor work as seen in America?

astreus ,

Just reading it - the constitution of Canada is mostly about land and parliament setup more than anything else (though Constitution Act, 1960 & 1965 are kick-ass).

The rest is "unwritten" and "interpreted by courts" - exactly like the UK.

astreus ,

You're conflating liberal parliamentary representative democracy with all types of democracy - I was very specific in my post as to which I had the problem with (and it is equally as specific in the UK's new definition of "extremism").

I have no problem with democracy and do think it's the best system. I have a problem with the idea that electing our overlords from a curated list with little to no fundamental difference (i.e. liberal parliamentary democracy) to then dictate to groups tens or hundreds of millions of people strong is democracy.

astreus OP ,

I have a natural aversion to Discord. I use Slack all day at work, why would I want to use it in my spare time, you know?

astreus OP ,


GDQuest - problem is I can't really afford $100 a pop for their classes :/

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