
This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Robotic 'Third Thumb' Makes Tasks Possible With One Hand; Can Be A Game Changer For The Disabled ( )

This controllable prosthetic, the Third Thumb, attaches to the right hand, granting wearers the ability to perform a slew of one-handed tasks such as grasping objects, opening bottles, sorting cards, and even peeling a banana.

solrize ,

JMINS (just make it not suck). Fix the existing brokeness before adding more useless stuff. E.g. open for 2+ years and marked "enhancement" even though it's a bug that makes the feature unusable a lot of the time.

solrize ,

The idea is to be able to read the password with your eyeballs, so you can type it into another computer. This fails.

solrize , (edited )

I will have to check whether the font in the address bar has the same issue (edit: yes it does). But the reason the "make password visible" feature exists at all (instead of just "copy password to clipboard") is to make the password readable by eyeball. It fails to do that. That failure is why there is an open Bugzilla ticket. If it worked properly, there would be no ticket or it would have been closed. But making it work is treated as an enhancement rather than a fix. Gack.

Also, pasting the password into the address bar drops it into the search system and maybe leaks it, who knows. Not a good idea.

solrize ,

Have you ever compiled Firefox? If not, it's best not to suggest that to others. It's not for the faint of heart.

Anyway the usual fixed width fonts like Courier work, or they could put it in about:config.

solrize ,

What makes you think this one will be real? When do you think the last real one was, if any?

solrize ,

Almost all of those have Internet. And they're generally expensive and/or only available cartier locked.

solrize ,

Make anduril version plz

solrize ,

Ah thanks. I stopped reading when I saw the light being reviewed wasn't anduril. I really don't care much about non-anduril lights without other unusual features.

Could they possibly do an anduril version of the Sofirn SC13? Or revive the LT1 Mini? Either would be nice.

Why does Planned Parenthood contract with Raytheon? ( )

To the dismay of many sexual and reproductive health, rights, and justice workers in the U.S., many movement organizations had to be pushed to call for a ceasefire in Gaza or otherwise voice support for Palestinians who are being murdered en masse by the Israeli military. This includes Israel’s recent assault on Rafah, a...

solrize ,

"According to a 2019 tax return that extends through the organization’s fiscal year ending in June 2020, Planned Parenthood Federation of America paid more than $3.3 million to Raytheon Foreground Security for “IT Services.” Raytheon Foreground Security is a subsidiary of RTX, one of the world’s largest defense companies. According to Crunchbase, Raytheon Foreground Security provides cyber security services, including security engineering, assessment, customized security training, and advanced incident response and forensics services."

Granted that industry is mostly grift, but it doesn't sound directly military.

solrize ,

This is in the Texas House of Representatives (Houston).

solrize , (edited )

Lots of niche forums are like what you say. Wider interest platforms like Lemmy try to be everything for everyone, so have to be more bland. In the further reaches of the net you can still make fun of Javascript as much as you want and no one will yell at you.

Reddit-like content aggregator that focuses on moderation transparency and user empowerment. ( )

SpeakBits is a place where people can freely express their thoughts and ideas without fear, bias, or censorship. Our vision is to create an online haven where users can engage in meaningful discussions, exchange diverse perspectives, and build connections with like-minded individuals.

solrize , (edited )

Method 2 could use inotify to wake up when the file changes. It wouldn't have to poll. Method 3 could launch from inetd so it wouldn't have to always be running if these events are infrequent.

Does the USA have any open market cellular options that are legitimate pay-as-you-go and only for what you use options like Europe yet?

I've lived under a rock for 10 years. I did Metro ages ago while most were still on contracts. Surely we've reached true capitalist open market freedom by now. Is it still total closed market, noncompetitive, privateering corruption?

solrize ,

There's Ting but it ends up costing more. I just use a cheap mvno and am pretty happy.

Any suggestions for cheap but decent laptops for coding?

I'm currently learning how to code (currently Python, then maybe JavaScript), but I'm not always around my desktop, and learning on my phone is not always an option (also, it can be quite cumbersome at times). Therefore, I'm looking into purchasing a laptop just for learning how to code and stuff....

solrize ,

Buy an old thinkpad from craigslist. The one I'm using is from 2011 and is perfectly sufficient tech-wise. I'll have to replace it soon, but only because it's falling apart.

solrize ,

Maybe use a little higher because of conversion losses but archive the opus files so you can always convert again. Sometimes you can get vorbis directly with ytdl.

solrize ,

"With four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk" -- John von Neumann.

solrize ,

Wait til you hear about Canada's Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve. Which got (partially) stolen in 2010. Oops.

solrize ,

I don't mind the crazy answers as long as they're attributed. "You can use glue to stop cheese from sliding off your pizza" - bad. "According to fucksmith on reddit [link to post], you can use glue...". That isn't so great either but it's a lot better. There is also a matter of the basic decency of giving credit for brilliant ideas like that.

solrize , (edited )

HN thread is here and it's on the front page 7 hours old:

Many mentions made that a significant part of the issue seemed to be Cloudflare IP addresses getting banned in some countries. They wanted the customer to switch to a bring-your-own-IP plan.

Also, the discussion took place over 1 month, not 24 hours.

I think the HN thread is reasonably informative and nuanced. CF didn't do great but it was somewhat a fog of war situation.

Itag alternative?

Tbh I am a messy person, I trained myself to be organized but I still struggle to not lose my keys and I want something like the apple tag but FOSS, I've thought of an ESP32 or ATTINY with a bluetooth module but I don't think apple uses that? It has to be durable and friendly with LineageOS, samsung stock and my dad lol.

solrize ,

I thought the point of the Apple tag was the gigantic iPhone network tracking where everything is. Yes it uses Bluetooth but the reality proprietary part is on the phones. I believe the spec for the tag itself is public. Do you just want something that beeps when you send a Bluetooth signal?

solrize ,

I feel like video is a Borg that assimilates every communication medium ever invented, and turns it into crap after a while. So this report doesn't excite me.

solrize , (edited )

Flac for me has been about half the size of wav, at least for normal 16 bit 44 khz audio. Maybe it's worse at higher bit depth? Anyway bulk storage is pretty cheap. You could have Flac in your archive while keeping ogg or whatever on your everyday playback device.

solrize ,

Can someone explain what this is for? I'm basically unfamiliar with the non Lemmy parts of the fediverse. I had thought Mastodon was like Twitter so I don't understand what a federated media server is supposed to do. It just sounds destined to turn into free pr0n hosting and then get shut down. But who knows.

solrize ,

CDN's are quite expensive compared to budget VPS and e.g. Hetzner storage cloud. Their basic purpose is to give quick delivery to regions far from the server, not really to save cost. I don't know the story with lemmynsfw. It's basically an onlyfans marketing platform right? Maybe they have some donation scheme in place behind the scenes. Anyway free porn hosting isn't so much an issue per se (imgur, tumblr, etc are also that,) but for those who don't want to host porn, it likely creates nonstop workload to clean it up.

Also, besides porn, it's sad that this beautiful fediverse that might have become an alternative place for actual humans to interact, turns into another marketing space for corporate media. I'd like to put up a text only server. I don't know if that's really doable with current fediverse types. But why try to recreate reddit and imgur and maybe youtube? Those all already exist.

solrize ,

When a user uploads an image or video on Mastodon instance 1, and a user of Mastodon instance 2 is following them, that image or video is copied over to Mastodon instance 2 - because that’s where that user resides.

The same thing happens with text posts, right? I don't see an exponential expansion, just linear in the number of nodes. It sounds like the decentralized way to do things. Hmm. Anyway, thanks for the explanation. It saves some storage but doesn't save bandwidth, it sounds like. Rather, the bandwidth requirement gets concentrated at the shared server.

solrize ,

Is it important? It was a cool program 30 years ago but it's just a playback UI right?

solrize ,

Even if they accept patches, contributing still sounds like a bad deal. It's free labor for some company. FOSS at minimum means the right to fork, precisely what "source available" seeks to deny.

Leaving aside the question of winamp vs comparable programs, does anyone even care about desktop music players any more? I'm a throwback and use command line players, but I thought the cool kids these days use phones for stuff like that.

I understand there is some technical obstacle to porting Rockbox to Android, but idk what it is and haven't tried to look into it.

solrize ,

You mean if you build it yourself? I guess that is something, but it is still conceivable to sneak stuff in. Look at that xzlib backdoor from a few weeks ago.

T-Mobile's Forced Arbitration

In an effort to increase my privacy, I decided to buy a Pixel phone second hand to use with GrapheneOS. Due to some miscommunications, the phone ended up being carrier locked with T-Mobile. GrapheneOS's own website advises against buying carrier locked phones in order to avoid the hassle of carrier unlocking it....

solrize ,

There are magic unlock codes and there are always people on Craigslist offering to unlock phones for a few but. But yeah, buy unlocked phones. Alternatively maybe you could have used that phone with a T-Mobile mvno sim. Idk if that works with tmo locked phones and have been wondering.

solrize ,

"Democratic strategists seem to see climate change as a key political issue only for white liberal elites and assume that other groups, like Black voters, are either unaware of or apathetic about it.

In reality, Black Americans are growing increasingly concerned about climate change."

An Important Hypothetical - What Android Apps Do You Install?? ( )

You're twelve years old on Thanksgiving at six thirty in the morning. You'll be leaving for Grandma's in about a half hour, and she's lives a three hour drive away, going in one direction. You have nothing to prepare yourself on this journey, other than a tablet running Android Eleven. Beware, the speaker is broken and there is...

solrize ,

Silly premise, but you have found a use for Bluetooth headphones I guess.

Anyway I probably install Librera FD for reading epubs, then go on AO3 for suitable materials.

solrize ,

Download as epub then use pandoc to convert to whatever. I'm throwback enough to prefer plain text.

solrize ,

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS (C/2023 A3) is now getting brighter and growing a tail, according to Sky and Telescope.

solrize ,

Bing (and therefore duckduckgo) was down a couple days ago. I could imagine people temporarily switching to google during the outage.

Why publishers are preparing to federate their sites - Digiday ( )

The Verge and 404 Media are building out new functions that would allow them to distribute posts on their sites and on federated platforms – like Threads, Mastodon and Bluesky – at the same time. Replies to those posts on those platforms become comments on their sites.

solrize ,

Wait their articles are paywalled. Are they only going to federate the clickbait teaser intros?

solrize ,

Paywalls just don't mix that well with federation. The teasers are basically ads, and why would fediverse volunteers want to propagate some company's ads? The non-federated model they are using now seems fine.

solrize ,

Wait what? And what about CP/M as a personal computer OS?

Anyway PC's are toys. You need a mainframe framework:

solrize ,

This is clever and worth reading, and I didn't know about some of the 3.12 changes. Overall though I think the author has some pain in store. Using functions like map in Python result in Python iterators which are mutable objects (they consume and throw away an element of the sequence on each iteration) and this often causes hassles unless you convert them to lists (which burns memory and maybe does unnecessary computation). Also, Python's type checking stuff (at least Mypy) are mostly a bug catching feature. They aren't like a real type system though: mistyped programs can still get through, and properly typed ones can get flagged. It's better than nothing and I use it, but it's nowhere near e.g. Haskell.

solrize ,

The jokes (or memes) write themselves.

solrize ,

For now we're talking about something not yet implemented. We shall see.

solrize ,

Of course there is no need. Do you think there is also no desire, or that they will pass up the opportunity? You are naive or trolling. Bye.

solrize , (edited )

the absolute quiet

WANT. I didn't know that existed now. Best I've been able to do is foamies, that are better than nothing, but still let in a lot of sound. I will go look for new Bose IEM's. Thanks.

Added: Bose QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds, I think. I'll see what I can find out. 6 hour runtime is a bit unfortunate though, not enough to get through a work day.

Btw, a lot of the blurb about these is about music playback quality and I don't want that at all. No music, just quiet. If they are 10db quieter at speech frequencies than typical 32db NRR foamies then that is probably worth the $250 to me. The amount of productivity I lose to office chatter distraction exceeds that in like no time.

Is there a reasonable way to replace the batteries once they crap out? Frankly I'd be fine with a wired version.

solrize ,

Thanks! Responded by PM.

solrize ,

Where I'm from, a $69K flat is a pipe dream.

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