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tegs_terry , (edited )

Don't be surprised at this shit. After all, this is a country that 'pledges allegiance' in school. That's that whole country, not just Florida. And that's to say nothing of the flag worship.

tegs_terry ,

Gotta be tough for carpentry and stonemasonry.

tegs_terry ,

Reminds me of that worm that sneezes out its soft palette, and it branches out like veins across the floor

tegs_terry ,

Should that semicolon be there if the word 'only' serves to link the clauses?

Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails ( apnews.com )

A new South Dakota policy to stop the use of gender pronouns by public university faculty and staff in official correspondence is also keeping Native American employees from listing their tribal affiliations in a state with a long and violent history of conflict with tribes....

tegs_terry ,

Not if you don't want to spend time pulling people up on it I guess. It's something to consider on both accounts

tegs_terry ,

C'mon man Sikhs are fucking chilled out

tegs_terry ,

A lot of what you say can be applied to other, non-religious cultures, not least that of the west, albeit in different measure. Any society will develop an overarching system of rules and standards; it's necessary to avoid anarchy, which is more inimical to the broader progress of mankind. People naturally band together, it's an evolutionary trait, so regardless of what intangible strictures those tribes are subject to, there will always be friction between and indeed amongst them. Voltaire said "If God did not exist it would be necessary to create him." and he was dead right, he just didn't mean 'God' in the strictly theistic sense.

Ultimately, people are people, meaning they need reeling in or things go to shit. Perhaps there exists an ideal set of circumstances under which civilised man can live peacefully without noticeably impinging on his moral objectivity, but let's not hold our breath. As long as there are groups, there will be some cunts who tighten the shackles for everyone, whether it be by breaking the rules, or making the rules.

So yes, all religions are bad, but in the spirit of catching all, I'd go broader.

tegs_terry ,

The crazy thing is they completely liquify in the pupa and reconstitute from the goo.

tegs_terry ,

No journal would write 'off of' in a headline

tegs_terry ,

Wrong preposition and 'of' doesn't follow 'off'.

tegs_terry ,

Nah, and certainly not for a news headline

tegs_terry ,

Now the real challenge is getting the cartoon titles under a single word

tegs_terry ,

Gotta make sure I don't bang the same hoor, Chaalie!

Canadian photographer Francois Brunell searches and photographs similar people, but who are not related to each other. He has currently done about 200 couple portraits.

Canadian photographer Francois Brunelle spent 12 years tracking down real life Doppelgängers — two individuals who are not related but could pass for identical twins — and photographing them. He calls his project “I’m Not a Look-Alike,” and it’s starting to get some well-deserved attention....

tegs_terry ,

What would the reaction have been had he denied aid to Israel? The answer is fuck off, you made your bed.

tegs_terry ,

I don't like that or anything else like it, including Israel, but I know the facts and the realpolitik and it was: rock -> Biden <- hard place. Israel was a big mistake by the USA and UK and as such they're both attached by a un-severable umbilical. Nobody else would've acted any differently.

My loyalty lies nowhere near Biden's government - I'm not even from the US, I'm British - I'm just realistic about the breaks. Carry on with the principled stand and see what kind of sainthood it grants you. If you're voting against Biden rather than opposed to Trump then you really will have a shit sandwich; your bed won't be made at all, you'll be sleeping rough.

tegs_terry ,

Get 'em boys... Get 'em... Get them, those ones right there.... Any time...

tegs_terry ,

What a boring post from start to finish. Facile.

tegs_terry ,

Counterpoint: That's actually quite a banal narrative archetype, but the colour and character was engaging and the GNR mileau was something different. I don't think it was any more comedy-riddled than before and if people don't like that they can remember that they did the first three times.

tegs_terry ,

Is that what the prevailing complaint was, though, or are you just saying that's what the issue was with?

tegs_terry ,

I'd say 'trafficked' rather than 'abducted'

tegs_terry ,

No, there was a revolution because rich men wanted more. You fucking idiots just believed the song and dance.

Lots of your presidents get away with despicable shit so don't give it the star-spangled spit shine.

tegs_terry ,

Begs the question: How are these dumbasses going to one-up this guy?

tegs_terry ,

It's actually dead useful; easier to spot the duds on the dating sites,

tegs_terry ,

You’re using the same harmful logic that the people I’m sure you most disagree with use.

Eye for an eye, you might say

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