DaGeek247 avatar



DaGeek247 of https://dageek247.com

DaGeek247 ,
DaGeek247 avatar

Did he just actualy cut his fucking arm open?

DaGeek247 ,
DaGeek247 avatar


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  • DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Wow. You're right; i really am dissappointed by that website.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar


    Unless meant, like, cumulatively. In that case it's more dependent on your choices than the tech itself.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    My old ISP just let me us their device that did this and no routing when I asked for it. I didn't have to buy a MOCA device, I just had to ask to use my own router.

    This of course is not true for my new ISP, but it's worth the effort to avoid the hassle of accidentally getting the wrong device to put between your router and the wall.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    When you report back;

    It says you can switch a sim slot for an sd card slot. Could you choose to do two sd card slots instead? This looks great as a small mp3 player.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    It's a lot less fun when there's not a shortage of original names like on reddit.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    You're supposed to review the generated cover letter first.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    You'll probbly want samba then. Much easier to set up, including account security.

    I personally switched from samba to nfs for my linux iso collection because the overhead was causing lag on my tv box. Books won't have this issue.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Thankfully we can still enjoy the flash games online at least. http://www.flashgamearchive.com/

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Prove gods exist, else the core question is moot.

    75% of americans consider themselves religious. Your statement is wrong. Ignoring three quarters of the population because you can't get over the existence of religion is a personal failure.

    Nobody here actually cares about the status of god's existence. All of us care about piracy. Find somewhere else to stand on your religion soapbox.

    Hell, while we're here, did you even consider reading the article? It makes for some pretty great reading.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    I quoted the article. I read it, and it's stupid. Also, religious ≠ believes in gods. 28% of Americans are "Nones" and growing, and that number includes religious people.

    The number you quoted is practically the same the one i quoted. I'm not sure why you bothered.

    I completely missed your quoting the article. My bad. Even the article is saying the premise in the title is silly / unknowable. I was wondering why you were saying the same things the article was; that arguing for piracy using religion is a bit of a mixed bag.

    But whether someone cares about the status of gods' existence matters insomuch as it's the core precondition of the article. If gods don't exist, wondering what they think is like wondering what Harry Potter thinks about piracy—interesting as a shower thought, but hardly relevant to making real moral decisions.

    The core question is not moot because more than half the population agrees with the articles core premise. It doesn't matter if god exists, it matters that most everybody thinks one exists. Using that belief to discuss piracy is not a flawed discussion, and it is not dependent on the actual existence of a god, just the existence of people's belief in them.

    DaGeek247 OP ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    You probably didn't need them anyways.

    It's really hard to avoid doing this.

    microblog post by Callum Stephen, usernam @autistic_callum_: someone: *does something horrible* autistic me: no worries! its all good! autistic me to myself a few days later: woah, that was not ok. i cant beleive i let them get away with that. my delayed processing! is it too late, inconsistant and/or odd to revoke me "no worries"?
    DaGeek247 OP ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    When you spend your formative years trying to 'fit in' (like most autistic people) you quickly learn that standing up for yourself is a failure in your attempts to not stand out. Those chidhood habits are incredibly hard to unlearn.

    This meme isn't an exclusive trait for autistic people, just one that many autistic people struggle with.

    DaGeek247 OP ,
    DaGeek247 avatar
    DaGeek247 OP ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Admittedly it's not specifically about autism, and is more acceptance for everyone who's different.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    I used this style of fan to get the neighbors cigarette smell (that seeped in through the goddamn walls) out of my downstairs. I had a two story apt, with windows like this, where W=window room and R=room without a window;


    The best airflow was for the top floor where the windows were opposite and the natural breeze could do its own thing, but the single downstairs window was good enough to clear out the cigarette smell on its own so long as an upstairs window was at least open.

    You say your windows are all on one badly ventilated side; have a push/pull setup with the airflow. Use one of your current fans to bridge the gap at the stairs and it'll work great.

    I found i got the most airflow when pulling in downstairs and pushing out upstairs, regardless of temperature, but i live in a hot area. Definitely test yours to see what works best in your situation.

    I never tried using fans away from the windows as mentioned before me, but that's definitely worth doing as soon as you can, just to see how much it inproves your situation.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    The vero V supports av1. As far as im aware it is the most modern player with support for most every codec (except dolby vision) out there.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    It's linux / osmc running on it, basically a whole pc. So, yes, it can run external stuff.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar
    1. It provides no notification other than the sound and an "accept" button on the page
    2. I have a chrome window open that does nothing but this, and I never use chrome for anything else


    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    It was the first result i found for 'monitor webpage chrome'. There's a very good chance that what you're after is just two or three results lower. I promise it would be a lot easier than developing an entirely new solution that works based on speaker sounds. Bonus, these extensions have basic stuff like sms or email support right out of the box.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    A single wordpress blog comes premade with multiple user/author support with granular permission supprted out of the box.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    That, and tracking down anyone else the government doesn't like, apparently.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Is that Victoria in the fourth picture? Very nice.

    DaGeek247 , (edited )
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Atheism is trying to prove a negative

    What are you on about? Atheism is rejecting a ridiculous belief system.

    Y'all are arguing the same thing with these two sentences.

    There is nothing for atheists to prove, they made no claims. Religion is the one making claims, so it's on them to prove it. Atheism simply says "no thanks, the evidence you provide is insufficient and I don't believe you".

    That sounds like trying to disprove a negative to me. Just because it's an absurd negative doesn't mean it's not impossible to disprove it.

    I don't want to get into all the nitty gritty, but the weight against the big sky person is "we definitely don't see it." and the argument for the big sky person is "we definitely feel it."

    Y'all are both spending a lot of time arguing about the big sky person regardless of your stance.

    actually, i just saw this comment, and i'm not gonna argue with that.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    He knew it was there way before it fell down next to him. 5$ says he didn't have any bullets.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    You misread my comment.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    On the source website this is actually a gif that demonstrates the movement.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    This is not the near future of xbox. Not for mainstream use, at least.

    Video games streaming exists. It runs well enough with amazing internet that it's actually even good enough to use. I did some playing on stadia back before it closed down. With my gigabit fiber internet, it only had a little bit of lag (felt like 20ms, i noticed it, but was quickly able to get used to it too) with the occassional hitch.

    The problem is that gigabit fiber is reserved for people who live on the right street in a big city, and absolutely nobody else. And it id a requirement for game streaming to do well.

    Once genuinely good internet is available to most everyone, then you will find game streaming services being mass adopted. Until then, game streaming will follow the other cool tech product that has huge market limiting requirements; VR.

    Consoles like xbox are made for the casual user. You can't have a product that works best for the casual user but has huge not-casual requirements to run it.

    The next xbox thing wont be a thin client for streaming games, but the product after this one just might be.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    At least the tank was secured to the trailer pretty damn well. I'd give the driver a demotion, but that tiedown guy deserves a promotion.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    You just escelated this specific thread from someone being worried about unreasonable escalation to name calling.

    Here, i'll continue this specific thread at the same level you brought it to. You're the problem here.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Lmao. It says; "I can't believe you're reading this tiny print. It's not at all interesting. Watch TV instead. I honestly feel a bit guilty putting this here because i'm totally wasting your time. It's just meaningess background text. On the other hand it's not like you'd be curing cancer if you weren't reading this. But that's okay. You're good as you are. Read tiny print if you want to."

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Anyone have this without the tumblr laugh track?

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Article notes this doesn't account for VPNs.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    It's not just limited to Canada, it's limited to a single ISP in Canada posting their traffic stats.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    I can't agree with you. If someone promises to give me 'a lot' of anything, and then gives me an average amount, i'm going to call them out on it.

    If someone handed you a regular glass of water and told you it was 'a lot' of water, you'd think they were an idiot.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Gonna continue this from the other guy before me;

    Tolerance is not a paradox. Tolerance is a contract. Those who break the contract of tolerance with intolerance no longer deserve it, and should be excluded from the protections given to those who do follow it.

    DaGeek247 ,
    DaGeek247 avatar

    Watch this and tell me it's impossible to tolerate "intolerant" people.

    I appreciate the share, but the last thing I want is youtube to start adding political content to my feed after i've spent all this time curating its algorithm into something that is mine.

    There is no nuance or critical thinking in your take whatsoever.

    There is a lot of nuance in my statement. But you are right, I didn't give any examples. So let's pull one of yours from earlier;

    How can the point of Pride be to "tolerate everyone with no exceptions," while at the same time "never tolerate the intolerant"? You can't have both!

    • Q: Is a gay man allowed at Pride? A: in general, yes
    • Q: What if you learn they don't like furries? A: then no, they can't.
    • Q: What if they want to be accepting of furries but they don't know how? A: then sure, yes, let's discuss.
    • Q: What if they killed a furry once? A: then no, absolutely not!
    • Q: What if they went to prison for 20 years for their crime, realized what they did was wrong, and decided to make a concerted effort every day to be more positive & inclusive, which is why they now attend Pride every year and donate to LGBT+ organizations in honor of the person they killed? A: well then yes, clearly they're an ally. they can come!
    • Q: Okay, what if they don't like leather strap ons? A: ah, then no...

    This sounds like the reading of a contract with a list of arbitrary rules. Every social convention i've seen has also been incredibly arbitrary.

    Breaking a social contract doesn't require permanent and total retribution; it usually has a lot of if this then that conventions built right into it. Someone making an off color joke requires a 'hey bro, thats not cool' compared to a neo nazi advocating for the camps to come back at a local government office.

    My point is that once the social contract is broken, you aren't breaking it when you call someone else out for doing so.

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