bibliolater , to History avatar

Napoleon’s Nazi Funeral

One dark and snowy night in December 1940 in German-occupied Paris, a strange funeral took place when German soldiers carried the coffin of Emperor Napoleon II into Les Invalides. Why was a Napoleon receiving a Nazi funeral?

length: ten minutes and three seconds.

@histodon @histodons

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Writing History May 16, 1906: Margaret Rey was born. Rey was an author an illustrator of children’s books. She cowrote the Curious George books with her husband H.A. Rey. Born in Germany to Jewish parents, she studied art at Bauhaus and later worked in advertising. In 1935, she fled Germany to escape the Nazis, moving to Rio de Janeiro. There she met H.A. Rey, also a German Jew who had fled the Nazis. Many of us remember the Curious George stories fondly. George was a monkey, who was kind of like an adorable little boy. Yet in every one of the stories, he does something naughty that disappoints his “daddy,” (The man in the Yellow Hat), and has to win back his affection doing something dangerous. In one story, he is exploited by a cook and must wash dishes without pay. In another, he is hired as a window washer on a skyscraper. Even his origin story is fraught, with the Yellow Hatted Man kidnapping him from his home in Africa. In this video clip, hear Werner Herzog’s creepy satire on the stories:

#workingclass #LaborHistory #curiousgeorge #books #fiction #childrensbooks #wernerherzog #illustrator #nazis #fascism #antisemitism #author #margaretrey #HARey #writer @bookstadon

RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar


Chaos in as almost 1000 masked neo- terrify locals with huge march
The rally was organised by a group called the May 9 Committee - some members of the group were wearing T-shirts with the words: "The white race".


plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

That's right @plink. is still functioning and killing JudeoNazis. The Entity is desperate. Like a pouting spoiled child with a broken toy ... if it can't have it will destroy it. They demolished 's civilian airport today. like that mean nothing to these . They need to be destroyed, and they will be. @palestine @israel

CitizenWald , to worldwarshistory group avatar

Historian here.

This sort of thing--increasingly common--is not helpful to your cause. The more so as we mark V-E Day and the defeat of .

Jewish students had put forward a motion stating that they deserved full rights in the ANU--and supporting a two-state solution

@histodons @worldwarshistory

student in hoodie puts index finger below nose to imitate Hitler's mustache
student saying Hamas deserves our unconditional support
student refusing to condemn Hamas, and saying support for it must be unconditional

Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

Israeli politician calls for ‘imprecise missiles’ in Gaza | Al Jazeera Newsfeed - YouTube


heretical_i , avatar

@Miro_Collas Translated from dialect:
> "We'll kill more civilians if you don't give us weapons to kill more civilians." @palestine

plink , to israel group avatar
heretical_i , avatar

@plink So Israel's nazis say they'll use 'imprecise missiles', Translated from dialect:
> "We'll kill more civilians if you don't give us weapons to kill more civilians." @palestine @israel

18+ lpd Bot , to Random stuff German avatar

Zu dem Übergriff in der Gertrud-Haß-Bibliothek Rudow erklärt der Neuköllner Bezirksbürgermeister Martin Hikel: „Ich danke der und der Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft für ihre erfolgreiche und schnelle Ermittlungsarbeit, die zur Festnahme des Tatverdächtigen geführt hat. Bei dem Mann, der gestern Franziska Giffey angegriffen hat, liegen nach Erkenntnissen der Anhaltspunkte für ei…


18+ xdydx , avatar

Sollte nicht lieber @Bundesregierung dieses kommentiern?

Und wieso twittert immer noch mit statt auf Social.Bund.De?

Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

Netanyahu: Attacking Rafah necessary to return captives - YouTube

What total BS!


heretical_i , avatar

@Miro_Collas @palestine They're probably dead by now. Rafah, pictured below. Im sure any prisoner deaths will be blamed on hamas... Because blaming victims is what do

mondoweiss , to israel group avatar

Israeli soldiers rounded up Ahmad Safi and his male family members in Khan Younis and made them stand atop a sand dune for 12 hours as the soldiers took cover behind them during a firefight with Palestinian resistance fighters. This is their story.

@palestine @israel

RocknRoll_Papy , avatar
LiamOMaraIV , to Random stuff avatar

The snowflakes still upset about people after more than a century of research are irrational bigots and no better than the who, in 1933 on shut down the and burnt its library.

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

SPD-Europapolitiker bei Angriff in Dresden schwer verletzt

Während er Wahlplakate aufhing, griffen vier Unbekannte an: Der Spitzenkandidat der SPD Sachsen, Matthias Ecke, sei schwer verletzt worden und müsse operiert werden, so die Partei. Zuletzt gab es einige Übergriffe auf Politikerinnen und Politiker.


EngelMichelmann , avatar

Alle nicht rechten Parteien brauchen in Deutschland nun Polizeischutz fürs Wahlplakate Aufhängen.

ZDF , to Random stuff German avatar

Heute ist Tag der Pressefreiheit.

Pressefreiheit bildet das Fundament unserer Demokratie. Sie ermöglicht Journalistinnen und Journalisten, unvoreingenommen zu berichten, ohne Angst vor Einschüchterung oder Zensur. In vielen Ländern ist sie in den letzten Jahren unter Druck geraten.

Das ZDF setzt sich für unabhängige und objektive Berichterstattung ein. Erfahrt mehr über die Bedeutung der Pressefreiheit aus den Perspektiven unserer Auslandskorrespondentinnen im Clip.

reindeerphoto , avatar

@ZDF , also hört auf die der einzuladen!

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History May 2, 1919: Soldiers of the Freikorps murdered Gustav Landauer, anarchist, pacifist, and Education Minister, in the short-lived Bavarian Workers Republic. The Freikorps were right wing veterans of World War I. Many went on to become Nazis. Landauer believed that social change could not be won solely through control of the state or economy, but required a revolution in interpersonal relations. "The community we long for and need, we will find only if we sever ourselves from individuated existence; thus we will at last find, in the innermost core or our hidden being, the most ancient and most universal community: the human race and the cosmos." Landauer’s grandson is the acclaimed film director, Mike Nichols (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, The Graduate, Catch-22, Carnal Knowledge, Silkwood). British writer Philip Kerr wrote the novel, “Prussian Blue,” in which Hitler is one of the Freikorps militants who murdered Landauer.


MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History April 30 1945: Eva Braun and Adolph Hitler committed suicide, in Berlin, after being married for less than 40 hours. Many Nazis were tried, convicted and executed. And literally thousands were secreted into the U.S., given false identities, and put to work as spies, intelligence officers, informants, and rocket scientists in the Cold War. Some of them had even been high-ranking Nazi Party officials, secret police chiefs, and heads of concentration camps. In fact, during the first few years after WWII ended, it was easier to get into the U.S. as a Nazi than it was as a Jewish concentration camp survivor. There were policy makers in Washington who said the Jews shouldn’t be let in because they’re “lazy” and “self-entitled.” For more on this sordid history, read “The Nazis Next Door
How America Became a Safe Haven for Hitler's Men,” By Eric Lichtblau.


masterdon1312 , to Random stuff avatar

30 kwietnia 1945 roku Adolf Hitler zakończył swoją kadencję dyktatora popełniając samobójstwo. Tradycyjnie w tym dniu życzymy wszystkim nazistom pójście w ślady swojego idola.

On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler ended his term as dictator by committing suicide. Traditionally, on this day, we wish all to follow in the footsteps of their idol.

30 kwietnia 1945 roku Adolf Hitler zakończył swoją kadencję dyktatora popełniając samobójstwo. Tradycyjnie w tym dniu życzymy wszystkim nazistom pójście w ślady swojego idola. On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler ended his term as dictator by committing suicide. Traditionally, on this day, we wish all Nazis to follow in the footsteps of their idol.

MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in labor history April 28, 1896: Tristan Tzara was born. He was a Romanian-French poet, journalist, playwright, literary and art critic, film director. He co-founded the anti-establishment Dada movement. During Hitler’s rise to power, he participated in the anti-fascist movement and the French Communist Party. In 1934, Tzara organized a mock trial of Salvador Dalí because of his fawning over Hitler and Franco. The surrealists Andre Breton, Paul Éluard and René Crevel helped run the trial. In the 1940s, Tzara lived in Marseilles with a large group of anti-fascist artists and writers, under the protection of American diplomat Varian Fry. These included Victor Serge, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Andre Breton and Max Ernst. Later he joined the French Resistance, writing propaganda and running their pirate radio station. After the Liberation of Paris, he wrote for L'Éternelle Revue, a communist newspaper edited by Jean-Paul Sartre. Other contributors to the newspaper included Louis Aragon, Éluard, Jacques Prévert and Pablo Picasso. Varian Fry, and his communal home for radicals in hiding, was portrayed in the historical drama series “Transatlantic.”


Helsravn , to Random stuff German avatar

Mich besorgt und frustriert es nachhaltig, dass und Medien auf die Bauernproteste mehr reagiert haben, als auf die Proteste gegen die und den aufkommenden Faschismus. Die größten Proteste der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik!
Es gibt noch immer kein , keinen Grundrechtsentzug für , keine Finanzierungseinschränkung und noch nicht mal die angekündigte Stärkung des .
Die BuReg ignoriert die Zivilgesellschaft und ihr Sorgen und das darf nicht so weitergehen!

w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

The Gateway Pundit website, which manufactured false information about US elections, declares bankruptcy in response to defamation lawsuits.

kristen_d , avatar
w7voa , to Random stuff avatar

President Biden has signed a $95 billion foreign aid bill that came to his desk after months of legislative debate. As I outine in my VOA radio report, the package includes $61 billion for Ukraine, which American lawmakers had delayed, leading to low ammunition supplies for Ukraine to counter the Russian invasion.

heretical_i , avatar

@w7voa They ALWAYS agree on collaborating with Nazis. Made ya wait this time to actually look like there's a difference between the Red and Blue FASCIST factions of your duopoly.

Ever consider the goal IS to destroy Ukraine's military to make them dependent on... how did the lede read yesterday? "NATO soldiers start pouring into Ukraine". 💖 Amerikkka

heretical_i , to Random stuff avatar

" calls for investigation into found at hospitals"

I'm sure many of them died because their doctors were unable to provide them with needed care @thehill ... because the MADE A POINT OF MURDERING THE DOCTORS AND OTHER MEDICAL PERSONNEL. OFC will blame the victims... , for the deaths, because that's what do. They blame the victims.

tagesschau , to China German avatar

Spionagevorwürfe gegen AfD-Mitarbeiter: Faeser sieht Krah in Verantwortung

Nach den Spionagevorwürfen gegen einen Mitarbeiter des AfD-Spitzenkandidaten Krah drängt Innenministerin Faeser auf Aufklärung und sieht auch Krah in der Verantwortung. Der zeigt sich überrascht - er habe durch die Medien von der Festnahme erfahren.


GGW_DE , avatar

@tagesschau lügen
sind gefährlich

tagesschau , to China German avatar

China verbannt WhatsApp, Signal und Telegram aus Apples App-Store

Chatprogramme wie WhatsApp konnten in China bisher ohnehin nur über Umwege genutzt werden. Nach einer Entscheidung der Staatsführung sind diverse Messenger nun auch nicht mehr im App-Store von Apple zu finden. Von B. Eyssel.


reindeerphoto , avatar

@tagesschau Vertrauliche Komunikation ist für Diktaturen gefährlich. Es wird hier genauso werden wenn unsere an die Macht kommen.

Ähm will unser Staat nicht auch an die Komunikation ran?

finally , to Non Political Twitter German avatar

„Warum gebt ihr Faschisten schon wieder eine Bühne? Es geht doch laufend schief. Ihr seid denen nicht gewachsen. Ihr fragt nicht nach, lasst sie ihren politischen Giftmüll auf prominenten Sendeplatz ins Land rotzen & nickt nur dazu. Faschisten brauchen keine Bühne, sondern Contra.“

carenmiosgatalk , to Random stuff German avatar

Zwischen Kreml-Nähe und Rechtsextremismus – wofür steht die AfD, Herr Chrupalla? Dazu zu Gast im Studio: Tino Chrupalla (AfD-Chef), Nadine Lindner (Deutschlandradio) und Joe Kaeser (Siemens Energy AG)

Sonntag live – ab 21:45 Uhr @DasErste

antonproitzelhaimer , avatar

@Willy_Wuff @MBrandtner @Haydar @fernsehchat @carenmiosgatalk

Meinungsvielfalt - aber "Meinungsfreiheit"vor zu ermöglichen, halte ich nicht gerade für ein erstrebenswertes Ziel des .
Schlimm genug, dass sie im frei reden/hetzen dürfen.

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