Nazani , to Random stuff avatar
MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History May 16, 1912: Studs Terkel was born, New York City. He won the Pulitzer Prize in 1985 for his book The Good War, a collection of oral histories from World War II. He was born to Russian-Jewish parents. He joined the Works Progress Administration’s Federal Writers’ Project. This provided him work in radio. He is best known for his oral histories, and his raido program, The Studs Terkel Program, which aired on WFMT, Chicago, from 1952-1997. Some of the people he interviewed on this show included: Bob Dylan, Big Bill Broonzy, Frank Zappa, Leonard Bernstein, Martin Luther King and Tennessee Williams.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #StudsTerkel #union #jewish #pulitzer #radio #books #writer #author #nonfiction @bookstadon

ritchiepage2001 , to Random stuff
MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History May 15, 1917: The Library Employees’ Union was founded in New York City. It was the first union of public library workers in the United States. One of their main goals was to elevate the low status of women library workers and their miserable salaries. Maud Malone (1873-1951) was a founding member of the union. She was also a militant suffragist and an infamous heckler at presidential campaign speeches.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #MaudMalone #feminism #libraries #union #wages #womensrights #books @bookstadon

parismarx , to Random stuff avatar

Amazon workers in Laval, Quebec have been granted union accreditation after a majority signed cards to form a union.

Now Amazon isn’t just contesting the decision, but challenging workers’ rights to form a union without an election by signing cards.

tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

Wahlprogramme: Wie die Parteien zur Landwirtschaft stehen

Subventionen, Bürokratie, Nachhaltigkeit: Die Parteien sehen in vielen Bereichen der europäischen Agrarpolitik Handlungsbedarf. Doch bei der Frage, was konkret getan werden muss, sind die Unterschiede groß. Von Corinna Emundts.


berndmehrtens , avatar

@tagesschau Warum wird immer die als erstes genannt? Wen interessiert es, was diese Heuchler sagen?

Wieder faseln sie verlogen von einem "unschätzbaren Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherung sowie zum Umwelt-, Klima-, Arten- und Ressourcenschutz", wollen aber überhaupt keinen Natur- und Tierschutz. Weil der Geld kostet, Gewinne gefährdet und Anstrengungen erfordert.

Das ist reiner Populismus. Reden tun sie viel, aber wenn es ans Machen geht, blockieren sie, weil es die Wirtschaft gefährdet.

exador23 , to Random stuff avatar

Reports that a TV channel interrupted with a message about Israel’s genocide and repression of the free press.

“This is a union action. We condemn the human rights violations committed by Israel. Additionally, Israel is destroying press freedom. That is why we are pausing the broadcast for a moment. "


ritchiepage2001 , to Random stuff
MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

Today in Labor History May 9, 1907: Big Bill Haywood went on trial for murder in the bombing death of former Idaho governor Frank Steunenberg. Clarence Darrow defended Haywood and got him acquitted. Steunenberg had brutally suppressed the state’s miners. Haywood had been framed by a Pinkerton agent provocateur named James McParland, the same man who infiltrated the Pennsylvania miners’ union in the 1870s and got 20 innocent men executed as Molly Maguires. You can read about that in my novel, “Anywhere But Schuylkill.”

Read my article on Pinkertons here:
And my article on the Molly Maguires here:


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  • peterjriley2024 , to Random stuff avatar

    Unions for
    at the Melbourne university staff/student rally, including members division speaking in support of the
    Thanks to all branch motions passed, attending meetings & organisation.

    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    CDU-Chef Merz in den tagesthemen: "Rücken nicht raus aus der Mitte"

    Vor dem CDU-Parteitag hat Parteichef Merz in den tagesthemen bekräftigt, Politik für die Mitte der Gesellschaft machen zu wollen. NRW-Ministerpräsident Wüst stärkte Merz im Bericht aus Berlin den Rücken und lobte dessen Verdienste.


    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Cannabis-Legalisierung: Experten warnen vor möglichen Kosten

    Nach der Teillegalisierung von Cannabis rechnen Experten mit mehr Konsumenten. Dies könnte neue volkswirtschaftliche Kosten verursachen - unter anderem durch nötige Ausgaben für Suchtprävention. Von Mona Botros.


    berndmehrtens , avatar

    @tagesschau Das sind vermutlich Experten von der , die dann in wenigen Jahren mit den Kosten argumentiert, um die Öffentlichkeit von der zu überzeugen.

    Mancher Abgeordnete freut sich schon auf die prall gefüllten "Dankschreiben" deutscher und amerikanischer Farmer.

    Zudem kann man etwas gegen den illegalen Handel der Cannabisclubs unternehmen, der trotz drakonischer Auflagen nicht eingedämmt werden kann. Zwei Wahlkämpfe kann die damit finanzieren.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to Random stuff avatar

    The union representing 3,000 grad student workers at USC has filed an unfair labor practice charge against USC to end campus militarization and drop charges against students and faculty arrested in Pro-Palistinian protests there.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to Random stuff avatar

    Today In Labor History May 1, 1830: Mary Harris "Mother" Jones was born. Mother Jones was renowned for her militancy and fiery oration, as well as her many juicy quotes. She once said, “I’m no lady. I’m a hell-raiser.” She also was an internationalist, saying “My address is wherever there is a fight against oppression.” Despite the difficulties of constant travel, poor living and jail, she lived to be 100. She was also a cofounder of the anarchosyndicalist IWW.

    peterjriley2024 , to Random stuff avatar
    MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar
    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Dieselskandal: Continental muss 100 Millionen Euro Bußgeld zahlen

    Gegen den Autozulieferer Continental ist eine hohe Geldbuße verhängt worden. Ermittler werfen dem Konzern vor, im Zusammenhang mit dem Dieselskandal Aufsichtspflichten fahrlässig verletzt zu haben.


    CabThanks , avatar


    Es kann doch keiner erzählen, dass da soviele DAX Konzerne die Welt bescheißen, ohne das die Regierung, insbesondere die ganzen , davon keine Ahnung hatten.
    Die Absprachen dort, fallen bei denen doch unter , genau wie die sie sich auch heute noch gemeinsam mit ihren Lobbyvertretern vorstellt. Mit aller Macht aushebeln, manipulieren und umgehen... 🤔

    rbreich , to Random stuff avatar

    How we beat back the corporate takeover of America:

    1. Break up corporate monopolies

    2. Continue building union power

    3. End Citizens United and get big money out of politics

    Let’s keep working to unrig the system.

    mousey , avatar

    @rbreich Yeah I wish people would recognize as the Labor of Operating Systems.

    If we would collectively act, to help each other out by switching to Linux, and stop being beholden to (Ads in your Start Menu) Big Tech, and do the work to take back the means of computation, we'd have a chance against stupid corporate dystopia.

    Many companies similarily beholden to big tech need to be broken up, but change starts at your home directory.

    I know. I know. I'm the crazy one. right? smh

    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    CDU-Politiker Heilmann will Klimaschutzgesetz stoppen

    Nach dem Heizungsgesetz schaltet der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Heilmann nun auch beim Klimaschutzgesetz das Verfassungsgericht ein. Er will damit verhindern, dass es am Freitag im Bundestag verabschiedet wird.


    AndyGER , avatar

    @tagesschau Natürlich möchte die konservativ-rechte, mit Lobbygeldern und Nebeneinkünften gestopfte Politik den Klimaschutz nur allzu gern wieder aufkündigen.

    Das Signal an nachfolgende Generationen: Uns ist scheißegal, was ihr macht. Wir leben auf eure Kosten und das finden wir gut so!

    Es existiert kein Verantwortungsbewusstsein mehr in der

    Hört endlich auf, diese Parteien zu wählen ..!

    TheConversationUS , to Random stuff avatar

    The Supreme Court today heard Starbucks' claim that lower courts messed up in deciding the fate of 7 baristas who were attempting to organize a at a coffee shop in Memphis, and who the government claimed had been fired for their labor activities.

    A quick explainer to get you up to speed:

    BlumeEvolution , to Random stuff German avatar

    Hatte bei meiner Rede im am 9.11.2023 bewusst auch die -Formulierung von Erneuerbaren als aufgegriffen & zu weiterentwickelt.

    Dass die Bundes- nun aber ernsthaft einen Förderstop für fordert, erschüttert mein Vertrauen in den nach . Denn die fossil finanzierten Kriege durch , , etc. gegen die 🇺🇦, 🇮🇱 usw. sind noch nicht einmal vorbei! 😭🔥🇩🇪🇪🇺🤔

    BlumeEvolution OP , avatar

    @SabineHammerba Sollte das die Bundes-Kalkulation sein, dann funktioniert sie erkennbar nicht! Derzeit liegt die in der jungen Generation mit 22 Prozent auf Platz 1, dahinter die mit 20 Prozent, dann erst die -Regierungsparteien, die auf 8 Prozent. Eine „progressive“ Mehrheit ist nicht mehr erkennbar. Ich hatte ja vor & konkret der - und -Präsenz rechtslibertärer wie gewarnt… 😭🔥🇩🇪🇪🇺🤔

    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Verfassungsgericht prüft Wahlrechtsreform der Ampel

    Der Bundestag soll durch die Wahlrechtsreform wieder kleiner werden - doch bei Union und Linkspartei stößt das auf Widerstand. Letztere unterstellt der Ampel gar politische Ziele. Nun verhandelt das Bundesverfassungsgericht. Von Gigi Deppe.


    Monsterklatsch , avatar

    @tagesschau das ist Lustig.

    Ich hatte gerade eben versucht K3 den Wahnsinn der Überhangmandate im Bundestag zu erklären und dann sehe ich diese Meldung.

    Das Genau die , die als zwei Parteien gelten will, sich bockig dagegen stemmt, weil es an den Voteilen sägt, die diese angeblichen zwei Parteien bisher eingefahren haben, ist sehr bezeichnend.

    MikeDunnAuthor , to bookstadon group avatar

    Today in Labor History April 21, 1910: Mark Twain died. William Faulkner called him "the father of American literature." He grew up in Hannibal, Missouri, which provided the setting for “Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn.” He apprenticed with a printer and worked as a typesetter, contributing articles to the newspaper of his older brother Orion Clemens. He later worked as a riverboat pilot before heading west to join Orion in Nevada. Twain was famous for his wit and brilliant writing. However, he also had extremely progressive politics for his era. Later in his life, he became an ardent anti-imperialist. “I have read carefully the treaty of Paris and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem… And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” During the Boxer Rebellion, he said that "the Boxer is a patriot. He loves his country better than he does the countries of other people. I wish him success." From 1901, until his death in 1910, he was vice-president of the American Anti-Imperialist League, which opposed the annexation of the Philippines by the U.S. He was also critical of European imperialists such as Cecil Rhodes and King Leopold II of Belgium, who attempted to establish colonies in African. He also supported the Russian revolutionaries fighting against the Tsar.

    Many people have criticized him for his racism. Indeed, schools have banned “Huckleberry Finn.” However, Twain was an adamant supporter of abolition and said that the Emancipation Proclamation “not only set the black slaves free, but set the white man free also." He also fought for the rights of immigrants, particularly the Chinese. "I have seen Chinamen abused and maltreated in all the mean, cowardly ways possible... but I never saw a Chinaman righted in a court of justice for wrongs thus done to him." And though his early writings were racist against indigenous peoples, he later wrote that “in colonized lands all over the world, "savages" have always been wronged by "whites" in the most merciless ways, such as "robbery, humiliation, and slow, slow murder, through poverty and the white man's whiskey."

    Twain was also an early feminist, who campaigned for women's suffrage. He also wrote in support of unions and the labor movement, especially the Knights of Labor, one of the most important unions of the era. “Who are the oppressors? The few: the King, the capitalist, and a handful of other overseers and superintendents. Who are the oppressed? The many: the nations of the earth; the valuable personages; the workers; they that make the bread that the soft-handed and idle eat.”


    TheConversationUS , to Random stuff avatar

    Workers at a Volkswagen factory in Tennessee voted solidly to unionize with the UAW, after twice in the past voting down the .

    This time, they may have noticed that union workers won higher pay and better benefits from US automakers in their strike last year.

    tim , to Random stuff avatar

    Democracy Now did a great segment with Google workers who were arrested during sit-ins against Project Nimbus about Project Nimbus, the No Tech for Apartheid movement, and their motivations and experiences. Definitely worth checking out if you want to learn more:

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