aimilove_nur , to Random stuff avatar

Heartbreaking to see a child in Gaza struggling to earn a living by selling pizza made by his mother.


ritchiepage2001 , to Random stuff
ScienceDesk , to Space & Science avatar

"An evolutionary biologist and a science fiction writer walk into a bar ... and mull over survival."

From MIT Press Reader: The Collapse Is Coming. Will Humanity Adapt?

ritchiepage2001 , to Random stuff
ScienceDesk , to Random stuff avatar

We hate to be pessimistic, but have you ever wondered if/when will humans become extinct? A supercomputer simulation has the possible answer.

BGR reports on a new study:

Here's the study:

ml , to Non Political Twitter avatar

Documentary: Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) | Directed by Abby Martin

( It's for those of you don't want to watch the documentary on YouTube. Although it's gonna cost me lots of Bandwidth 🤔. )

@palestine @israel

Documentary showing the true life of Palestinians.

petergleick , to Random stuff avatar

This is how it's done.
The DC Mayor's office and DC police decline to remove peaceful protesters from GWU campus.

ematts , avatar

@petergleick I think this gets 2 for 1 !! Divest AND 🎉

arstechnica , to Random stuff avatar

Climate damages by 2050 will be 6 times the cost of limiting warming to 2°

Study tracks the past costs of climate events and projects them into the future.

v4169sgr , avatar


We may think its obvious; that all we need to do is explain the right way then everyone will do the right thing.

But if it is clear that this strategy isn't working well enough, then doesn't that suggest that we are asking the wrong question?

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  • ritchiepage2001 , to Random stuff


    Price gouging is the truth of it. And it makes it very clear who is to blame, and what must be done to end it.

    I vote we stop calling it inflation at all. Seize the language. It's price gouging, not inflation. Inflation is a nebulous concept that invokes feeling of being too complex for the layman, a struggle as old as economy itself against a beast no one has ever truly slain...


    kenthompson , to bookstodon group avatar

    Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro.
    You grow up in a home for people that some consider sub-human, but your proscribed life is not that different, filled as it is with love, pettiness and acceptance, and an aching hope that there is a secret meaning to it all, if you could just figure it out.
    5 of 5 library cats 🐈 🐈 🐈 🐈 🐈


    ExtinctionR , to Animals doing stuff avatar
    ritchiepage2001 , to Random stuff
    RememberUsAlways , to israel group avatar

    Human trafficking is always part of a negotiation. The price per human life on display.

    During this stage, Hamas would release all civilian women, children, elderly and sick hostages, in exchange for Palestinian women, minors, elderly and infirm prisoners, at a rate of 30 inmates for every hostage.

    Hamas would then release female soldiers at a price per soldier of 50 Palestinians — 30 serving life sentences and 20 others chosen by Hamas.

    RememberUsAlways OP , avatar


    devalues in favor of a strategy.

    @israel @palestine

    appassionato , to bookstodon group avatar

    The Dawn of a Mindful Universe A Manifesto for Humanity's Future by Marcelo Gleiser, 2023

    An award-winning astronomer and physicist's spellbinding and urgent call for a new Enlightenment and the recognition of the preciousness of life using reason and curiosity—the foundations of science—to study, nurture, and ultimately preserve humanity as we face the existential crisis of climate change.


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  • ScienceDesk , to History avatar

    Could a supervolcano wipe humans out?

    @Mashable reports: "A new study shows that after an especially powerful supervolcano eruption some 74,000 years ago (the largest in the last 2 million years), foraging humans in modern-day Ethiopia survived."

    tagesschau , to Random stuff German avatar

    Baerbock fordert vor Nahost-Reise sofortige humanitäre Feuerpause

    Die Verhandlungen in Katar kommen kaum voran, der Krieg im Gazastreifen geht weiter. Außenministerin Baerbock reist nun erneut in die Region - und fordert ein sofortiges Ende der Kämpfe. Israel wies das zurück.


    Groenlandfahrer , avatar


    NACH den abscheulichen Hamas-Verbrechen vom 7. Oktober, verübt an unschuldigen Menschen und BEVOR dann weitere viele tausende unschuldige Menschen vertrieben, getötet und verletzt wurden.
    Zu keiner Zeit durfte ein Leiden schwerer wiegen als ein anderes!!5964131/

    18+ subpanel Bot , to ukraine group avatar

    @ukraine @ukraine @music Let's say nationals are making an accusation because then that it's time to get food, they hate their neighbors.

    Russia be like here's our guest speaker, Timofey Sergeytsev. Sergeytsev be like yeah, no, "Ukrainians" are Russian.


    Heidentweet , to palestine group Dutch avatar

    Why “Burn It all Down”? by Lina Mounzer

    "And yet the mere existence of this genocide on the heels of last century’s most famous Holocaust shows us that even time cannot mete out this blandly equalizing consolation if we don’t learn the correct lessons from history."


    kshernandez , to Non Political Twitter avatar

    Good morning, fam. Here's your motivation to keep going. Keep on pushing, y'all. keep on fighting. @blackmastodon

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  • banned_tweets_of_john_cusack , to palestine group avatar
    ematts , to Random stuff avatar

    Aaron Bushnell literally gave his life to send the message of humanity. He died in sacrifice to show we still have humanity enough to know the extent of this injustice committed against innocent fellow humans. His name is smeared in bought and sold out media to further damage our world, and to further annihilate Don’t let his energy sacrifice for humanity go to waste. 🙏💔🙏

    ematts , to Random stuff avatar

    for the infants, toddlers, children, the innocent men and women, for the Earth itself, for

    wigbert , to Random stuff avatar

    “As librarians, we’re not here to judge, we’re here to help.”

    , , , , ,

    poligraf , to palestine group avatar

    « … what kind of generation we expect in our region or even in Europe, elsewhere, watching all these images and seeing the world just staying silent about it… » ― Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani (Qatari PM)


    🕊️ 🇵🇸 🍉 🙏🏻 ✌️ ☮️ 🇶🇦

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