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ShadowRam ,

You could say the same about C and D batteries too.

They're all 1.5V

ShadowRam ,

Yeah, I don't see it any different from a person that says

"I want to be called Micheal, not Mike"

ShadowRam ,

Who do you think will be paying your pension when you get old?

ShadowRam ,

Interesting idea,

But search sites currently can't find anything in lemmy.

So how will they link to this?

ShadowRam ,

WTF, how can they just make a change like that, and it get approved to be on the road?

Youtube comment,

Tesla that crashed into a pole, it was on fire, and the driver was trapped behind the laminated glass. Scary situation.

The first in crew that responded had a firefighter try to break the glass with a conventional window punch device, that didn't work.

Then he tried smashing it with some forcible entry tools, that didn't work either.

The driver ended up dying. It took 45 mins to extinguish the flames and 15 mins to get the car doors open.

ShadowRam , (edited )

What sucks is that us hobbist's can't get FPV, motors, ESC's, or batteries at reasonable prices (if at all)

The reality of it, is this is short lived.

Anti-Air meant for small drones like this is coming and soon.

And it will shut these down quickly.

ShadowRam ,

Nah, lasers too big. It would be a simple birdshot shotgun. Its detection and aiming.

When they are high up, they can be hard to spot and hear.
But a pair of sensitive mic's and a camera designed to look for them could easily be paired with some AR glasses.

ShadowRam ,

Yeah, have you seen the size of those? Those are chem lasers in order to get the wattage needed to destroy something.

Plus you need the electronics/mechanics to track the device perfectly to keep the laser on target in order for it to do damage.

All completely unnecessary to drop a small drone out of the sky.

ShadowRam ,

Yeah, that isn't going to work, because either

  1. !>25% of your population doesn't believe women have that right


  1. Your countries existing laws give too much voting power to a minority
ShadowRam , (edited )

Vote with your wallet

I did.

I bought my 3080 back in 2020, because I knew AI was the future of graphics, based on all the R&D and white papers nVidia was pumping out up to that point.

No regrets.

Not my problem nVidia was the only one to invest in the tech, while AMD relied solely on TSMC to shrink their dies.

It has nothing to do with brand loyalty or fanboys or any of that shit.

It's just straight up better tech.

UK Trial: Pornhub's Chatbot Halts Millions from Accessing Child Abuse Content ( )

A trial program conducted by Pornhub in collaboration with UK-based child protection organizations aimed to deter users from searching for child abuse material (CSAM) on its website. Whenever CSAM-related terms were searched, a warning message and a chatbot appeared, directing users to support services. The trial reported a...

ShadowRam ,

hahaha... it saddens me that only those >30yrs old may get this.

RE: Is Ernest still here? ( )

I check in here quite often, but for now, I'm just focusing on clearing spam and keeping the instance alive. In January, I was working on the AP module, and there has been significant progress in the work, which hasn't been publicly published yet. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the year, I developed a skin condition that...

ShadowRam ,


Close down /m/internet and /m/science so that someone else can create it and properly moderate it.

ShadowRam OP ,

Link to new magazine

ShadowRam OP ,


Ernest update ->

We'll stick here and wait it out, and see if it becomes more stable.
Still no talk from Ernest about expanding out a team for something as big as kbin.

But hopefully it works out.

ShadowRam ,

So how do you move a kbin magazine over to a new instance like

ShadowRam ,

Most people don't even know the difference between congress and the senate.

ShadowRam , (edited )

a fine in that amount would “crush most small businesses.”

Like it should... you dingbat...

Why do these idiots think they need to "save the businesses!"...

You want your economy to do well? Then make fair laws that attract educated people instead of pushing them away,
and provide a good infrastructure.

Businesses will then look after themselves fine.

ShadowRam ,

You can't use natural gas hydrogen for a fuel cell.

They can't remove enough sulphur from it, and even a trace amount will destroy the fuel cell.

ShadowRam ,

Nope those all contain trace hydrogen sulfide.

ShadowRam ,

My point is simple.

Hydrogen derived from natural gas can not be used in fuel cells. Only hydrolysis hydrogen is viable.
It is one of 'many' reasons why hydrogen fuel will never be a thing.

  • Along with Hydrogen seeping through everything
  • Along with Hydrogen embrittlement

The energy efficiency loss to convert Solar/Wind/Nuc -> Hydrogen -> Mechanical or Solar/Wind/Nuc -> Hydrogen -> Electrical -> Mechanical

Will never be cost effective compared to Solar/Wind/Nuc -> Electrical(batt) -> Mechanical

Hydrogen has been known to man for a 1000 years, and yet
Gobal International WARS have been fought in the past century along with massive geopolitical maneuvering and trillions upon trillions of $$$ spent on the energy sector.

Do you really thing we'd be spending the $$$ we do for deep sea drilling if hydrogen was even close to being a viable resource?

No new technology has been developed that makes hydrogen useful. No. Fuel Cells are not it.
There just isn't enough energy gained by connecting Hydrogen -> Oxygen no matter what process you come up with.

Unless we find a way to fuse hydrogen together, hydrogen is a dead end and always has been.

ShadowRam ,

_ I’m not using .... “retract on layer change”_

There's your problem.

ShadowRam ,

Randomize Z seam

There is never a situation where this is a good setting to have on.

ShadowRam ,

What slicer?

ShadowRam ,

Then I recommend Prusa Slicer.

This is likely a slicer issue.

ShadowRam ,

They did a study, couldn't decide which system was better, didn't think they could get the provinces on board with it (which is probably right), so they scraped it.

Truth is, any of the proposed systems (while not perfect) is still better than FPTP

ShadowRam , (edited )

Cons would never have control...

Libs would never get majority....

We'd forever have a system of government where they can't me vs them. They'd be forced to work together like the Libs and NDP are doing currently.

ShadowRam ,

Good info, thanks for the breakdown and link

ShadowRam ,

I mean,

If Obama's handling of Guantanamo not closing and the drone striking of Somalia and Yemen didn't stop his second term.
I can't see how Gaza's situation will affect Biden's.

Truth is, most of your population doesn't even pay attention to the details of news, unless it's something to do with Kardashian's or Taylor Swift.

ShadowRam OP ,

Not my design, nor have I printed it,

But looking at it, those printed bolts should not be under a lot of stress. They appear to just hold the part from sliding off the table.

All the weight of the drawer and it's contents should be in the C-Clamp shape.

ShadowRam ,


his wiki says he's against the death penalty?

Did he say these things facetiously?

How Do You Deal With Thumb Stick Drift? ( )

So I like to use Xbox controllers (doesn't matter if it's first- or third-party) because I like the layout, it's just comfortable to me. However I've noticed that on all my controllers in the past few years, the left thumb stick will start to "give out" over the course of a couple months. For instance I'll be pushing it forward...

ShadowRam ,

Hall-Effect is supreme,

But we've been using potentiometers for controller joysticks for 25 years now... and yet it's only been a huge issue lately.

Trump says his criminal indictments boosted his appeal to Black voters ( )

Former President Donald Trump claimed Friday that his four criminal indictments have boosted his support among Black Americans because they see him as a victim of discrimination, comparing his legal jeopardy to the historic legacy of anti-Black prejudice in the U.S. legal system....

ShadowRam ,

Were they not claiming there was no racial discrimination in the legal system during his term?

ShadowRam ,

Fox news told him black-voters like him because of this golden sneakers..

So in his brain right now, he thinks black-voters like him,

Thinking why that is, he knows black people historically were treated unfair by the court system, and apparently he is too,

So he thinks himself a genius with smart gene's that he linked those two thoughts together, and thinks that's another reason why black-voters must like him.

He's been spitting out everything he can hoping some victimization will stick... Jew prosecution, Navalny, etc. Dude's a moron, and I still can't believe there are people dumb enough to be fooled by such low effort manipulation.

ShadowRam ,

or the toronto sun which is the Canadian equivalent of the Daily Mail

Reddit: 'We Are in the Early Stages of Monetizing Our User Base' ( )

Reddit said in a filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission that its users’ posts are “a valuable source of conversation data and knowledge” that has been and will continue to be an important mechanism for training AI and large language models. The filing also states that the company believes “we are in the early...

ShadowRam ,

You know what the world doesn't need?

an AI model trained on the old Reddit Hive Mind.

ShadowRam ,

millions of followers

No one gonna question why such sick abusive people gained that kind of popularity to begin with?

ShadowRam ,

Law requiring all prices to be in a format of

$ per actual measurement unit and include all applicable taxes.

ShadowRam ,

Right, but he could get the ball rolling by getting someone in congress he knows to start a bill for the idea.

If Repub's shoot it down, then he's got more ammo in his ads

ShadowRam ,

Yeah, and in the UK I noticed that tax is included on the listed price as well. So again, no surprises for people when they check out, and don't need to do the math to account for the extra tax.

ShadowRam ,

No matter what printer you get,

I recommend avoiding any printer designed to move the bed in the Y-Axis.

It's an old design prior to CoreXY and it isn't needed anymore, and has a lot of cons compared with no pros.

ShadowRam ,

issued a cease-and-desist order

WTF, shouldn't interfering in an election on that level deserve a 5yr prison term?

ShadowRam ,

Start with SNAP CIRCUITS toys. Even if your an adult, these are a start.

Then upgrade to a ELEGOO UNO Electronics kit off Amazon.

It'll give you the basics of powering stuff, and then basics of signals.

Some kind of RC Car, Multicopter, Self built 3D Printer hobby will also help get you started.

ShadowRam ,

Idiot does idiot things.

The world ignores him.

ShadowRam ,

What fake video?

Where's the god damn video?

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