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@astraeus@programming.dev avatar



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astraeus , (edited )
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

That first name is despicable, I love it

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

If you parse out random words from the bee movie to fill in the fields and change IPs every few minutes, gonna be tough

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Grandma turning young again for real this time, the implications are interesting. How will they fix the ethereal hourglass? The foreshadowing was interesting and it seems like the episodes are starting to move an actual story.

Also the development between the Mino and Shouta was pretty strong this episode. They both seem to be very much interested in each other! And Shouta contemplating keeping the farm, his granddad busting out in tears, that was so sweet.

Another wholesome episode, can’t wait to see how next week plays out.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Laughable that as the article begins to talk about publishers the Atlantic paywall shows up. Definitely not another reason why the web is dying.

astraeus , (edited )
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

The paywalls restrict the flow of quality information, which happened before LLMs started scraping the web. If you don’t have money to spend on all of these news subscriptions you aren’t allowed to educate yourself. It’s class-based gatekeeping, plain and simple. They could tactfully include ads, but no one ever tactfully includes ads. They introduce pop-ups, fullscreen banners, interjections every 25 words, or the best is the articles that are just slide shows that take you through 30+ webpages.

Edit: I’d also like to point out that this article already has an ad at the beginning. So they are still making ad revenue even if they aren’t giving you complete access.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Advertising, by design, is intrusive. It’s fighting for space in your mind whether you want it to be there or not. We can shelve that topic because it’s a side item here.

The difference between making a big deal of nothing and being completely on-topic is that the article itself goes into the responsibilities of publishers and platforms, how they have a responsibility to make the internet a better connected, more human-friendly place. You don’t see massive sources of misinformation locking down their content, but you will definitely see potentially credible sources of information doing that. It’s counter to the premise of the article entirely.

I don’t believe it’s myopic at all to point out that it’s backwards to expect the internet to thrive when quality information isn’t readily available. Sure you can use a different search engine, seek out free content and resources, all of which require an in-depth dive to find anything worthwhile.

The topic of this post is why the internet is dying, and while I recognize people need to make money to eat I think these news media sites are more than capable of providing for their employees with or without a paywall. Megacorps like Google, Meta, and Microsoft having control over what gets the most clicks is definitely contributing to rapid enshittification. Especially when they’re sending most traffic to articles that either have a paywall or a steady feed of bullshit.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Linux is a prime example of quality that isn’t paid for. No one forces you to pay for Linux, you can of course support the maintainers and donate, but it’s not a for-profit endeavor.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

I think the reason may be two-fold.

The first part, in the eyes of most older people, a man is not supposed to be emotional or give into their more “feminine” feelings. This means they don’t want their wives or children to be the ones that hear the things that concern them or probably scare them, deep down. Most of the stances of conservatives seem rooted in fear, not reason.

The second part is that you are another man, a younger man, and because they don’t know you well you are less risky to tell these things to. They can confide their fears in you because you are a young man, with a life ahead of you and you’ll give them an ear even if you don’t intend to. Really they are probably hoping someone will hear them even if they can’t really pour their hearts out.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

This is when we find out rent is $4000/month

astraeus OP ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Yeah, users in AD and the FreeIPA replacement essentially handles the SSH key management + middle-man the auth to Linux servers.

astraeus OP ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

I think my main concern is FreeIPA’s longevity. As a tool, it’s rather outdated even in its latest version. It works, but the upkeep on it is not quite robust. Its implementation of AD standards are also limited. This is why I’m looking for an alternative to FreeIPA.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

It’s crazy they’ve waited this long on Ozzy, it’s nice to see Dave Matthews Band on there. A Tribe Called Quest isn’t exactly what I would consider rock & roll, but more power to them.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Biological functions would also be impacted

astraeus , (edited )
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Yeah, it’s like if you kept a bunch of illegal things in a safe the authorities have the authority to force you to unlock the safe.

astraeus , (edited )
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

While this is probably a much easier thing to achieve with people who are comfortable in languages other than English, a lot of media is doing an excellent job of this narrative in English as well.

Edit: I sure picked a great article to comment on from the porcelain throne while not even bothering to read the damn thing. The whole premise is on African Americans and lawlessness, that part is of course complete fabrication.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Yeah, I had to make an edit after actually using my failing reading comprehension skills.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Of course not. The last comment was made based on the title and not the content, which focused completely on African-American crime. I will stand by the fact that the media perpetuates this in English too. If one event occurs, the media makes it appear as if it’s a widespread trend and overplay the frequency and severity of such events, while implying specific races are responsible. All of which is a blatant effort to maintain status quo. “The poor cause crime, the rich follow the rules”

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Poor people that question their circumstances or don’t follow the rules are dangerous for rich people. America has systematically reduced the wealth of millions of African-Americans and rather than vilifying “reparations” everyone should be fighting for equality and justice. Of course the current trend is to subject anyone below a certain wealth threshold to ever-tighter conditions to keep them from ever gaining or building reasonable wealth.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

They found the one hack that everyone has missed

The free Delta game emulator for iPhones is live on Apple’s App Store ( www.theverge.com )

Caveat: It isn't available in the app store in the EU, and is instead only available via the developer's marketplace, AltStore¹. As far as I can tell, this genuinely isn't because of greed, but because of a little detail in Apple's EU rules (possibly wrong):...

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Because it works. I don’t have to figure out what (A01839: Device error has occurred.) means or weird Android nonsense all the time. If I wanted a constant project I already have plenty with work and actual things I enjoy wasting my time on. If it’s my computer I can mess around, if it’s my phone it’s just a pain in the ass. Even Samsungs can get weird like that sometimes, although the lower quality and price Android phones are the worst for it.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Yeah lower quality as in the Android phones that cost less than $1000. Because flagship Samsung Galaxy phones generally run more than that. The cheaper Samsung phones also fall into this category.

I had these problems with Android up until 2018 when I got fed up with dealing with each phone having problems that required a time commitment to resolve. Six years later and I have no regrets at all.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

You had to hack your phone to make this happen. I already explained that I don’t want to be bothered having to put time and effort into making my phone work. Maybe it would be fine as a fun little project, but I’m not going to depend on a jailbroken phone as my main phone, even if the risk it fails is rather low.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

This is literally because the US does not officially recognize Palestine as a sovereign state. If they were to call it Palestine, they would be undermining the government’s stance. That doesn’t mean they agree with it, in fact her slipping on it could be a sign she personally disagrees with the government’s stance. However the feds have never formally recognized it as a state and for them to do so publicly would put their jobs in jeopardy.

Not agreeing with any of it, just wanted to make sure the reason this is happening is clear.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

It was a nice laugh to see China as one of the countries which officially recognizes Palestine as a sovereign state.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

State subsidies giving companies an unfair advantage? This happens in all countries? If China is getting investigated why shouldn’t others be?

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

The claim that it’s equivalent to 16GB is incorrect, probably closer to 10-12GB on a Windows computer. Linux however is different, and in some cases better than MacOS at memory usage.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

There are no rules against non-English posts. If you can’t understand it, don’t vote against it. That’s a discriminatory reaction, just keep scrolling if you don’t read Japanese. If the mods want to restrict languages, they have every ability to do so.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Hmmm maybe if the future of the nation’s infrastructure thought about limiting climate change instead of contributing to it…

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

And give “the verge” some ad revenue? Or potentially have their trackers on my phone/computer? Nah I’m good.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

I love how the article mentions these defrauded cloud providers by their headquarters, as if this obscures the fact we’re talking about Amazon Web Services and Microsoft respectively.

astraeus , (edited )
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

I need to read more of the court case, did he just create a ton of free accounts? If that’s the case, then he shouldn’t be charged with anything because the worst crime he has committed is breaching TOS. Don’t they have arbitration clauses in those?

After reading a bit more it appears he social engineered away some of the limits AWS and Microsoft impose on new customers and just never paid his bills, regardless of how high the bills are. This still seems like a civil case, not a criminal case. If he stole money from a bank, criminal case. But he stole usage from two corporate entities by never paying for the usage. Imagine getting dragged into a criminal case for not paying your telephone bill.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Yeah but isn’t that on the provider to verify?

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

American here, proud to see we started a trend. (And that’s pretty much the only thing to be proud of as an American)

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Anyone know the easiest way to short this stock?

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

It jumped into a ten dollar loss, but there was no actual gain to be seen day over day

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Thank you for at least bringing the realistic approach to this conversation. It is by no means ideal, and sets us back from actually making streets safer. Anyone can purchase just about anything weapon-related in a country where political chaos and cultural divisions are a dime a dozen is really a cocktail for disaster. Of course people are going to lean on the argument that if the bad guys have the weapons than good guys shouldn’t be banned from having their own, because the number of untraceable weapons is already past critical mass.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Get your own Arris Surfboard without the Router elements, make sure it is DOCSIS 3.1 and the maximum bandwidth exceeds your current speed provided by the ISP. I would recommend the SB8200 but check with your ISP to guarantee that they will accept a connection with that model.

Purchase any router you like. I’m sure you can find plenty of router recommendations online. If you wanted a rack router you could even get one of those, but it sounds like you just need a solid wireless router that has good coverage and a few ports on the back, which is pretty standard.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

UwU mistew congwess, I need a weimbuwsment fow my awwowance Xd my wittle jeep factowy in iwwinois is wooking mighty hard to keep up with now that I have to spend aww my money on advewtising uwu

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

I need more colorful graphs and pictures

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

That look of disappointment is because Ai knows what happens in the manga

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

At every single company I’ve worked for this has been the accepted form of opening an email. There are hardly any circumstances you should be using “Dear (insert name here),” in a work email.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Sounds like BS to me. Anyone can host PDFs on AWS and spoof US government agencies, look up C.A.P.T.C.H.A. Congress. No hits for it. Did Russia hack into US government servers? Probably. Nonetheless, this reads like a scare piece and not a legitimate communication from the DoD.

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

I can’t tell you how many times the missing fi has hurt my feelings and made me waste precious hours of my life

astraeus ,
@astraeus@programming.dev avatar

Creates a Time Machine to go back to 1988 and tell them do not create bash

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