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ericbomb OP ,


And there are even recommended tag mashes for different genres! I have found my people who have been similarly hurt by picking up a book that they thought was a standalone, then running right into a cliff hanger wall and an unfinished series.

ericbomb OP ,

If you google "which wheel of time can I skip" you will find many discussions about it.

You'll also find fan edits where for a ton of chapters are skipped and instead gives a small update of anything important that happened.

Famously, despite women being incredibly powerful and it having tons of female characters that talk to one another, he gives a lot of them quirks that get brought up all the time.

ericbomb OP ,

Spot on!

I remember in middle school when I was given the series I was hooked after reading the first book!

Then as I was getting more through the series it was more a sense of stubborn wanting to see it through than anything.

ericbomb ,

No no no.

The turtle is employed; they work for the cops.

ericbomb , (edited )

Sooo how many chemicals are one or two atoms from being deadly with exposure to just a few millileters?

I'm guessing just... a lot.

ericbomb OP ,

"Oh that has funny jokes!"

"Oh... they were the only good jokes."

ericbomb ,

Uhh what do I do with the burnt remains of something I put in there earlier and didn't take out before pre heating?

ericbomb ,

"Huh, I wonder who that beeping was for"

ericbomb ,

I can't even joke without losing my thought at the absurdity.

This isn't moving the goal, this is changing the definition of a goal from getting into the net to the ball being on the field.

ericbomb ,

almost gags after tasting them

"Uhh yeah guys. Totally tastes great, but those pesky who guidelines..."

ericbomb , (edited )

I lost 80 pounds and my stomach still hurts a ton when ever I eat, what's the next step doctor?

Doc: *surprised Pikachu face *

ericbomb ,

I was told by a doctor at 12 that I should never drink soda, caffeine, alcohol, or smoke to try to reduce stomach pain.

Also I'm a male so it can't be period pains or pregnancy.

ericbomb ,

Haha oh yeah and I was in character responding to your fake useless doctor.

The things lazy doctors always wanna blame:
Lack of sleep

The last one is fun, because how do you argue you're not stressed? I can prove I'm not the other ones. But I'm here for the 4th time this year, I spent all last weekend vomiting after following the laid out diet perfectly, yes, yes I'm stressed!

ericbomb ,

Obama as now, or at the same age as me?

30 YO Obama looked amazing.

ericbomb OP ,

True! Lots of wonderful comments here.

ericbomb OP ,

Oh man see I knew i was missing stuff! My gf wanted more if an explanation of why I didn't love a vpn but I couldn't really explain more than "if you leave sign pots everywhere that you live here, probably don't need to worry about bread crumbs"

ericbomb OP ,

You're so right and never thought of it like that! If you Google and find a new service you've never heard of, we're expected to give up our soul in a heartbeat! Even for a new email so many are like:
First name
Last name
Phone number for dual authentication
Install this app for dual auth

Like dude, there are a lot of services that just that information alone is enough to call in and take my account. It's so scary how common that is.

A game I play uses PayPal as the payment processor, and pay pal decided to pay this specific company I had to upload the front and back of my ID.

Just... ugh.

ericbomb ,

Must not be anywhere near to the actual free way entrance then if it's that cheap! Cheap places always have trash commutes.

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  • ericbomb ,

    Most undocumented immigrants in the US enter legally then never leave.

    The idea that most cross the border on foot isn't supported by data.

    ericbomb ,

    Article implies it's less of new stuff, and more parts to repair current missile defense system.

    Which makes sense why it's critical. Ability to prevent more apartment buildings being turned to rubble is probably top of the list.

    ericbomb ,

    Someone posted to the class discussion form with the bit about being an ai bot still included.

    I wish it was a joke.

    I didn't do great in that class, but it was me getting 70% for not wanting to try and explain a mathematically concept in 500 words! They won't take that away from me.

    ericbomb ,

    His last line made me tear up a bit.

    The idea of ending the shortage of replacement organs is just really unbelievable. We're still a long way of course, but the idea that we are on that road is crazy.

    ericbomb ,

    There is a cross walk near my house that leads to a park I take my dog to. In 2 years not one car has stopped...

    Could a brick solve my problem?

    ericbomb ,

    Well now have a new service to use!

    I'm so tired of Nordvpn and raid.

    Like if you're playing an indie game that sponsored the video, that is sick.

    I in no way wanna hear about man scaped while watching a Pokémon video.

    ericbomb ,

    My mom? Thank heavens, her taste in men is TRASH. Surely her taste in women has to be better.

    Dad? I'd tell whoever told me that I don't care what my dad is up to.

    ericbomb ,

    So funnily enough, she has had romantic interest in 2-3 women in her life who were very close friends that were gregarious, successful,kind, and independent.

    But she wasn't actually attracted to them. It's like her brain recognized "oh hey these people would be wonderful to have has life partners."

    But she's not attracted to women. So yeah still hoping she'll decide she likes women. Cause my dad was rock bottom and her recent boy friends were looking for a new mom to take care of them at 55.

    So yeah, her taste in women would hopefully stay high if she decides she is gay!

    ericbomb ,

    My brain instantly picked up a lot of reasonable things.

    "Maybe they are making a mod for a game and can't fine good mulch assets"

    Like I accepted a random person needed mulch so quickly.

    ericbomb ,

    So is it one per house hold per month, or one per person per month?

    And it sounds like monthly is free, great value, but what about if I need it weekly?

    ericbomb ,

    He's zoomer game show host.

    All you really need to know.

    ericbomb ,

    I mean I just think of him as zoomer game show host. So that's a bit harsh.

    Most of his challenges either are straight rips or would feel right at home in survivor/fear factor, then some challenges are just big brother straight up.

    But I suppose you can say the same thing about all game shows that have normal folks on it competing for life changing amounts of money.

    ericbomb OP ,

    I mean we would use gold in electronics a lot more if it wasn't considered valuable. So it's not perfect because it actually has a wonderful use outside of being valuable.

    Rather unlucky society picked gold and silver to he valuable with how useful they.

    ericbomb OP ,

    Every dollar is a square inch of the moon owner ship!

    ericbomb OP ,

    Energy credits coming in hot.

    ericbomb OP ,

    So the more money you have, the more freedom you have?...

    I think it already works like that.

    ericbomb OP ,

    If every dollar printed meant the US planted a tree, then anytime a tree is cut down (even on private land) you have to turn in a dollar to be taken out of circulation, it technically would work.

    ericbomb OP ,

    Well to get the thing that is backing the dollar, they would have to turn in us dollars that would be taken out of circulation . So a bunch of countries at the same time would get a bunch of USD and turn them in.

    ericbomb ,

    Someone else makes a complicated tools for teeth doctors to record what they do and helps them keep track of how much money they are owed.

    I teach people to use that tool, and fix it when it breaks. Usually both because I'll try to explain how to do something and realize it's broken half way through

    ericbomb ,

    So I was raised LDS, and the exmormon community says all Mormons have a "shelf"

    Basically everytime you ask a question and the answer is along the lines of "we don't have the answer to everything, all will be revealed in time" we put that weird thing on out shelf. Eventually, too many things are on the shelf, and it breaks.

    Some people who want to stay in the LDS church because it makes them happy have a very strong shelf. Those who want to stay because of fear/social pressure avoid looking at anything that might need to be on their shelves.

    Some common shelf items that were on mine:

    Book of Mormon describes the natives having very European technology around 0 AD. They have metal swords, horses, chariots, to name a few. Yeah they just didn't.

    Even in a time when it was incredibly common to be anti slavery since the Civil War was around the corner, the idea that black people were inferior to white people and should serve them was heavily recorded in the early church. And black men couldn't reach full status like a white man until 1978. They preach that God loves all his children equally... but apparently there were a few qualifiers about skin color.

    How they treat women is trash.

    Prophets supposedly are getting revelation from the same God, but keep contradicting each other. Most famous example is "Adam was God" theory. Most recent high profile example was a previous prophet ran a campaign called "meet the Mormons" trying to sell the idea that being a mormon was super normal. But current prophet says "mormon" is a derogatory term and a win for Satan?

    The way they demand super poor people pay tithing, while holding upwards of a hundred billion in reserve for no apparent reason. They could easily end hunger in the US, and maybe even homelessness. And they would if they actually followed the teachings of the loving christ they claim to follow.

    They claim that they have magical gifts, like being able to tell if people lie. Given the rapists and worse that have been high ranking members of the church, either they are liars or complicit. But given how often they defend rapists that were obviously guilty, probably just both.

    I could go on for awhile... but those were my shelf items. One day it just broke and I was like... huh this is all just nonsense isn't it.

    ericbomb ,

    Yeah it feels right for a lot of situations!

    It's just how much bs a belief can hold before it all falls apart.

    I personally got compounding items on my shelf. Because I would ask "hey what happened to the metal swords the book of Mormon talks a lot about?"

    Instead of a reasonable answer, I was more or less told not to ask those questions. So "it's bad to ask questions" gets added to the shelf. I imagine it was the same for a most people leaving religion.

    The anti-war Russians who refuse to flee: despite repression from the Kremlin, some Russian human rights defenders don’t want to give up their fight ( )

    Since February 2022, about 20,000 people have been detained at anti-war protests in Russia, according to human rights project OVD-Info, with almost 900 of these cases leading to prosecution....

    ericbomb ,

    Okay but just slowly putting on a clown nose when draconic rulings are made in court is amazing. Surprised she hasn't been arrested yet.

    ericbomb ,

    The obsession with scooter and bike speeds that don't have the mass to seriously hurt people at top speed is crazy.

    Like you can find videos of people being hit at top speed by scooters/bikes, usually the pedestrian is pretty fine but rightfully annoyed. Every fatal accident I can find is the escooter/ebiker was hit by a car.

    Fingers crossed they stop being dumb and just make actual infrastructure for micromobility so they don't have to compete with giant murder machines.

    ericbomb ,

    Ahh, that was from an event 2022, probably also part of why I missed it, also I was looking in US last time I looked for statistics. Any chance finding statistics for like 2023?

    ericbomb ,

    You know what? Yeah you're right, that's just a motorcycle with pedals and probably could do a lot of force if it hits a pedestrian and probably should just be treated like a motorcycle.

    I have a cutesy little escooter that I feel like has a better chance of harming someone by picking it up and using it as a blunt weapon than trying to run them over at 15 mph. Make no mistake, riding on sidewalks is still super dangerous and shouldn't be done if there is any chance of a pedestrian, but you'd think they would just build proper infrastructure instead of limit them. If they had a bike lane with passing space, they could be as beastly as they want while passing me.

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