@navi@lemmy.tespia.org cover
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar



test sad

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

I run my own instance for just my self and I see different counts.

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

Happens to me on Windows about once a week FWIW.

Mirror all data on NAS A to NAS B

I'm duplicating my server hardware and moving the second set off site. I want to keep the data live since the whole system will be load balanced with my on site system. I've contemplated tools like syncthing to make a 1 to 1 copy of the data to NAS B but i know there has to be a better way. What have you used successfully?

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

Tax evasion?

Believe it or not, straight to jail.

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

I can't remember where I heard this, but the gist of all bird calls is either "ME ME ME!" or "YOU YOU YOU!".

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

I think this is good, especially since most other brands have flopped hard in the tablet space.

Even my friends and family who have android phones have ipads because it's such a good product with it's peripherals versus the other devices in the market.

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

This reminds me. I was just in Japan and Peanuts is huge over there. Felt like going back 20 years.

navi , (edited )
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

It really is the perfect example of a "grind like it's your job" Korean MMO.

5x private servers made it tolerable.

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

It probably is the the best bang for their buck. I doubt they lose significant profit from the simple stopgaps.

navi ,
@navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

15 and 30 year fixed mortgages is pretty unique to the US.

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  • navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Nothing to do with Tesla, why is that even in the title?

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    If you haven't watched Tales from the Loop, go watch it.

    Not really casual but I i don't know where to put this. I lost a school kid last week...

    It's very sad, but with the holiday weekend I've been able to keep it in the back of my mind instead of the front. Now that Mom is sharing info on services, i can't imagine actually going there and seeing and what to say... and it's getting to me, a lot. Today is a celebration day in my house and i don't want to bring my family...

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    I am a big fan of the quote about greif. This whole post is worth a read.

    Stand at the brink of the abyss of despair, and when you see that you cannot bear it anymore, draw back a little and have a cup of tea.


    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Audio book gang unite!

    I normally pirate audio books and purchase them physically for our bookshelves around the house because I like the look and supporting the author but I like listening a lot more.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    WebKit is open source 😅 so maybe Bamboo is a little worse in that regard.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Force push main with one giant squash commit.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    We play it HARD a few weekends a year. So amazing to get lost in a new world every now and then.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    There it is again, that funny feeling.

    navi , (edited )
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Tapas are a delight and you know it.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Love the Turkish lights. Have a few in our home and they are wonderful.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Doesn't it react to your alarm? Did you use your phone as an alarm?

    SpaceX planning rapid turnaround for next Starship flight ( spacenews.com )

    Speaking at the Satellite 2024 conference March 19, Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of SpaceX, said the company was still reviewing the data from the vehicle’s third integrated launch March 14 but expected to be ready to fly again soon....

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Gwynne better be getting bank rolled hard because she keeps this ship going strong.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    What is the logic beging UTC clocks (assuming you aren't in a UTC time zone)? Less fingerprinting?

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Which is disgusting if you think about it.

    Get money out of politics.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    You know spy, a bunch of bitchy little girls.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    I'm inexperienced with Usenet, but why is it better than torrenting?

    I have 5-6 trackers which provides me basically everything I need and it sounds like Usenet might be similar in that regard.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    That's interesting about the life time. I've actually heard the opposite, where niche/old things can be easier to get from specific trackers vs Usenet because of their lack of popularity.

    I suppose it's probably mostly about which websites you are a part of and if they specialize in specific content.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    anyone down voting this, just remember that this is what your mom or friend will say when you send this to them.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    How to I read the article with an ad blocker?

    The modern web is so user hostile.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    You can buy car emblems for $5 on ebay 😏

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Absolutely blew my mind that I had to change muscle memory for 1Password because Firefox already used their chrome key chords.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Fish sticks and custard is looking mighty fine.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Better late than never I guess but with mass NACS adoption this will be basically useless in a few years.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    Very interesting! I hope they make that clear that this is a "NACS" retrofit as well in the listing.

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    My dumb ass went straight to TJ Maxx 😂

    navi ,
    @navi@lemmy.tespia.org avatar

    it's really not IMO.

    DMA is extremely reasonable and Big Tech is kicking and screaming the whole way for the stupidest, little reasons.

    Windows 11 EEA edition that actually respects your choice of browser? Are you fucking kidding me?

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