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ursakhiin ,

Some of those I'm surprised they are as old as they are. Nachos seems like something the 70s came up with.

ursakhiin ,

as long as you're not fighting against observations and evidence without additional observations and evidence.

Observations and evidence could be non-maliciously incorrect. New observations could be made that invalidate the old after another change in our perception occurs.

Observations and evidence just show to the best of our abilities at the moment.

ursakhiin ,

Think about the Pentium versions of the Celeron, too. XP was their peak time.

ursakhiin ,

It's not reliability the mechanic is picking older cars for. It's the ability to work on it themselves.

Most people would be paying more to have somebody work on an older car over and over again because the parts aren't made anymore.

ursakhiin ,

I disagree. Newer vehicles have more parts for a variety of beneficial reasons.

ursakhiin ,

Don't forget the part where it's on two continental plates.

ursakhiin ,

He needed to raise funds for a road trip with an older man. Cut him some slack.

ursakhiin ,

Are you saying you don't clean your butthole?

ursakhiin ,

Some things we would want to install aren't in the official repos. Downloading the deb file is a solution to that for newer users.

ursakhiin ,

My only criteria for the 2020 Presidential general election was not actively trying to divide the country and not trying to make enemies of our allies internationally. This became the case because all of the candidates I actually wanted didn't have the support.

I still feel Biden is much better than Trump in those two areas. Is Biden good? No. It's he actively trying to destroy things? Also no.

ursakhiin ,

Do it 2 days before highly anticipated mod drops

ursakhiin ,

I've definitely played through 7 about 15 times. 8 and 9 twice.

Mario RPG I knew like the back of my hand growing up, I had played it so much. There's been a few others as well.

Legend of Dragoon got a few play through. Grandia II as well.

ursakhiin ,

Does not compute. Turtle stuck in my bum.

ursakhiin ,

By this description, year zero is the time between the 0 and the 1 for the same reason the time between 10 and 11 is the year 10.

ursakhiin ,

It's not attitude they are giving you. It's strong recommendation. It's the strong recommendation of the entire Linux community.

Sudo is different than run as admin and is not intended to be used to do things the way Windows does them.

ursakhiin ,

The biggest thing he got wrong is the assumption that it's good programmers writing libraries.

ursakhiin ,

I love Mario Maker, but I would suggest skipping 2 at this point. It's been out so long that most of the hype has died on it and there is so much garbage content that somebody picking it up right now is likely to get frustrating for new players.

ursakhiin ,

I'd rather just more farscape. Or a whole new IP. My biggest pet peeve with scifi is that they keep hinting at trying new ideas by leveraging old IP just for name recognition.

It's good for business but bad for creativity.

ursakhiin ,

This interaction is so indicative of the reality of device fandom.

The Android user isn't storing information about the iPhone in their brain.

The iPhone user is responding like everybody knows everything about iPhone features and it was dumb of the android user to not know this thing.

ursakhiin ,

Dude is effectively open challenging data-miners. Regardless of how people feel about them, this is going to motivate them to try.

Even if this one game limits them until things are found, the techniques likely won't work again as the data miners will then look at how they could have discovered the keys given knowledge of how to find them.

This is what is meant by it being an arms race.

ursakhiin ,

Trump has people trying to get his base to buy the stock with the express purpose of pumping it up to give him more assets to work with to fund his legal battles.

I wouldn't be surprised if the SEC is currently investigating it because they haven't been trying to hide it at all.

ursakhiin ,

I'm disappointed that the more info button is also a triggerfish screen. I was hoping for more information to enhance the gag.

ursakhiin ,

Human made changes is likely not what caused this image to occur.

111 files with that kind of change count is most likely a dependency update. But could also be that somebody screwed up a merge step somewhere.

ursakhiin ,

Many organizations vendor packages in the repo for a number of different reasons and languages. Not just for node.

ursakhiin ,

This is such a weird take to me. We don't even colloquially discuss computer storage in terms of 1000.

The Greek terms were used from the beginning of computing and the new terms of kibi and mebi (etc.) were only added in 1998 when Members it the IEC got upset. But despite that, most personal computers still report in the binary way. The decimal is only used on boxes for marketing terms.

ursakhiin ,

Windows reports using binary and continues to use the Greek terms. Windows is still the holder of largest market share for PC operating systems.

ursakhiin ,

Another statement that when made in an echo chamber will be taken to mean the side of that chamber is right.

ursakhiin ,

I think maybe you're assuming I'm the first person that replied to you.

ursakhiin ,

After my most recent upgrade i loaded up nearly a TB of mods with Wabbajack. It looked gorgeous. It ran smoothly. The gameplay mods made it less fun!

ursakhiin ,

Was definitely worth it. My biggest problem with it isn't even Wabbajack.

The modding community send to have settled on making Skyrim hardcore these days. While I fine games that are meant for that fun, it's not why I want to play Skyrim. So those mod packs end up ruining the game for me.

ursakhiin ,

Nah. The door wasn't drawn. The door would be in front of the man.

ursakhiin ,

The subject is the ball. What is behind the ball was left out.

ursakhiin ,

That may work in real life, but this is a hand drawn image.

The levels of distortion around the edges of Eschers drawing don't match what is shown in your example.

ursakhiin ,

I won't even think being as complicated as Mirroring for leveling is necessary. Re-add attributes and skills, give favorite skills unique bonuses, level off of the the growth of skills, give a flat number of attribute points per level regardless of what skills you leveled, keep perks because those are fun and as variety.

ursakhiin ,

And not just that, you're a mercenary. There's only so many types of tasks you get hired for. CDPR did a really great job differentiating gigs from eachother IMO.

Sure some of them are cookie cutter, but there's a story behind them and sometimes you can link that story into the overall world. Sometimes there's choices to make that impact the outcome. Usually there's multiple ways to approach it. And very few of them have the same layout.

There's 89 Gigs in the base game. I didn't at all feel ripped off that some of them are similar. I'd rather the gigs feel similar than have them encroaching on the side quests in feel.

ursakhiin ,

I'm happy that the community feels satisfied with this ending. I'm not sure I buy it, though.

I've seen every move in this level be completed. I think it's incredibly difficult but still possible. Based on everything I've seen from the creator recently this seems more like an attempt to get people to shut up about it to me.

ursakhiin ,

The creator says they didn't beat it. I'm saying that based on their history, I actually think they are lying right now to get people to stop bothering them

They reportedly were highly addicted to SMM around the time they uploaded this level, having messed up aspects of their lives. They wanted to be left alone about this whole situation but the Internet doesn't let things like that happen.

Saying it was a TAS is the easiest way to get everybody to stop playing the level and hopefully stop the discussion 2 weeks sooner.

I'm happy Team 0% is satisfied with the conclusion. I'm just skeptical, especially considering nobody knew about TAS's existing for the game near that window.

ursakhiin ,

If you were never going to buy it, why pirate it?

ursakhiin ,

That indicates that you might buy it if it's good. The person I replied to implied they would never have purchased it at all.

ursakhiin ,

I got drunk at a friend's house playing red flags once and kept texting my wife how great she was and telling everybody at the table how great she was. She was in the room.

ursakhiin ,

None of those things are required but they sure do help.

ursakhiin ,

Don't worry. They'll change it again next week.

ursakhiin ,

If lunchables had Prosciutto and Brie that weren't made of plastic, is probably get that, too.

ursakhiin ,

What is "Out the ass" in this context?

Does Publix not sell premium meat and cheese? The grocery stores in my area do and somebody could definitely get away with that here.

Much of making a good charcuterie is individually separating things on the board. We are paying for a combination of the time it took to assemble plus the time we will be continuing to eat it and for them to clean up.

ursakhiin ,

When was that? I'm nearly 40 and don't recall that ever being true.

ursakhiin ,

Most products have always had bugs in them, though.

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